Ortt Appalled by Suggestion of Bailout
Robert G. Ortt
July 23, 2018
“From a fiscal and constitutional standpoint, I'm appalled at the Governor's suggestion that New York taxpayers should bail out a private news outlet. In terms of the state's fiscal priorities, I would hope that we would first focus on repairing our roads, funding our schools, and providing mental health and addiction recovery services. Maybe the Governor is trying to curry favor with a press corps that - aside from the occasional mansplaining to a female reporter or struggle to identify local issues that matter to New Yorkers - he's downright avoided for years. Or maybe we're seeing the where the radical, regressive left now stands on the First Amendment - believing that government should be a shareholder in a "free" press. Having witnessed how the Governor's office micromanages or mismanages public funds, I don't believe there's any way this proposal could fly."