Senator Phillips Secures $50,000 For The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition

Elaine Phillips

June 29, 2018

Continuing her efforts to support women’s health, Senator Elaine Phillips announced today that she has secured $50,000 for the Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition for women’s health cancer services that will help improve the lives of Long Island women. The funding is part of a resolution passed by the New York State Senate to support a range of community-based investments in cancer prevention and treatment, maternal health initiatives, help for new mothers with substance abuse problems, and other programs to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Senator Phillips recently met with Laura Weinberg, President of the Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition, and members to discuss some of the organization’s programs and initiatives.

“The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition is an invaluable resource in our local communities and it was a pleasure to help secure this important funding for their efforts and initiatives,” Senator Phillips said. “Roughly 1 in 8 women in our country will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime and here on Long Island, cancer rates are unfortunately higher than average. Early detection is paramount and when found early enough, breast cancer can be highly treatable. This vital funding will assist with educational outreach, support services to those with breast cancer and related diseases and advocacy of breast cancer research.”

“The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition is so appreciative of Senator Phillips’ ongoing support and for securing a $50,000 New York State grant for our organization,” said Laura Weinberg, Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition. “We are thrilled that we have been selected as a recipient of this generous funding for our organization's programs.”

The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition, which began in 1992, is dedicated to the battle against breast cancer through education, advocacy and research.