Patty Ritchie

October 26, 2015

Every day, the choices we make impact our health and well-being.  And as research has shown, doing things like eating nutritious foods, exercising and getting regular health checks can help you live a longer life.

While it’s important for everyone to practice healthy living habits, it’s especially important for our aging population.  That’s why every year, I hold my “Senior Health and Wellness Fairs” in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties.  This year, I was pleased to host more than 2,000 people at my three Senior Health and Wellness Fairs.  At these events, seniors were able to access important health tips, screenings, free flu shots and other information that can help people stay active as they age. 

And, these events aren’t just about staying healthy—they’re about reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.  As in past years, my 2015 Senior Health and Wellness Fairs featured entertainment and free lunches, made possible through special funding I secured and prepared by the “future chefs” from St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES and Oswego County CiTi.

These year’s Senior Health and Wellness Fairs were better than ever and wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our many sponsors.  I’d like to thank the following businesses and organizations for the role they played in making these events so successful:

SUNY Oswego

Dunkin’ Donuts

Behling Orchards

Ontario Orchards

Cabot Cheese

Oswego County CiTi

Anybody’s Guess


Oswego County Sheriff’s Department

Kinney Drugs

Exelon Corporation

Hudsons’ Dairy

The City of Ogdensburg

The Starlighters

St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES

Pepsi-Cola Ogdensburg Bottlers Inc.

The Ogdensburg Police Department

St. Lawrence NYSARC

Carthage Area Hospital

Guilfoyle Ambulance Service

The Country Stompers

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department

In addition, I would also like to thank the many exhibitors who were on hand offering seniors the vital information and health checks they need to continue to live active lives.  From free flu shots to opportunities to dispose of prescription medications safely, your participation truly made the events a success. 

Today, people are living longer than ever before.  And because of our increased life expectancy, it’s more important than ever to be equipped with the knowledge necessary to continue to live a healthy life.  With my 2015 Senior Health and Wellness Fairs in the books, I’m looking forward to continuing other efforts to support our aging population.  For updates on the work I’m doing, please visit my website,