Ritchie Invites North Country to Show Support for Searchers

Patty Ritchie

June 19, 2015

Free Posters Available in Appreciation for Long Hours Served to Catch Escaped Killers and Keep Us Safe

State Senator Patty Ritchie is distributing free posters and urging North Country residents to display “law enforcement blue” ribbons around their homes to show support for the hundreds of corrections officers, police and others who have been working day and night to capture two escapees from the maximum-security Dannemora state prison.

The posters, which proclaim, “We Support the Searchers,” can be displayed in cars, or home or office windows, and are available at the Senator’s Ogdensburg district office, 330 Ford St. (basement of City Hall), during business hours.

“For two weeks, hundreds of law enforcement officers have been doing the dirty, tiring and dangerous work of searching woods, swamps and neighborhoods, and chasing down hundreds of leads, to find and capture two notorious killers, and here’s a simple way we can show our appreciation for their hard work and sacrifice to keep us safe,” Senator Ritchie said.

Displaying blue ribbons tied to trees or attached to vehicles has long been a traditional way to show support for law enforcement.

Senator Ritchie will also use the symbol on her website and social media to help spread the word, and show appreciation for searchers.