Senate Strengthens Protections for Domestic Animals

The New York State Senate approved a legislative package to give domestic animals in New York greater protections. The legislation will ban the sale of puppy mill animals and the sale of animal-tested cosmetics. It clarifies the crime of aggravated cruelty to animals and prevents breed discrimination against homeowners by insurance companies. Included in the package is the Big Five African Trophies Act which will ban the importation, transportation, and possession of certain African wildlife species. The legislative package continues the Senate Majority Conference’s continued advocacy for animal welfare, Read the Senate Majority Press Release.

Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, “Our pets are like family to many of us, but unfortunately, there remain bad actors who abuse and abandon animals in harsh conditions. As Senate Majority Leader, I have emphasized the importance of animal welfare and how it reflects who we are as a society. This comprehensive package is necessary to combat the mistreatment, neglect, and abuse of domestic animals. These bills also promote the proper care and consideration that animals deserve. I commend the bill sponsors, and we will continue to pass common-sense legislation to keep our animal friends out of harm’s way.”

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Senators Involved

35th Senate District

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