Statement from Senate Deputy Leader Gianaris on Dr. Phil Composto’s Reappointment as District 30 Superintendent
June 27, 2022

ASTORIA, N.Y. – Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris issued the following statement about the Department of Education’s decision to reappoint Dr. Phil Composto as Superintendent for District 30.
“Dr. Composto is a capable administrator who has earned the respect of families, students, and the general community for his engaging leadership. I am pleased the city listened to the wishes of those stakeholders and opened their process to allow for Dr. Composto to be reappointed.”
Earlier this year, the city Department of Education planned to replace Dr. Composto as District 30 superintendent without allowing him to go through the full process to reapply for his position. Senator Gianaris urged the Department of Education to reopen their process, allowing Dr. Composto to be included and hear comment from area families.