Senator Amedore Statement on Proposed ‘Prison Minimum Wage Act’

George Amedore

February 8, 2019

Earlier this week, Governor Cuomo and Comptroller DiNapoli announced we are facing a $2.3 billion budget deficit. On the heels of that news, Democrat lawmakers in the Legislature laid out an outrageous proposal to increase the minimum wage for inmates in prison.

At a time when everyday New Yorkers are struggling to make ends meet, when our direct care workers who provide care for the most vulnerable aren’t making a living wage, and towns and villages throughout the state are having critical funding stripped, to say this idea is misguided is an understatement.

It’s time for the new Majority in the State Senate to get their priorities straight and address the real issues that are facing New Yorkers. I will continue to stand against these irresponsible policies and on the side of law-abiding, over-burdened taxpayers.


Link to S.3138, the ‘Prison Minimum Wage Act’: