Senator Gianaris Condemns Yet Another Act of Bigotry

(Astoria, NY) – Senator Michael Gianaris addressed a new post-election hate incident in Astoria, in which anti-gay remarks appeared on an MTA bus stop near 30th Avenue & 36th Street.

“I will not allow hostility and prejudice to divide our great community, and will work to ensure any form of bigotry will be aggressively rejected. It is disgusting to see these incidents continuing in our country. We must continue to respect one another, no matter our differences.”

Since the election, Astoria has seen a surge in hate crimes and hateful rhetoric. Senator Gianaris has quickly acted against these actions and denounced any violence that has taken place including recent incidents where Muslims, Latinos and others have been victims of hate crimes.  

The attached photo displays the statement that was drawn at the bus stop. It has since been removed.
