Bill Criminalizing Revenge Porn Signed Into Law

(ALBANY, NY); On July 23, 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed Senator Martinez’ bill, which criminalizes the dissemination and publication of explicit and intimate images without consent, into law. The provisions set forth in the bill will take effect in sixty days. 

This law makes the distribution of intimate images punishable by up to a year in jail, and creates an avenue for victims to bring the perpetrators of this crime to civil court in order to get the justice they deserve. 

"I was proud to champion this issue at a county level, and today I am honored to stand with my colleagues to pass this vitally important legislation at a state-wide that protects victims of this particularly heinous violation. We are sending a strong message that this behavior will no longer be tolerated in the State of New York, and in doing so we are empowering victims to take a stand against this kind of violation. I want to extend my gratitude to the individuals who have come forward to share their powerful stories and to the advocacy groups who have given victims a voice” stated Senator Martinez.”  stated Bill Sponsor, Senator Monica R. Martinez.



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