Hoylman: Trump's outrageous ban on transgender Americans serving in the military is state-sponsored discrimination and a sinister threat to the civil rights of all Americans."

NEW YORK - State Senator Brad Hoylman (D, WF-Manhattan), the only openly LGBTQ member of the New York State Senate, released the following statement excoriating President Trump's announcement today prohibiting transgender people from serving "in any capacity in the U.S. military." The ban would affect anĀ estimated 15,000 transgender people currently serving in the United States Armed Forces.

"Trump's outrageous ban on transgender Americans serving in the military is state-sponsored discrimination and a sinister threat to the civil rights of all Americans. This kind of naked bigotry is not only morally reprehensible, but simply bad policy, robbing our armed forces of some of its best and brightest. I trust this discriminatory action will be challenged in court and I aim to provide support for that effort."

Trump's announcement follows his administration's recent rollback of guidelines preventing discrimination against trans students in public schools. Hoylman has introduced legislation in the State Senate that would ensure all New York State school districts adopt policies that protect transgender students from discrimination in all forms, as well as legislation to ensure that LGBT veterans who were discharged from the military due to their sexual orientation or gender identity are eligible to receive New York State veterans benefits.