Murphy comments on Regents ruling granting teaching licenses to illegal immigrants
February 26, 2016

ALBANY, NY - State Senator Terrence Murphy released the following statement in response to the proposed rule submitted by the Board of Regents that would allow teaching licenses to be granted to illegal immigrants:
"Allowing lawbreakers to teach, or practice medicine, says a lot about how backwards our priorities truly are in New York. This is another example of why rule-making by unelected bureaucrats is what is ruining New York State. Will they next unilaterally enact free college tuition for illegal immigrants?"
"A military spouse with an equivalent license in another state cannot become a teacher in New York when their spouse is reassigned to Fort Drum, nor, can a military registered nurse get a license in New York equivalent to their military training. Unlike those who are present here illegally, these Americans have truly done everything right and yet the Board of Regents closes the door on their dreams every day.
"Commissioner Elia should be focusing on reciprocity and interstate licensure for those who have earned it, instead of doing further harm to our already broken immigration system and rewarding lawbreakers."