Senator Martinez - Martin Luther King Jr. essay/art contest submission form
Dr. Martin Luther King's dream was to have a fair and peaceful world, where everyone was entitled to equal rights. Senator Monica R. Martinez is excited to celebrate Dr. King's legacy by encouraging students in the 4th Senate District to participate in a fun contest!
Students are asked to respond to either of the following prompts in an essay or art format. All art forms will be accepted (examples: drawing, photography, painting, and poetry).
1. Write an essay or create a work of art that pays tribute to those who continue Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy.
2. Write an essay or create a work of art demonstrating how we can build bridges between all communities.
With parental or guardian permission, submissions will be displayed in the District Office located in Hauppauge and social media accounts. Selected students will have a sit-down lunch with Senator Martinez.
Submission deadline: January 31, 2025
For more information, please contact Ada Cruz at 631-341-7111 or email AdaCruz@nysenate.gov