Stec: End the restaurant curfew

Senator Dan Stec today said the State Legislature should take action to end Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive order that currently requires restaurants to close by 11 pm.

Stec is cosponsoring a legislative resolution (J541) which, if approved, would immediately end the governor’s restaurant executive order.  At a press conference in the State Capitol today, Stec and dozens of Republican colleagues asked the Democratic Majorities in the Senate and Assembly to support the resolution.

“The science says and logic dictates that nothing magical or mysterious happens at 11 pm that impacts the transmissibility of covid-19,” said Stec.  “The imposition of an arbitrary curfew has hurt businesses with devastating consequences.  Thousands of restaurants have closed and tens of thousands of jobs are gone. 

“Those still hanging on desperately need help,” said Stec.  “They want to succeed but Cuomo’s arbitrary and unscientific curfew is making it very difficult.  The governor is still calling the shots but only because he’s allowed.  The State Legislature can and should take action and do something, which is the point of this legislative resolution.”

Stec on multiple occasions this legislative session has introduced amendments to completely end the governor’s emergency powers, which have been in effect for more than a year.

“More than two weeks ago, the Democratic Majorities made the claim they had ended the governor’s emergency powers but ‘what has changed’ is my question,” said Stec.  “The reality is not much.  Rather than ‘wait and see’ what the governor might announce tomorrow or next weekend or next month, the Legislature should reassert its constitutional role and listen to and act on behalf of the people and businesses we are elected to serve.”
