Stec: Farm Laborer Wage Board Decision Sows Disaster for Farming Families

Daniel G. Stec

January 29, 2022

“The Farm Laborers Wage Board decision to lower the overtime threshold sets our local agriculture industry and family farmers up for failure. Despite widespread opposition from farmers across the state, the unelected bureaucrats on the board have moved forward with a new mandate that could jeopardize the future of agriculture in our communities and state. 

“At a time when residents are leaving our state in droves and opportunities are dwindling, now is certainly not the time to move forward with an unpopular mandate that makes it harder for farmers to hire workers. 

“Agriculture is the economic backbone of this state and everyone agrees that both farmers and farmworkers deserve a fair deal. The Farm Laborer Wage Board’s move harms both. I urge the board to reconsider this decision, before it leads to further exodus from New York State.”