Senator O'Brien, staff "Wear Red for Women"

Ted O'Brien

February 7, 2014

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Senator Ted O'Brien and his district staff are all wearing shades of red today, joining thousands of people nationwide in observing "Wear Red for Women" Day, promoting awareness of the danger heart disease poses to women's health.

"I am honored to join the American Heart Association in observing 'Wear Red for Women' day this year," Senator O'Brien said. "We must do more to spread awareness of the single greatest danger to women's health, heart disease, which kills more than all forms of cancer combined.  Participation in events like this will raise awareness and encourage women to discuss their family history and other risk factors with medical professionals.  The hope is that women will be better equipped to make well-informed healthcare decisions."

Senator O'Brien specifically hopes to strike out against common myths surrounding heart disease, including:

  • It's a "man's disease"
  • It only affects older people
  • It can't strike those who are fit and active
  • It will always be accompanied by severe symptoms and warning signs


All of these myths are inaccurate and, sadly, contribute to higher death rates from heart disease and less aggressive treatment among its female sufferers.

"We cannot delay in getting the facts about heart disease out there," said Senator O'Brien.  "This is, frankly, a major public health crisis -- we're losing a woman every minute to heart disease in this country, and we all need to do our part to raise awareness.  I'm honored to be a part of this campaign."

Detailed information about the dangers of heart disease, particularly about how symptoms and warning signs can differ greatly between male and female sufferers, and additional information about the "Wear Red for Women" campaign is available at


Sen. O’Brien represents the 55th district in the Senate, which is made up of the eastern half of Monroe County and the western half of Ontario County, including much of the city of Rochester.

Media contact:

Thomas J. Morrisey, Communications Director
office:  (585) 218-0034