About Former Senator David Storobin's
Senator David Storobin (R) is serving his first term in the New York State Senate, representing parts of Brooklyn in the 27th District.
At the age of 12, David moved to the United States with his mother from Russia. Like so many other immigrants, David’s mother sacrificed everything for the opportunity to provide a better life for her son. At a time when the Soviet Union was collapsing, she maintained a firm belief in the American Dream, and taught David how the strong values of hard work, education and dedication to family and community could lead to success.
These values helped David reach Rutgers University School of Law where, despite being the youngest student in his class, he became the President of the Jewish Law Students Association. After graduation, David started his own law firm at the age of 25 and built it from the bottom up; from working out of a friend’s office to having two offices of his own where he is able to provide jobs for a number of people.
Living the American Dream, David knows the importance of giving back to ones community. Without the sacrifices of his mother, or the help they received from countless others in their community, David would not have been able to make it to where he is today. That is why he is such an active member in the community. Serving on the Board of Directors of the American Jewish Committee (NY Chapter) and on the Board of Governors of the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Celebration Commission, David is a tireless voice not only for the American Jewish Community, but for the amazing opportunities that only America can provide.
It’s this desire to ‘pay it forward’ that led David to politics. Serving as the Vice-Chair of the Kings County Republican Party and now in the State Senate, David is working hard to ensure that others can repeat his success story.
Last edited by Senator David Storobin's staff prior to last day in office.