Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of May 28, 2024
Jim Ranney
June 3, 2024
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S2601B This bill would prohibit any state-chartered bank that provides benefit banking services to the state or local governments from charging fees to benefit recipients. NAY (Imposed on State charted banks only.)
S3057A Permits the principal of any high school to allow any local fire department, upon request, to enter the school for the purpose of fire department junior recruitment, including, but not limited to: making presentations; disseminating literature; and answering questions by students. AYE
S1200B Establishes a statewide program to provide eligible participants with affordability payment plans. The company must provide "appropriate payment plans" to qualifying low income individuals and the fiscal impact of the program shall not be borne by the customers and shall not be added to bills rendered by the investor owned combination utility company to customers. AYE
S4305A Requires that all cellular telephone service providers shall provide full plans by December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-four for the conversion of all respective cell towers to renewable energy by two thousand thirty. NAY (No evidence study is needed.)
S7555A Authorizes the Friendship Engine and Hose Company to file an application for exemption from real property taxes. AYE
S2241 Designates March twenty-first as a day of commemoration to be known as "Down Syndrome Awareness Day". AYE
S3284 Establishes September twenty-second of each year as a day of commemoration known as Veteran Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Day. AYE
S2535 This bill would amend the project applications and advisory opinions of the public authorities control board. AYE
S8142 This bill would repeal the Public Authorities Law, section 51 (6) which limits the scope of oversight afforded to voting members of the New York state authorities control board. AYE
S509B Requires restaurants that offer online delivery services to post their most recent sanitary inspection grade on their website and/or any internet-based food delivery service websites where consumers can order from such food service establishment. AYE
S5620B Adds Doodletown Brook to the definition of inland waterways eligible for the local waterfront revitalization program. AYE
S682A Adds a new section 391-w to the general business law which reads: Method for contract cancellation. Unless otherwise authorized by law, rule, or regulation, any business that contracts with a consumer shall allow such consumer to cancel such contract using the same method that the business and consumer used to enter such contract, including but not limited to, in writing or online. AYE
S4814A Directs DEC to designate a representative for each environmental conservation region of the state to serve as the point of contact for municipalities to aid in the acquisition of resources and funding for water projects. AYE
S1731D This bill would prohibit an employer, labor organization and employment agencies from using a job applicant or employee's consumer credit history in his or her decision to hire, terminate, promote, demote, discipline, compensate, or in setting the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. NAY (A credit report can be useful information for employers.)
S2737 Amends the executive law to allow the commissioner of the division of homeland security services to conduct a review and analysis of security measures currently being taken by the owners and operators of rail yard facilities. Outlines the steps the commissioner must take in order to carry out their duties and identify the risks to the public. AYE
S6935 Establishes a freight rail safety task force. Commissioner of transportation will be the chair and the governor will select the eleven members. The task force is required to issue a report of their findings and make recommendations to ensure safe and reliable freight transportation. Also, establishes a uniform safety training program for DOT engineers and local regulators. AYE
S6210B This bill provides that whenever the chief administrator is required to compile, report or make other court data publicly available, or wherever the chief administrator opts to require such collection, reporting and public availability of data, this shall include data from all courts, including the town and village courts, disaggregated by county and by individual court. NAY (Purpose/benefit? Cost to local governments.)
S619A Lowers the number of board of elections commissioners at the NYC BOE from ten to two - one republican and one democrat commissioner. NAY (The current structure of ten commissioners, two from each borough (1 R / 1 D), ensures all of the city's interests are heard at the Board.)
S645A Requires a commissioner to meet certain qualifications before his or her appointment which shall include, but not be limited to, the qualifications prescribed by section three of the public officers law, and demonstrated experience in election administration or other management, operations, or administrative experience in the public, non-profit, or private sector as deemed sufficient by the board. The qualifications will apply to commissioners appointed thirty days after the promulgation of such qualifications. NAY
S2019 Establishes the congressional chartered veterans service organizations fund; provides for gifts made to such fund on an individual's personal income tax return. AYE
S8674 Extends the authorization for BOCES to lease with private entities for 20 years till July 1, 2029. AYE
S8675 Extends provisions related to services to out-of-state school districts by boards of cooperative educational services to July 1, 2029. AYE
S5608C Waives the residency requirement for certain county attorney positions within Essex county including assistant public defender. AYE
S6296 Adds falsely reporting the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument as part of the crimes of falsely reporting an incident in the first and second degrees. AYE
S4459A COSPONSOR Designates the state of New York a purple heart state. AYE
S2798A Allows service contract providers to demonstrate financial responsibility pursuant to NY Insurance Law 7903(c)(1) by using "default" service contract reimbursement insurance policies and by procuring multiple policies of service contract reimbursement insurance. AYE
S1938 Updates the "period of war" definitions in the alternative veterans' exemption to include recent and current "hostilities" in Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo and in the Global War on Terrorism respectively. AYE
S5441 Provides employment protections during the performance of state active duty by members of the national guard; makes technical corrections. AYE
S5442A This bill would add a new fourth veterans exemption to the real property tax law, by adding a new section 458-c, to provide active duty military personnel with a real property tax exemption equal to 15% of the assessed value of their residential property, and provide an additional 10% property tax exemption if such active duty personnel are deployed in an active combat zone. AYE
S8560 Requires the community gardens task force to conduct an assessment of all community gardens located on publicly owned land in the state to facilitate each garden's designation as a critical environmental area. AYE
S9000 Extends provisions through 2029 relating to a provision of the education law that directs the commissioner of education to promulgate regulations limiting the engines of school vehicles to remain idling while parked or standing on school grounds. AYE
S4235 Requires state contractors to submit a statement on preventing human trafficking in bids to the state and maintain a written policy for preventing human trafficking within its operations, business dealings, and supply chain and provide to the state a copy of such policy when submitting such statement. AYE
S6776A This bill would amend article 9 of the Public Authorities Law related to reporting requirements to require certain reports of public authorities be open for public inspection via the public authorities reporting information system. AYE
S6863 Requires the SUNY and CUNY trustees to produce an annual report for their respective state-operated institutions'/senior colleges' and community colleges' campus foundations and research foundations in a standardized format. AYE
S7356 Permits dentists to administer influenza and COVID vaccinations and vaccinations related to a declared public health emergency. AYE
S6649 Requires firearms dealers to post and provide written warnings to purchasers of dangers posed by access to weapons in the home. NAY
S3105A Requires the office for people with developmental disabilities to produce and publish a report to assess the staffing and other issues causing the continued displacement of individuals with developmental disabilities from various state-operated institutions under the jurisdiction of the office for people with developmental disabilities. AYE
S8343 Extends the authorization of the county of Wyoming to impose a county recording tax on obligations secured by a mortgage on real property from December 1, 2024 to December 1, 2027. AYE
S8583A authorize Essex County to impose a mortgage recording tax for three additional years. The bill would further remove the requirement that revenue from this tax be used for county correctional and public safety facility projects. AYE
S8736 Extends the city of Rye's occupancy tax to September 1, 2027. AYE
S8789 Extends the authority of the city of New Rochelle to impose an occupancy tax until September 1, 2027. AYE
S8929 Designates the "Honor and Remember Flag" as the official state flag for recognizing armed service members who have died as a result of serving the United States in any war or conflict the nation has been involved in since its inception. AYE
S721 Creates a temporary state commission to study and make recommendations concerning the incidence of asthma in the borough of the Bronx in New York city. AYE
S5289B COSPONSOR Relates to the calculation of past service credit for members in the title of deputy sheriff transferring between the New York state and local employees' retirement system to the New York state and local police and fire retirement system. AYE
S5688A This bill requires a notary appointed and commissioned in NYS and a commissioner of deeds to create a notarial record of each notarial act performed in connection with a document of conveyance, and file that record. NAY
S7500 Directs the department of financial services to conduct a comprehensive study on how the department of financial services may create a compensation system commensurate with the compensation systems of similar federal financial regulators and to issue a report of its findings. AYE
S8665 Makes eligible for provisional appointment and authorizes Matthew A. Jones to take the competitive civil service examination for the position of police officer and be placed on the eligible list for employment as a full-time police officer for the village of Liverpool police department. AYE
S6130A Provides that an attorney licensed to practice in the state may serve as a poll watcher in any city or county in the state. NAY (Under current law a poll watcher must be a qualified voter of the city or county in which they serve.)
S7881 COSPONSOR Establishes that when an actor threatens to disseminate or publish a still or video image depicting such other person with one or more intimate parts exposed or engaging in sexual conduct with another person, including a still or video image created or altered by digitization, where such person may reasonably be identified from the still or video image itself or from information displayed in connection with the still or video image within the provisions of unlawful dissemination or publication of an intimate image. AYE
S6674A Expands coverage requirements for human donor milk; removes the requirement for inpatient use. AYE
S8841 Directs NYSERDA, in consultation with the Department of Public Service and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, to prepare a report on establishing microgrids for protecting critical facilities in the state. Final report due one year after act takes effect. AYE
S4273 Relates to establishing distinctive "Alzheimer's Awareness" license plates; provides that the funding for such be deposited in the "Alzheimer's disease assistance fund". AYE
S5530 Authorizes a veteran's close friend or family who is reasonably familiar with such veteran's wishes to request that such veteran be buried in a state veterans' cemetery. AYE
S9417 This bill would amend section 21.00 of the Local Finance Law to extend various sections that were previously enacted to provide municipalities with expanded debt insurance and management options until July 15, 2027. The current expiration date is July 15, 2024. AYE
S9411 Extends provisions of law relating to new owners of buildings for which administrators have been appointed pursuant to article 7-A of the real property actions and proceedings law from June 30, 2024 until June 30, 2027. AYE
S9412 Extends expiration of authority granted to the department of housing preservation and development of the city of New York to restructure rents of dwelling units in buildings foreclosed upon by the federal government. AYE
S9413 extends the existing authority of the local housing agency in the City of New York to restructure rents in residential buildings that have received low-interest, municipally-financed rehabilitation loans under Article 8 of the Private Housing Finance Law ("PHFL"). Currently, the ability to restructure rents expires on June 30, 2024. AYE
S9414 extends the existing authority of the local housing agency in the City of New York, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development ("HPD"), to restructure rents for housing development fund companies that have purchased and are rehabilitating occupied multiple dwellings pursuant to Article XI of the Private Housing Finance Law ("PHFL"). AYE
S9454 extends the provisions relating to small loans to owners of multiple dwellings to remove substandard or insanitary conditions to June 30, 2027. AYE
S9153 Extends provisions relating to the health savings account pilot program to December 31, 2027. AYE
S9347 Extends certain provisions relating to the New York city school construction authority to 2028. AYE
S9368 Extends provisions of law providing for certain fees and expenses in unemployment insurance proceedings to December 31, 2026. AYE
S9369 Extends provisions of law relating to permitted deductions from wages for an additional two years. AYE
S5733 Authorizes the city school district of the city of Salamanca to establish a reserve fund for federal impact aid in the event such aid is reduced. AYE
S7488 This bill amends the state finance law to formally establish the attorney licensing fund. It will consist of the portion of attorney biennial registration fees currently deposited into the attorney licensing fund. AYE
S9382 Extends certain provisions of the banking law from September 10, 2024 until September 10, 2029. AYE
S9191 Adds Fishkill Creek in Dutchess County to the definition of inland waterways. AYE
S9316 Extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to adopt regulations for hunting in the northern zone to December 31, 2027. AYE
S9317 Extends provisions relating to the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage deer and bear to December 31, 2027. AYE
S9318 Extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage American lobster to December 31, 2027. AYE
S9319 Extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage scallops to December 31, 2027. AYE
S9320 Extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage striped bass until December 31, 2027. AYE
S9321 Extends the effectiveness of authorized sweepstakes with respect to subscriptions to "The Conservationist" until August 1, 2027. AYE
S9322 Extends until September 30, 2027 provisions authorizing a fifty percent subsidy in connection with the state water pollution control revolving fund. AYE
S9340 Extends the authority of the department of environmental conservation to manage monkfish until December 31, 2027. AYE
S9341 extend for another two years, the requirement that sharks shall only be taken with the use of non-stainless steel non-offset circle hooks to December 31, 2026. AYE
S9342 Extends certain provisions relating to the repair of damaged pesticide containers from July 1, 2024 to July 1, 2026 allowing retailers and distributors to make minor repairs to pesticide containers in accordance with EPA. AYE
S9367 Extends certain provisions relating to the management of migratory game birds to December 31, 2027. AYE
S9379 Prohibits the application of pesticides to certain local freshwater wetlands for local governments that have implemented a freshwater wetlands protection law; provides that any local law or ordinance adopted pursuant to this section shall take effect on the first day of January after it shall have been adopted. NAY (Already regulated at the Federal and State level)
S9206 Extends provisions reinstating prior approved work permits and waiving requirements as such provisions relate to rebuilding and repairing homes devastated by Hurricane Sandy in the city of New York. AYE
S9415 extends provisions of law relating to certain urban development action areas rehabilitation or conservation projects from June 30, 2024 to June 30, 2027. AYE
S9004 Extends authorization for certain health care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions to practice in this state in connection with events sanctioned by the New York Road Runners, including the NYC Marathon, Brooklyn half marathon, Bronx 10 mile, NYC half marathon, Staten Island half marathon and the Queens 10k. AYE
S9108 This bill would extend the City of Albany's Red-Light Camera program to the December 1st, 2029. AYE
S9146 This would extend the City of New Rochelle's Red-light camera program to December 1st, 2029. AYE
S9161 This bill would extend the City of Yonkers' Red-Light Camera ticketing program on city owned roads until December 1st, 2029. AYE
S9363 Extends provisions relating to establishing the stretch limousine passenger safety task force; authorizes the stretch limousine passenger safety task force to continue to hold public hearings and meetings to review the actions taken by the state and to publish a report of its findings. AYE
S1201B Provides for the utility discount program. Authorizes and directs the commission to require a gas corporation, electric corporation, or municipality to establish a discount program for veterans. Delineates the eligibility requirements for veterans. AYE
S2119A Amends education law allow a veteran who otherwise qualified to receive tuition awards may elect to transfer such awards to an immediate family member (meaning spouse, child or survivor as defined in the bill). AYE
S4889 This bill includes parents in the provisions allowing for asthma self-management training services through Medicaid that currently only apply to persons diagnosed with asthma. AYE
S6942 Requires all state agencies and public authorities to provide bidders and interested parties with the opportunity to protest a contract award. AYE
S7522 Amends Public Buildings Law §§ 6 and 20, and State Finance Law § 137 to increase the dollar thresholds for the OGS delegation of authority for minor construction work the dollar threshold for bonding for public improvement construction projects each to $200,000 for all projects. AYE
S8900A Increases the occupancy tax rate authorized in the city of Yonkers from 3 to 5 7/8ths; extends the effectiveness of the occupancy tax imposed in the city of Yonkers to September 1, 2027. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9077A Increases the percentage of hotel and motel tax authorized to be collected by the county of Albany from 6% to 6.5%; extends the authority of the county of Albany to impose and collect such tax for an additional three years. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9175 Authorizes the city of Cortland to establish hotel and motel taxes of up to three percent. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9253 Authorizes the county of Columbia to impose a 4% tax on hotels and motels. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9263 Authorizes the city of Hudson to increase hotel and motel taxes from four percent to five percent. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9265 HINCHEY Waives the residency requirement for certain county attorney positions within Greene county including assistant public defender. AYE
S3467A COSPONSOR Permits licensed pharmacists to perform tests specifically for RSV, Strep Infection, Hepatitis C, HIV and blood sugar levels. AYE
S2420 This bill would add a new section 54-b of the legislative law to create a new standing committee on conference to resolve differences between similar, but not identical, bills and resolutions which have passed the senate and assembly. Such committee would be composed of majority conference and minority conference members in the same proportion as the number of majority conference and minority conference members in the senate and assembly relative to the total membership of the senate and assembly. NAY (Unnecessary. Rules already provide for this.)
S3351 Eliminates sporting license fees for honorably discharged, disabled veterans. AYE
S6361A Requires individuals employed and participating in one of New York state retirement system to formally acknowledges termination of participation in the retirement system. NAY (Unnecessary.)
S1159B Requires disclosure of information concerning noninvasive prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities including the benefits and limitations of noninvasive prenatal testing, the difference between noninvasive prenatal testing and prenatal diagnostic testing, and current recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, and the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). AYE
S2933 This bill amends the provisions of law governing medical care, services and supplies provided under Medicaid standard coverage specific to home health services and personal care services, to require that a copy of every assessment or evaluation conducted to determine a recipient’s need for such assistance be provided to them in full or to their designee upon completion of such assessment or evaluation. AYE
S1610A This bill provides that a landlord, or any person acting on behalf of a landlord, who willfully includes information he or she knows to be misleading or incorrect in any notice provided pursuant to the 421-A program (Affordable New York Housing program) about the unit becoming subject to decontrol upon the expiration of such tax benefit, shall be guilty of a violation. NAY
S8339A Provides access by members of the public, including news media, to all courtrooms, lobbies, public waiting areas and other common areas of the family court otherwise open to individuals doing business before the court, with exceptions (on a case-by-case basis). AYE (Protections in place to shield children from harm during such proceedings.)
S1087A This bill amends the public authorities law and the economic development law to require public authorities and state agencies to notify within 30 days, each MWBE firm that unsuccessfully bid on a contract as to why their bid was unsuccessful. AYE
S7687A Allows out of state health care professionals to perform services at the Ironman Lake Placid 2024. AYE
S8475 Authorizes the assessor of the town of New Castle to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from the Ethical Society of Northern Westchester; provides a waiver for any interest and penalties accrued in the event that the authorization to exempt is not timely granted. AYE
S138A Amends the law by requiring all "duly authorized instructors" in small arms practice to be recertified. Seeking recertification will begin January 1, 2027. NAY
S3233 This bill requires the Division of Housing and Community renewal to calculate a rent reduction for tenants. States that notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, any rent reduction attributable to diminution of services shall be calculated by the division of housing and community renewal to be effective upon the date that the diminution of service commenced, regardless of when that diminution of services was reported to the division or the date upon which the diminution of services was addressed by the division. NAY (This bill strips out protections for property owners, and would expand the rent reduction for tenants beyond when DHCR has served notice on the owner.)
S3266A Creates, in addition to the existing sanction of criminal contempt of court, the remedies of labor law civil penalties and employee's right to bring civil action for unlawful discharge, penalty or discrimination on account of the exercise by an employee of a juror's right to be absent from employment by reason of jury service. NAY (Could open employers up to unlimited litigation by disgruntled employees seeking a cause of action.)
S7882 Adds to the provision of law governing the prohibition of the sale of tobacco products, herbal cigarettes, liquid nicotine, shisha, rolling papers or smoking paraphernalia to minors, the sale of such items that resemble or designed to resemble: school supplies; toys; or any other product packaging tailored or advertised to appeal to minors, such as any picture, logo, symbol, motto, selling message, or color or pattern of colors. NAY (Likely to be burdensome on retailers and subjectivity too difficult to enforce.)
S8644A Requires that a person hold a license, tag or privilege in an electronic or other acceptable format pursuant to regulations for the hunting of deer and bears. AYE
S1198A Directs the commissioner of health to do a comprehensive assessment of the existing methodology used to determine payment for early intervention screenings, evaluations, services and service coordination; directs recommendations on reimbursement methodology as well as needs under the program. AYE
S8484B Exempts certain parcels of land in Manhattan from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law's tied house regulations. Provides an exemption for 10 Cipriani restaurants. AYE
S8834 Amends the Civil Rights law to preclude a property owner or property association from adopting a restrictive covenant or prohibition related to the display or affixing of religious item on any entry door or entry doorframe of a dwelling. AYE
S8690 Expands the definitions of surplus agricultural products and processed products for the purposes of the Nourish New York program to include certain milk and other nonalcoholic farm produced beverages. AYE
S7023A Requires that the State Board for Professional Medical Conduct to adopt a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct and the office of professional medical conduct must publish the policy and make available on its website. AYE
S9082 Clarifies eligibility for the farm employer overtime credit to include farm employers who choose to dispense wages through a professional employer organization. AYE
S6146A Requires insurers to provide coverage for tattooing of the nipple-areolar complex pursuant to or as part of breast reconstruction surgery if such tattooing is performed by a physician or other health care practitioner working within their scope of practice. AYE
S1193 This bill would establish that any person with a history of ovarian cancer shall not be denied genetic testing or genomic tumor profiling for inherited germline mutations and acquired somatic mutations. AYE
S4020C Deems emergency medical services as an essential service; to provide municipalities with the flexibility to ensure provision of emergency medical services; to establish statewide, regional, and county coordination of emergency medical services; and to provide for enhanced training and credentialing of emergency medical service practitioners, agencies, and educational institutions. AYE
S9024 Raises the minimum fee for temporary interpreters from $25 to $110; requires that town and village courts share in the compensation of such temporary interpreters. AYE
S628A Amends the Public Service Law to provide the following: Improved complaint handling procedures, including coverage of all complaints, reporting on such complaints within reasonable and defined time periods, requirement that all reports be made in writing and provide documentation; suspend the imposition of late charges during the period of disputed account charges; defined and definite periods of time for the PSC's Office of Consumer Services (OCS) to complete investigations and issue final determinations; penalties on non-complying utilities and due process rights for complainants. NAY (The removal of the commission's discretion over the burden of proof and the penalty that is established make this bill too harsh.)
S7198A Authorizes one or more individuals who are under a shared contract to opt-out of such contract without a fee, penalty or charge due to status as a domestic violence victim; prohibits the company from transferring any contractual or billing responsibility of such shared contract to any other account holders on such shared contract; prevents companies from prohibiting a person who has opted-out due to domestic violence status to enter into a new contract. AYE
S8768A Includes nasal sprays in topical therapeutic pharmaceutical agents optometrists are authorized to use. AYE
S4046 Amends the crime of course of sexual conduct against a child in the 1st degree and 2nd degree to include the element of at least one additional act of sexual conduct with the child when that child is less than 17 years of age (current statute applies only to a child less than 11 years old or 13 years old). AYE
S8796 Extends, for three years, provisions that conform state education law to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 in order to ensure that the State will continue to be in compliance with federal IDEA requirements through the 2026-2027 school year. AYE
S8614 Establishes standards for the reuse of deconstructed building materials; requires the uniform building code to set standards for the use of solid-sawn lumber in construction and for the grading of used solid-sawn lumber; requires the secretary of state to develop a program for grading reclaimed wood for structural purposes. AYE
S940 This bill would prohibit any person, agency, bureau, corporation, association, the state or any political subdivision thereof and any educational institution from requiring a person to provide a copy of his or her criminal history record under certain circumstances. NAY
S8678 Allows the Seneca county attorney to reside in a county in New York adjoining Seneca county. AYE
S7886A Empowers the commissioner of labor to issue stop-work orders against employers for misclassification of employees as independent contractors or for providing false, incomplete, or misleading information to an insurance company on the number of employees of such employer. AYE
S3387 This bill directs the Director of the Office of Technology, in collaboration with the Director of Budget, to develop a single, searchable budget database website accessible by the public at no cost. AYE
S8821A Directs the commissioner of education to change the name of the state high school equivalency diploma, formerly known as the general education development (GED) program, to the Excelsior high school diploma. AYE
S9018A Allows for the designation of students as ex officio members of school boards; clarifies what such ex officio members are permitted to do. NAY (Already is a process whereby school boards can put before the voters in the district the issue of adding a student ex officio member.)
S1759B Amends section 394-c of the general business law to add definitions of "online dating service," "banned member," "fraud ban," and "New York member." AYE
S9019A Prohibits contracts for the purchase or financing of a dog, cat, or rabbit from including provisions allowing repossession of the animal; provides that such provisions apply to the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits through an online website. AYE
S1608A Encourages farmers' markets in state parks by posting related information, identifying opportunities and coordinating with other state agencies. AYE
S9241 This bill would provide that the inspector shall at least annually inspect any vessel operated on privately or publicly owned underground non-navigable waterways with no navigable inlet or outlet that carry passengers for compensation; makes technical corrections; makes related provisions. AYE
S7841 Authorizes Michael Kurtz, a part-time police officer, with the village of Warsaw police department to take the civil service examination and be eligible for appointment as a full time police officer for the village of Warsaw. AYE
S2349A Provides that a voter may register to vote at any residence to which the voter maintains a continuous connection with an intent to return, including a second home or a vacation home. NAY (Allows voters to vote-shop and choose which local elections they want to vote in.)
S9017 Provides that court records in a proceeding under articles 77, 78 and 81 of the mental hygiene law shall not be perused, examined, disclosed, taken or copied by any other person than a party, the attorney or counsel of a party, the guardian, the court evaluator or the court examiner except by order of the court. AYE
S3230A Requires that prior to the approval of an application for a license to operate a bank or storage facility that procures or stores tissue for transplantation or therapy services, the department consider the following: The applicant’s ability to moderate and record temperature, including an adequate alarm notification system; The applicant’s ability to establish a chain of custody for specimens; and The applicant’s ability to establish administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect patients’ records. AYE
S5918B Requires corporations and municipalities to notify property owners prior to beginning services that may interfere with a property owner's ability to enjoy, use, or access such property owner's property; requires notice to include direct contact information for any subcontractor being used for such services; exempts cases where a natural or man-made disaster or state of emergency occurs. AYE
S8860 Authorizes the town of Eden, county of Erie, to discontinue as parklands and alienate certain lands for the purpose of providing needed resources to the existing parks within such town. AYE
S3604 This bill would amend sections of the Real Property Tax Law so that the due dates for the payment of real property and school district taxes in installments are specified in a notice from the assessing unit to the owner of then taxable property without interest or penalties. AYE
S936 Requires statewide housing authorities, in reviewing applicants, to grant domestic violence survivors the same preference as granted other prioritized populations, should the authority establish waiting list preferences. AYE
S8224 Changes party enrollment of voters where the enrolled party contained the word "Independence" or "Independent" to not being enrolled in any party. NAY (Voter should be able to make decision.)
S8832 This repeals Section 9-114 "objections to counting ballots" and Section 8-506 "challenges; early mail, absentee, military, special federal and special presidential ballots". NAY (Eliminate the ability to have judicial review of manual hand counts.)
S3592 Gives the Superintendent of the NYS Department of Financial Services (DFS) the flexibility to allow mortgage guaranty insurance companies to make early withdrawals from their statutorily-mandated contingency reserve accounts if the Superintendent determines that such withdrawal would not be harmful to policyholders. AYE
S7114A Requires health insurance plans to provide coverage for epinephrine auto-injector devices; caps the cost to an insured at $100 per year. AYE
S8749A Extends provisions relating to requiring space for donate life registration on certain insurance forms. AYE
S9336A Allows the president of the citywide council on high schools to participate in the selection of the members of the board of education elected by the community district education council presidents. AYE
S3175 Requires DOCCS to provide information regarding termination of Medicare part B coverage for the duration of incarceration to individuals committed to the department of corrections and community supervision. AYE
S8601A This bill would amend section 201-a of the Labor Law to add a prohibition on mandatory iris and retina scanning of employees to the existing general prohibition on fingerprinting unless otherwise provided by law. AYE
S9107 Ensures reserve funds of special act school districts are not treated as offsetting revenue for purposes of determining their tuition rate. AYE
S9281 This bill repeals §470 of the judiciary law which allows an attorney (admitted to practice in New York) who is a resident of another state to practice in New York, provided such attorney maintains a law office in New York. AYE
S397 Directs the metropolitan transportation authority, in consultation with the New York city department of transportation and New York city department of housing preservation and development, to study the transportation and housing needs of Randalls and Wards Islands. AYE
S2901A This bill is amending the "Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Transparency and Accountability Act of 2015." AYE
S8861 This bill amends Public Authorities Law to add a definition of "stormwater" and to include "stormwater" within the meaning of "sewage" in statutes authorizing the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, the Albany Municipal Water Finance Authority, the Town of Wilton Water and Sewer Authority, the Alfred, Almond, Hornellsville Sewer Authority, the Buffalo Sewer Authority, the New York State Local Water and Sewer Authority Act, the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority, the Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority, the Cayuga County Water and Sewer Authority, the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority, the Niagara Falls Public Water Authority, the Nassau County Sewer and Storm Water Finance Authority, and the Environmental Facilities Corporation. AYE
S6357B Allows for child protective services workers to complete the required training on the fundamentals of child protection through distance learning methods beginning April 1, 2025. AYE
S5060 Requires the council on human blood and transfusion services (council) to review all current medical research and guidance regarding the donation of blood by patients with a history of Lyme or tick-borne illnesses. AYE
S6226A Provides for availability of ambulance services and advanced life support first response service to store and distribute blood and initiate and administer blood transfusions, by expanding current provisions for air transport to apply additionally to motor vehicle-based ambulance services. AYE
S4262B Designates a portion of the state highway system in Tompkins county as the "Peter Wheeler Memorial Bridge". AYE
S8833 This bill allows for a resident of Connecticut and New Jersey to serve as a non-voting member of the MTA. NOTE - The MTA provides service through Connecticut and employs people from New Jersey and Connecticut. Association of Communter Rail Employees AYE
S613A This bill would exempt the income earned by election inspectors, poll clerks, or election coordinators from Federal adjusted gross income (AGI) for State income tax. AYE
S2311 Increases the monetary penalties assessed against corporations for violations of the penal law to $80,000 (up from $10,000) for felony convictions; $40,000 (up from $5,000) for class A misdemeanors; $15,000 (up from $2,000) for class B misdemeanors; and $4,000 (up from $500) for violations. NAY (Excessive.)
S2363A Requires the division of housing and community renewal to publish on its website a database of building-wide major capital improvements installed by landlords in every city of more than one million inhabitants. NAY (RSA is concerned with this bill and its potential impact on property owners ability to raise rents and the impact it could have on housing courts.)
S5122 Requires the department to charge every ambulance service a uniform ambulance assessment fee of 5 and ¾ percent of a covered ambulance service’s annual revenue for purposes of increasing medical assistance payment rates for ambulance services. AYE
S7286A COSPONSOR Provides that for taxable years beginning on and after January first, two thousand twenty-four, a resident taxpayer who serves as an active volunteer firefighter or as a volunteer ambulance worker shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed equal to eight hundred dollars; provides for a real property tax exemption under certain circumstances to an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service residing in such city, village, town, school district, special district, fire district or county. AYE
S8486B COSPONSOR Provides Medicaid reimbursement to ambulance services when responding to an emergency call and administers treatment in place (by an employee or volunteer of such ambulance service); and/or transports an individual to an alternative care setting. AYE
S8551 COSPONSOR Provides that the state civil service department shall review and update the questions contained within the examination, as deemed appropriate by the department, no less than every five years. AYE
S700 Requires certain businesses to offer identity theft prevention and mitigation services in the case of a security breach; exempts businesses under financial hardship. NAY (Could be costly to the entity, including an individual or small business)
S8443 Exempts certain parcels of land from licensing restrictions for manufacturers and wholesalers who sell at retail for on premises consumption in the town of East Hampton, county of Suffolk. AYE
S8683A This bill would amend the Cannabis Law to clarify that employment at any licensee under the Cannabis Law satisfies employment requirements for parole, probation or other state supervision unless the terms and conditions of said parole, probation, or state supervision explicitly prohibit such employment. NAY (Takes decision away from parole officer.)
S9282 Exempts certain property from the prohibition of alcohol sales within a certain distance of a church within the county of Washington, state of New York. AYE
S5798 Makes certain terms gender neutral in provisions regarding the right to breast feed. NAY (Not necessary.)
S6350B Enacts the "freedom to read act"; requires the commissioner of education and school library systems to develop policies to ensure that school libraries and library staff are empowered to curate and develop collections that provide students with access to the widest array of developmentally appropriate materials available. AYE
S7669A Includes the Ogden Farmers' Library as an eligible library for the financing of projects through the dormitory authority. AYE
S7670 Includes the Parma Public Library with libraries eligible for the financing of projects through the dormitory authority. AYE
S1078A Requires that functional epinephrine auto-injector devices be made available in places of public assembly and that at least one employee or volunteer of such place of public assembly who is trained in its proper operation and use and be present at each facility function. AYE
S4146B Enacts the consumer litigation funding act to promote consumer protections related to consumer litigation funding transactions; provides for contract requirements, including that the contract contain a no penalty provision for the prepayment of the funded amount prior to the settlement of his or her case; makes related provisions. AYE
S6550A Relates to the residential parking system in the town of Harrison; extends the area in which such residential parking system can be located. AYE
S7765 Enacts the "city of Buffalo historic preservation receivership act"; provides the city of Buffalo specific procedures for the appointment of a receiver of rents in instances where the property at issue is neglected or abandoned. AYE
S8119B Establishes the staff sergeant Alex R. Jimenez New York state military immigrant family legacy program within the department of veterans' services. AYE
S8124 Directs the department of economic development to move the central New York welcome center to the equal rights heritage center in the city of Auburn; directs the department of economic development to enter into a contract with the city of Auburn for the operation of such welcome center. AYE
S8779 Ratifies and confirms the creation of water district number 14 of the town of Monroe, made up of the water system previously owned and operated by Orchard Hill Water Company and which has been owned and operated by the town of Monroe by mandate from the public service commission since 2013; authorizes the issuance of bonds or notes by such town to finance certain inter-fund borrowings by such water district. AYE
S9034 Authorizes the court, in its discretion, to conduct an electronic appearance in connection with a criminal action in Monroe county. AYE
S9059 extends for three years the authorization for villages that adopted local laws by September 1, 1994, to continue to enforce unpaid property tax liens by tax lien sale may continue to hold such sales until December 31, 2024. AYE
S9122 Relates to the residential parking system in the village of Dobbs Ferry; makes provisions permanent. AYE
S9233 Extends the effectiveness of certain provisions providing centralized service to political subdivisions and the authority of the commissioner of general services to aggregate purchases of energy. AYE
S9255 Extends provisions related to the assessment and review of assessments in the county of Nassau to June 30, 2026. AYE
S9291 Relates to the parcels that may be alienated by the City of White Plains and operated as the former Galleria of White Plains public parking garage. AYE
S967A This bill would cap the interest rate on delinquent property taxes at 7.5% of the delinquent tax payment. AYE
S5597B Requires the development of a "what mortgage applicants need to know" pamphlet on residential mortgages; provides such pamphlet shall be posted and printed in the 6 most common non-English languages spoken by individuals with limited English proficiency in New York state. AYE
S3390A Requires that services at addiction treatment centers operated by the office of addiction services and supports shall not be refused at such centers if a person is unable to pay. AYE
S7130A Provides an exemption for certain property, American Legion Post 483, from the prohibition of alcohol sales within a certain distance from a school. AYE
S1001A Prohibits the preferred drug program, managed care programs and insurers from restricting or imposing delays in the distribution of antiretroviral prescription drugs prescribed to a person for the treatment or prevention of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). AYE
S3283A Corrects an outdated reference under the Mental Hygiene Law, governing appointment of guardians; adds the professions of physician’s assistant and nurse practitioner in relation to the requirement that a health care agent (designated such pursuant to a health care proxy) consult such prior to making health care decisions; adds licensed master social worker to the definition of “health or social services practitioner” under the Family Health Care Decisions Act (FHCDA); requires attending practitioners to document in the patient’s medical record a determination that a patient is an emancipated minor patient with decision-making capacity under the FHCDA and requires hospitals to document their diligent efforts to notify the parents or guardian of an emancipated minor patient. NAY (Fails to define "personal contact." The primary concern is that it may allow personal contact that could facilitate the concealed transmission of contraband.)
S3257 This bill would require entities that submit records to state agencies that are excepted from disclosure under FOIL to periodically re-apply for the exception. NAY (Unnecessary.)
S3318A Establishes a visiting program for incarcerated people, which gives incarcerated people opportunities for personal contact with relatives, friends, clergy, volunteers and other persons to promote better institutional adjustment and better community adjustment upon release. NAY (Fails to define "personal contact." The primary concern is that it may allow personal contact that could facilitate the concealed transmission of contraband.)
S4890A This bill creates a new section within the public health law regarding chain restaurants; sodium content of menu items. Defines "chain restaurant" means a food service establishment, which is one of 15 or more locations that are operated under the same name, regardless of the type of ownership of the locations, and offering for sale substantially similar menu items. NAY (Selective nature of application to chain restaurants only.)
S150A This bill prohibits the state from reimbursing a state employee's reasonable attorneys' fees or litigation expenses for the criminal defense of such employee, where such funds are used to reimburse: 1) a campaign or political committee; or 2) a legal defense fund which paid all or a portion of such employee's attorneys' fees or litigation expenses. also prohibits the state from reimbursing a state employee's reasonable attorneys' fees or litigation expenses for the criminal defense of such employee, where a legal defense fund or legal defense funds have been established for such employee and all of the moneys in such funds have not been fully expended. AYE
S1785 Removes mandatory requirement age of 70 for certain judges and justices not otherwise required to retire by the state constitution. AYE
S3014 Adds the Power Authority of the State of New York to the list of authorities which must submit projects and undertakings for approval by the Public Authorities Control Board, and would ensure that projects of this and other authorities that involve energy generation or transmission can be examined for consistency with the State Energy Plan and other environmental and energy related policies. AYE
S688 Requires local boards and the division of housing and community renewal to submit certain residential housing and zoning information to the department of state annually; requires such information to be published by the department of state on its website. NAY
S4398 Requires the state commission on judicial conduct to transmit its annual budget request to the governor for inclusion in the executive budget without revision; relates to complaints regarding judges and confidentiality of records; extends the jurisdiction of the state commission on judicial conduct as to judges who resign or retire while under investigation or formal charges. AYE
S5163 Designates services to be provided by a jail-based substance use disorder treatment, peer led recovery support services, and transition services program as essential medical care services. AYE
S6478 Relates to hearing procedures for certain public employees; provides that the recommendation of a hearing officer in relation to designated managerial and confidential employees shall be considered final and not subject to change or modification. AYE
S8409B Requires nonpublic schools provide and maintain on-site automatic external defibrillator (AED) equipment on school grounds and assure that AED equipment is available for off-site curricular events, extracurricular events or school-sponsored athletic events. AYE
S643E Relates to rechargeable battery recycling; adds a battery used as the principal electric power source for an electric scooter or bicycle with electric assist to the definition of "rechargeable battery"; provides that a battery manufacturer may not sell, offer for sale, or distribute rechargeable batteries in the state unless the battery manufacturer is implementing or participating under an approved plan; allows a city with a population of one million or more to enforce through its own agencies. AYE
S1588 Authorizes a court issuing a non-family offense temporary order of protection or an order of protection to direct that such order be filed with the computerized registry for orders of protection and warrants, if it is necessary to fulfill the purposes of such order; directs the superintendent of state police to include such orders on computerized registry. AYE
S5574 This bill prohibits a party in a criminal case from exercising a peremptory challenge to a prospective juror on the basis of such juror's race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation. AYE
S3536 Prohibits confectionery and candy product manufacturers from selling or holding for sale products designed to mimic tobacco products. NAY (Completely unnecessary. Nanny state.)
S5485B Replaces the words addict or addicts with the words person with substance use disorder or a variation thereof. AYE
S1550 Requires all advertisements for gambling and sports betting to include warnings about potential harmful and addictive effects of gambling; requires the state gaming commission to cooperate with the commissioner of addiction services and supports to ensure that all advertisements for gaming activity state a problem gambling hotline number. AYE
S6977 Amends the definition of “special populations” under the Correction law by including those incarcerated persons with a disability to mean any such persons with any mental health diagnosis; those on the NYS OMH caseload currently or within the past year; any intellectual, developmental or cognitive diagnosis; any physical disability diagnosis or mobility impairment; and any sensorial disability diagnosis. NAY
S5916 Clarifies that claims filed against governmental entities under the Adult Survivors Act (Ch. 203 of 2022) do not require the filing of a notice of claim or a notice of intention to file a claim. AYE
S1900A Allows severely disabled individuals to apply for renewal of a parking permit for a handicapped person without providing updated medical records. AYE
S3551 Requires a surety bond for contractors and subcontractors where no public fund has been established for the financing of a public improvement. AYE
S8705A Allows for no fault separation where the relationship between the spouses has broken down irretrievably for a period of at least six months; requires that issues of support and custody or visitation have been resolved. AYE
S2739A COSPONSOR Requires the distribution of information in the pre-licensing course to operate a motor vehicle on how to register as an organ and tissue donor. AYE
S7680A Authorizes the county of Nassau assessor to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from Innovative Resources for Independence for a portion of the 2021 school taxes, all of the 2022-2023 school taxes and all of the 2022 general taxes. AYE
S7544 Directs all state agencies to designate a veterans' liaison to provide information and assistance to veterans regarding benefits and services available to veterans within the various state agencies. AYE
S5675 Requires the principal of any high school to allow any local trade union, upon request, to enter the school for the purpose of trade union recruitment, including, but not limited to: making presentations; disseminating literature; and answering questions by students. AYE
S4909A Requires all hospitals to establish a violence prevention program by January 1, 2025, in order to protect health care workers, patients, families and visitors. Such program must include an annual safety and security assessment of said facilities, as well as the creation of a safety and security plan. AYE
S888 Prohibits a person convicted of rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof under 18 U.S.C. Section 2383 from holding civil office in the state. AYE
S8745 Authorizes the social services department to terminate the subsidies that may be provided to a parent who adopts a disabled or hard to place child under certain circumstances. AYE
S5107C This bill makes numerous changes to the laws governing surrogacy and surrogacy agreements in New York. AYE
S1394 Provides that the port authority shall prohibit nonstop flights to or from points beyond one thousand five hundred miles, except on Saturdays and flights to Denver, Colorado, from flying to or from LaGuardia airport, an air terminal of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. NAY (Will likely disrupt air traffic. Nonetheless, consideration of residents is noteworthy.)
S7598B Requires the central New York regional market authority to work with the department of agriculture and markets to assure proper development of agriculture and regional market facilities, in the Central New York Regional Market district; requires such authority to furnish an annual real estate report detailing all real estate holdings and detailed property information, including but not limited to the tenants, important lease terms, rents, durations of leases, as well as copies of each lease; authorizes the state comptroller to examine the accounts and books of the authority; makes related provisions. AYE
S5159A This bill would authorize the assessor of the City of Albany (a municipality with a population between 97,000 and 100,000 based on the 2020 federal census) to extend the taxable status date by 60 days after the passage of a local law or resolution. AYE
S9089 Exempts persons holding the office of code enforcement officer of the city of Auburn from the requirement that such person be a resident of the political subdivision or municipal corporation of the state for which such person shall be chosen or within which such person's official functions are required to be exercised. AYE
S2440B Prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person's height or weight in opportunities of employment, housing, and access to public accommodations. AYE
S1819A This bill increases the income eligibility limits for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) or Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) program from $50,000 to $55,000 beginning on July 1, 2023. AYE
S9016 Renames the Syracuse Comprehensive Education and Workforce Training Center as the Syracuse Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics high school. AYE
S4347 Prohibits self-service facility owners from enforcing liens, by private or public sale, on personal property held in a self-storage facility during state disaster emergencies or county states of emergency. NAY
S7807A Requires the office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to establish standards for the closing of segments of trails on the Empire state trail, and provide notice of such closings to the public. AYE
S2057A Amends the Election Law to include conspicuous language below the affirmation statement that says "IMPORTANT TO ABSENTEE VOTER: YOU MUST SIGN THE AFFIRMATION ON THIS ENVELOPE." AYE
S4433 Authorizes, under certain circumstances, full-time college and university students to act as election inspectors and poll clerks in the election district where their college or university is located. NAY (Election inspectors should be residents of the community.)
S5268A Removes the requirement that the State Board of Elections' Chief Enforcement Counsel get board approval for subpoenas. Requires the Board to issue any rules and regulations necessary for implementation. NAY
S6199B Relates to notifying candidates of designation for certain county committees; requires the board of elections of the city of New York to provide notice to each candidate designated in a petition for election to a party position of a county committee located within the city of New York. AYE
S6735A Amends section 5-102 of the election law to allow a preregistered voters to request an absentee ballot or vote early by mail so long as they will be 18 by the time of the election for which the ballot is requested. AYE
S1593 COSPONSOR Requires police officers to receive training instruction for crimes involving sexual assaults; requires training for child protective services workers in certain instances. Requires the Office of Children and Family Services to develop a training curriculum for child protective services workers in techniques used to investigate reports of sexual abuse. AYE
S4501B Authorizes the use of body imaging scanning equipment for screening visitors and employees in local correctional facilities. AYE
S6460 Amends Public Health Law § 4004 (3) to prohibit the Public Health and Health Planning Council of the Department of Health from approving new applications for establishment, construction, or increased capacity by for profit hospice entities. Existing for-profit hospice will remain approved but may not expand capacity. AYE
S6301 Requires distribution centers which are 50,000 sq. ft. or more to be equipped with electric vehicle charging stations as determined by the secretary of state and NYSERDA. NAY
S2096 Authorizes the county of Nassau assessor to accept an application for a retroactive real property tax exemption from the Incorporated Village of Hempstead Community Development Agency for the 2020-2021 school taxes and the 2021 general taxes for the property at 40 Byrd Street. AYE
S5850C Authorizes the Seaford Fire District to file with the county of Nassau assessor an application for a retroactive real property tax exemption. AYE
S8931 Requires each member of a county planning board , city planning board, city zoning board of appeals, town and village planning and zoning boards to receive at least one hour of training on environmentally conscious planning. AYE
S9035A Authorizes the town of Brookhaven to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands for the purposes of developing a wastewater treatment plant. AYE
S9145 Amends section 174 of the town law to clarify that every registered voter shall be entitled to cast one vote for each vacant position on a board of fire commissioners to be filled in the first annual election of fire district officials. AYE
S9178 Authorizes a retroactive real property tax exemption for Hicksville United Methodist Church in the county of Nassau for general taxes years 2022 and 2023 and school taxes years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. AYE
S9202 Provides for the refund of penalties accrued on 2023- 2024 real property taxes due to the specific failure by the USPS to deliver bills to owners in the town of Scarsdale, county of Westchester. AYE
S5829B Relates to the language which must be included in mortgage foreclosure notices; requires lenders, assignees, and mortgage loan servicers to evidence strict compliance with such notice requirements as pertinent. NAY
S7416B Prohibits restrictions on insurance policies based solely on the policyholder harboring or owning any dog of a specific breed or mixture of breeds. AYE
S9136 extend the authority for a domestic medical malpractice insurer to secure a license to use the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and would also expand this authorization to properly allow these insurers to assume reinsurance without any limit. AYE
S5092A Requires DOCCS - Police Departments - County Sheriff's Offices - State Police or other law enforcement officers to return any identification materials that were in the position of an incarcerated person or individual in the custody of such law enforcement entity at the time they were taken into custody. AYE
S9350 Directs the state commission of correction to promulgate rules and regulations for strip searches in correctional facilities which at a minimum include a requirement that no fewer than two staff members shall be present for any strip search. AYE
S8363 Creates a single, streamlined process whereby a facility or program operating both a pre-kindergarten program and a daycare program may apply for and receive any certification, licensing, or other requirement otherwise necessary to operate a pre-kindergarten program or daycare program under the laws of the state. AYE
S9023B Establishes a town of Huntington deer management pilot program. AYE
S8850 Allows for foreign not-for-profit corporations to obtain a certificate of authority to engage in engineering for conservation efforts associated with wetlands - both tidal and freshwater. AYE
S9186 This bill establishes conditions under which resident or non-resident pharmacists and pharmacies may participate in shared pharmacy services. AYE
S9453 Extends provisions of law related to buildings that are part of urban development action area projects and are rehabilitated with municipal loans. AYE
S593A Creates a Down syndrome awareness program to provide up-to-date and evidence-based information on Down syndrome to health care providers who order tests for a pregnant woman or infants to screen for Down syndrome. AYE
S8650 This bill would amend the social services law to authorize low-income subsidy data transmitted from the social security administration to local departments of social services shall be treated as an application for the Medicare savings program, without requiring submission of another application. AYE
S7860 Requires all limited use motorcycles sold in the State of New York be registered; relates to registration fees; authorizes the commissioner of motor vehicles to promulgate regulations. Increases penalties for unlicensed moped dealers from $1,000 to $2,000. NAY
S8939A Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Assemblyman Pat M. Casale Memorial Highway" on state route 40 in the town of Schaghticoke. AYE
S9176 Relates to traffic-control signal indications in Nassau County; extends provisions to 2029. AYE
S9251A Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "Captain Christopher J. Garrow Memorial Bridge". AYE
S9419 Requires the reporting of certain accidents involving vehicles, including electric scooters and bicycles with electric assist; requires reports to include information indicating whether certain accidents involved electric scooters and bicycles with electric assist. AYE
S9475 Overhauls the current composition and procedures of the Republic Airport Commission by making substantial changes to how members of the commission are selected and where they should be from by simplifying the nomination and appointment process. AYE
S3065B Requires training to reduce abusive conduct and bullying in the workplace as part of a written workplace violence prevention program. AYE
S3112A Requires public entities to maintain a stock of opioid antagonists. All public entities would be required to maintain on-site opioid antagonists, in quantities and types deemed by OASAS, to be adequate to ensure ready and appropriate access for use during emergencies to any individual on the premises of such public entity suspected of having an opioid overdose whether or not there is a previous history of opioid abuse at such public entity. NAY (mandate on local governments and private business that are considered public entities.)
S7776 Directs the commissioner of the office of mental health to promulgate rules and regulations prohibiting any suicide prevention or mental health services hotline operated or sponsored by the state from being automated. AYE
S8572 Relates to the definition of cloud computing and agency considerations regarding contracting with cloud service providers. Requires ITS to provide agencies with guidance when selecting cloud service providers and educating them on cloud service providers and when it comes to education on cloud technology. AYE
S9003 Authorizes the sale of food or beverages at retail for consumption at certain premises located in the village of North Syracuse, county of Onondaga. AYE
S9268 Creates an "I Love NY Historic Small Business" niche brand to highlight small businesses listed on the registry of historic businesses maintained pursuant to section 14.11 of the parks, recreation and historic preservation law. AYE
S9392 Extends certain provisions relating to regulatory fines for small businesses to 2027. AYE
S9394 Extends certain provisions of the state administrative procedure act relating to requiring certain agencies to submit regulatory agendas for publication in the state register. AYE
S2366 Specifically mandates the Municipal Police Training Council to develop, maintain and disseminate training on the appropriate use of force and de-escalation techniques when interacting with individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. AYE
S9232 This bill would add investigation and determination by the Dept. of Ag. and Markets of crop losses for the crop of apples used in production of cider by farm wineries and farm breweries. AYE
S6350B Enacts the "freedom to read act"; requires the commissioner of education and school library systems to develop policies to ensure that school libraries and library staff are empowered to curate and develop collections that provide students with access to the widest array of developmentally appropriate materials available. AYE
S6868A Protects library access to electronic literary materials by prohibiting certain restrictive provisions in contracts between publishers and libraries. AYE
S9428A Relates to an exemption for certain property located in the county of Tompkins from the prohibition of alcohol sales within a certain distance from a school or church. AYE
S9546 This bill would amend chapter 260 of the laws of 1956 regarding the purposes and duties of the Mount Kisco firefighter's benevolent association and the use of foreign fire insurance premium taxes. AYE
S9680 COSPONSOR Extends provisions of law relating to the applicability of the security guard act of 1992 to facilities owned by a public sports venue. AYE
S9681 Extends provisions related to the regulation of the amount of Jonah crabs that may be taken for an additional two years. AYE
S9737 Extends provisions authorizing big game hunting in Albany county until October 1, 2026. AYE
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