Senator Phillips Honors Local 5th Battalion First Responders During Series Of Annual Appreciation Nights

Elaine Phillips

July 25, 2018

Senator Elaine Phillips recently hosted a First Responders Appreciation Night in Roslyn as part of her series of events honoring the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect residents in the 7th Senate District.

“Local volunteer firefighters are the foundation of our Long Island communities and we cannot thank them enough for their selfless, dedicated service to keeping our families safe,” Senator Phillips said. “While no amount of thanks can express the appreciation we have for our first responders, or underscore the important role they play in our communities, events such as this provide an opportunity to recognize those that go above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you to the Roslyn Highlands Fire Department and Chief Esteban Varela for hosting the event and to all our first responders for your commitment and dedicated service.”

Honorees included 5th Battalion members of the Roslyn Highlands Fire Department and Roslyn Rescue Hook and Ladder.

“I’d like to thank and commend all our first responders who leave their families in the middle of the night to keep our community safe. The sacrifices they make for the betterment of their neighbors is truly noble,” Chief Esteban Varela Jr. of Roslyn Highlands said. “Furthermore, I’d like to extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Senator Phillips for always having our department and its members’ back.”

“Thank you to all our members for their untiring dedication and efforts to the protection and wellbeing of our local residents. I would like to especially thank the two honorees who served overseas for their country and came back ready to serve their community,” Chief Eric Lippe of Roslyn Rescue Hook & Ladder said. “I’d also like to acknowledge and thank Senator Phillips for everything she’s done to care for and support our department and its members.”

The honorees included:

Roslyn Highlands

Ex Chief Frank Sokolski joined the Roslyn Highlands Fire Company in October 1952 and was recognized earlier this year for 65 years of service. During his years of service he has been an EMT, fire company trustee, past recipient of the Firefighter of the Year award, and an active member in many firematic organizations. On October 25, 1963 he was injured in the line of duty at a brush fire on Flamingo Road in East Hills. Sokolski comes from a firefighting family and all three of his sons are members of the Roslyn Highlands Fire Company.  Chief Sokolski served in the United States Navy and worked for the Nassau County Fire Marshall’s Office as an arson investigator. Sokolski also worked for the Grumman Aircraft engineering Corporation most notably on their lunar modules, which deposited Astronaut Neil Armstrong and all those that followed him on the moon.

Ex Chief Carmen Ceriello joined Roslyn Highlands September 1952 and completed more than 60 years of active service in the Roslyn Highlands Fire Company. In 1962, while serving as Chief, Carmen Ceriello was injured in the line of duty at a house fire in Old Westbury. In recent years, Ceriello has remained active in various firematic organizations including the North Shore Fire Council. Outside Roslyn Highlands, Ceriello completed service in the US Army.

Roslyn Rescue

Perry Naviasky joined Roslyn Rescue in 2010 and left to serve his country in the Marines from 2013-2017. Perry is very active and values training and mentoring the younger/newer members. He is involved in the Retention and Recruitment Committee, assisting the Chiefs with maintaining the Training Office

Cole Muttee’s service began in 2009 and he left to serve his country as a Marine from 2013-2017. Cole currently serves as an EMS Lieutenants and is an active member of the Fire Company assisting the Fire Company numerous times with committees involving new EMS responder vehicles.