Jacob Ashby

January 31, 2023

Area Lawmakers Want To Support Local Districts With Funding In This Year’s Budget

Sen. Jake Ashby (R,C-Castleton) and Assemblyman Scott Bendett (R,C-Sand Lake) today announced their support for legislation providing school children with access to breakfast and lunch at no cost to the family.

During the pandemic, the federal government provided funding to administer the program. The legislators would like to continue the initiative with state funding.

“While the worst of the pandemic is behind us, our state economy is far from healthy. Too many families are still being crushed by inflation, escalating utility bills and exorbitant prices at the grocery store. They’ve come to rely on this program. There’s plenty of places I’d like to cut government spending. Meals for hungry children isn’t one,” said Ashby.

“This is an investment in our students’ futures. Food insecurity negatively impacts student achievement, creating disparities that can be tough to recover from later in life. I don’t want hungry kids in our district, and I don’t want to pull the rug out on families who have been relying on this program,” said Bendett.

Statewide, hundreds of districts already provide universal meals.

“We’re hopeful that the governor will include funding in her budget proposal to help the remaining schools, many of them in rural areas, offer this critical program,” said the lawmakers.