Submit a Sidewalk Shed for the Sheddies

The sidewalks of our city should be safe, clean, and welcoming. Unfortunately, scaffolding and sidewalk sheds have made our sidewalks places New Yorkers now steer clear of. Not only are sidewalk sheds ugly, they actually cost New Yorkers money. The Mayor’s office recently announced a study showing that sidewalk sheds can cost Manhattan businesses as much as $9500 a month. These sidewalk sheds need to go and to help move that process along I am excited to introduce a brand new award that my office plans to give out, called the Sheddies!
The Sheddies are a brand new annual award that will be given to the worst sidewalk shed in all of Manhattan. Please fill out the form to nominate a sidewalk shed for the 2024 Sheddies. Nominations will be considered by my office and all applicants will be notified of the winner.