Senate OKs Rangers and ENCON officers to carry EpiPens
May 27, 2021

The State Senate today approved legislation to authorize forest rangers, park rangers and environmental conservation police officers to possess and administer epinephrine. Senator Dan Stec cosponsored the bipartisan legislation, which already passed the Assembly.
“This is as common-sense as legislation can be,” said Senator Dan Stec. “Rangers and conservation officers are very well trained, ready to deal with most emergencies but, remarkably, not equipped with a potentially life-saving epi-pen.
“With more people on the trails and in the back country, the likelihood of someone suffering a severe allergic reaction far from a medical facility has grown,” said Stec. “I’m very hopeful this will be signed into law.”
Epinephrine injectors, or "epi-pens," reverse the effects of severe allergic reactions, or anaphylaxis, from bee stings, drug reactions, food allergies, or exercise-induced shock.
The legislation (S4375) would amend state public health law, adding forest rangers, park rangers and environmental conservation police officers to the list of "eligible persons or entities" authorized to administer epinephrine.
If signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo, the measure would take effect after 30 days.