Ortt: End New York State Tax Breaks for Hollywood Millionaires

Robert G. Ortt

October 27, 2017

Following the revelation that the Weinstein Company received over $5 million in New York State film tax credits, State Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I – North Tonawanda) today issued the following statement calling for the elimination of the credits:

“Just when we thought we couldn’t be more sickened by the revelations surrounding Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood executives, New Yorkers learn that they wrote a $5 million check to Mr. Weinstein’s company. As the state faces a potential $4 billion budget deficit next year, let this serve as a timely catalyst to eliminate taxpayers’ $420 million-a-year giveaway to the film and television industry. It will be a flawed argument – morally and fiscally – if the Governor and Legislature continue corporate Hollywood welfare while cutting funding for disability programs, mental health treatment, opioid and addiction services, or education aid.”