Regular Session - February 28, 2011


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                   February 28, 2011

        11                       3:11 p.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION




        18  SENATOR JOSEPH A. GRIFFO, Acting President

        19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary







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         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

         3       Senate will please come to order.

         4                  I ask all present to please rise

         5       and join with me as we recite the Pledge of

         6       Allegiance to our Flag.

         7                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         8       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    In the

        10       absence of clergy, I ask all to bow their

        11       heads for a moment of silent reflection.

        12                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

        13       respected a moment of silence.)

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        15       reading of the Journal.

        16                  The Secretary will read.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

        18       Sunday, February 27, the Senate met pursuant

        19       to adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday,

        20       February 26, was read and approved.  On

        21       motion, Senate adjourned.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Without

        23       objection, the Journal stands approved as

        24       read.

        25                  Presentation of petitions.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  Messages from the Assembly.

         2                  Messages from the Governor.

         3                  Reports of standing committees.

         4                  Reports of select committees.

         5                  Communications and reports from

         6       state officers.

         7                  Motions and resolutions.

         8                  Senator Libous.

         9                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        10       Mr. President.

        11                  I have several motions here, one on

        12       behalf of Senator Maziarz.  Mr. President, I

        13       move that the following bills be discharged

        14       from their respective committees and be

        15       recommitted with instructions to strike the

        16       enacting clause:   Senate Number 190 and

        17       Senate Number 227, on behalf of Senator

        18       Maziarz.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    On

        20       Senate 190 and Senate 227, so ordered.

        21                  Senator Libous.

        22                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        23       Mr. President.

        24                  On behalf of Senator Bonacic,

        25       Mr. President, on page 11 I offer up the

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         1       following amendments to Calendar Number 72,

         2       Senate Print 2769, and ask that said bill

         3       retain its place on the Third Reading

         4       Calendar.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

         6       amendments are received and adopted, and the

         7       bill will retain its place on the Third

         8       Reading Calendar.

         9                  Senator Libous.

        10                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        11       Mr. President.

        12                  I have one more, on behalf of

        13       Senator Marcellino.  On page 11, I offer the

        14       following amendments to Calendar Number 70,

        15       Senate Print 948, and I ask that said bill

        16       retain its place on the Third Reading

        17       Calendar.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        19       amendments are received and adopted, and the

        20       bill will retain its place on Third Reading

        21       Calendar.

        22                  Senator Libous.

        23                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        24       Mr. President.

        25                  Mr. President, I believe there's a

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       privileged resolution at the desk by Senator

         2       Perkins.  May we please have the title read,

         3       and I believe you will then call on Senator

         4       Perkins and we will ask for its immediate

         5       adoption.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Thank

         7       you, Senator Libous.

         8                  The Secretary will read.

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senator

        10       Perkins, Legislative Resolution Number 629,

        11       commemorating Harlem's Historic African Burial

        12       Ground, in recognition of Black History Month,

        13       February of 2011.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        15       Perkins.

        16                  SENATOR PERKINS:    Thank you very

        17       much.

        18                  I want to read:  "With February

        19       being Black History Month, it is a time to

        20       reflect on the struggles and victories of

        21       African-Americans throughout our country's

        22       history and to recognize their numerous

        23       valuable contributions to society.

        24                  "Last year, in February, downtown

        25       at the federal General Services Administration

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Building, with pomp and fanfare a new

         2       visitor's center opened near the 'Negro's

         3       Cemetery,' rediscovered in 1991, that was

         4       active during the 17th and 18th centuries as

         5       the final resting place of tens of thousands

         6       of African slaves whose unpaid labor helped to

         7       make New York the nation's great commercial

         8       capital.

         9                  "Additionally, yet another 'Negro's

        10       Cemetery' existed in East Harlem, El Barrio,

        11       below what is now the MTA's 126th Street Bus

        12       Depot.  This colonial-era burial ground for

        13       African-American slaves and free blacks

        14       occupies a quarter-acre lot on the original

        15       Dutch Reformed Church grounds, on First Avenue

        16       between 126th and 127th Streets, and was in

        17       operation until as late as 1845.

        18                  "In New York State, slavery,

        19       gradually abolished in 1827, persisted until

        20       1830, and laws enacted prior to that date,

        21       though encouraging the conversion of Negroes

        22       and Indians to the Christian faith, strictly

        23       stipulated 'that the baptism of any slave

        24       should not be deemed a manumission of such

        25       slave,' and even in death blacks were denied

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         1       human dignity conferred by ceremony, with a

         2       law passed in 1722 inspired by fear of

         3       conspiracies, decreeing that 'all Negro and

         4       Indian slaves dying within the City should be

         5       buried by daylight ... that not more than

         6       12 slaves should attend any funeral, under

         7       penalty of a public whipping ... that no pall,

         8       gloves or favors of any sort were to be worn,

         9       and any slave who was found to have held a

        10       pall or worn gloves or favors was to be

        11       whipped.  The non-Christian character of the

        12       blacks prevented burial in consecrated

        13       ground.'

        14                  "Even late into the 19th century,

        15       the remains of whites were disinterred and

        16       reburied with a solemn church service at

        17       Woodlawn Cemetery, while those of blacks were

        18       left in place and desecrated.

        19                  "Harlem's oldest congregation, the

        20       Elmendorf Reformed Church, made up of

        21       descendants of enslaved people, under the

        22       heroic leadership of The Reverend Dr. Patricia

        23       A. Singletary valiantly led the fight to gain

        24       Harlem's African Burial Ground's preservation,

        25       recognition, and fitting commemoration."

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         1                  I want to thank my colleague

         2       Senator Serrano, who actually represents that

         3       area, for the leadership that he has helped to

         4       provide to rerecognize that burial ground.

         5                  And I would hope that we would

         6       pause for a moment to recognize the history of

         7       Harlem's historic African Burial Ground and

         8       those who are buried there.

         9                  Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.

        10       And I'd like to ask that my colleagues join me

        11       in signing onto the resolution.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        13       Serrano, on the resolution.

        14                  SENATOR SERRANO:    Thank you very

        15       much.

        16                  I want to extend my gratitude to

        17       Senator Bill Perkins for putting this

        18       resolution forth.

        19                  A year ago, he and I held a public

        20       meeting in East Harlem to discuss the cultural

        21       and historical significance of this African

        22       Burial Ground that indeed is in East Harlem,

        23       in my district.  And it was a wonderful

        24       display, a wonderful educational opportunity

        25       for the residents of the district and the

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         1       area.

         2                  It just goes to show the important

         3       cultural impact that a burial ground such as

         4       this has, and the importance of preserving the

         5       legacy of this burial ground, not only for the

         6       current historical and cultural value, but for

         7       future generations to come.

         8                  So I want to thank Senator Perkins

         9       and all of my colleagues in government and all

        10       of the local elected officials and the African

        11       Burial Ground Task Force in East Harlem, of

        12       which I'm a part of, as we continue to ensure

        13       that the local agencies there respect and

        14       understand the historical and cultural

        15       significance of this burial ground and that we

        16       preserve its heritage for generations to come.

        17                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Thank

        19       you, Senator Serrano.

        20                  Is there any other Senator wishing

        21       to be heard on the resolution?

        22                  There being none, the question is

        23       on the resolution.  All in favor signify by

        24       saying aye.

        25                  (Response of "Aye.")

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:

         2       Opposed?

         3                  (No response.)

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

         5       resolution is adopted.

         6                  Senator Libous, with your consent,

         7       we will afford the standard practice of

         8       allowing all on the resolution.  Those who do

         9       not intend to be considered as a part of the

        10       resolution would let the desk know, please.

        11                  Senator Libous.

        12                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        13       Mr. President.

        14                  I believe there's another

        15       privileged resolution at the desk, by Senator

        16       Stavisky.  And would we have its title read

        17       and call on Senator Stavisky and then move for

        18       its adoption.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        20       Secretary will read.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senator

        22       Stavisky, legislative resolution memorializing

        23       Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim Monday,

        24       February 28, 2011, as Family Dysautonomia

        25       Awareness Day in the State of New York.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         2       Stavisky.

         3                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Thank you,

         4       Mr. President.

         5                  This resolution memorializes the

         6       Governor to proclaim today as Familial

         7       Dysautonomia Awareness Day.  This is a genetic

         8       disease affecting one in 27 people of Eastern

         9       European Jewish ancestry.  But fortunately,

        10       those who are affected would carry the

        11       recessive gene for it.

        12                  It's also known as FD, or Riley-Day

        13       Syndrome.  And this is a disease that at one

        14       time children lived to approximately 5 years

        15       of age.  But today the life span is much

        16       longer, with the research that's being done

        17       through the foundation that was set up.

        18                  It is fortunately a rare disease.

        19       But as I said, it affects people of Eastern

        20       European Jewish ancestry.  And it is a

        21       devastating disease that affects families.

        22       And to have children born with this genetic

        23       disorder is very, very troubling, obviously,

        24       for the families that are involved.

        25                  Today there is still no cure.  But

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         1       there are several hospitals throughout the

         2       world -- just two, in fact -- where they are

         3       doing research into the cause and the

         4       treatment of this disease.  So we call upon

         5       the Governor to make the public aware.  And

         6       let us resolve that hopefully when we come

         7       back next year we will have some progress

         8       made.

         9                  So thank you, Mr. President.  And I

        10       invite everybody to join in this resolution.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Thank

        12       you, Senator Stavisky.

        13                  Is there any other member wishing

        14       to be speak on the resolution?

        15                  All those in favor of the

        16       resolution signify by saying aye.

        17                  (Response of "Aye.")

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:

        19       Opposed?

        20                  (No response.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        22       resolution is carried.

        23                  Senator Libous.

        24                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        25       Mr. President.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  There is a privileged resolution at

         2       the desk by Senators Larkin, Saland, and Ball.

         3       Mr. President, could we have it read in its

         4       entirety, and then I would ask that you call

         5       on Senators Larkin, Saland and Ball, in that

         6       order, before we actually vote on the

         7       resolution.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

         9       Secretary will read.

        10                  THE SECRETARY:    By Senators

        11       Larkin, Saland and Ball, legislative

        12       resolution mourning the untimely death of City

        13       of Poughkeepsie Police Officer John M. Falcone

        14       on February 18, 2011.

        15                  "WHEREAS, It is the sense of this

        16       Legislative Body to convey its grateful

        17       appreciation and heartfelt regret in

        18       recognition of the loss of a courageous police

        19       officer who dedicated his purposeful life and

        20       career in faithful service to his family,

        21       community, and the City of Poughkeepsie Police

        22       Department; and

        23                  "WHEREAS, It is with profound

        24       sadness that this Legislative Body records the

        25       passing of City of Poughkeepsie Police Officer

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       John M. Falcone, who made the ultimate

         2       sacrifice on February 18, 2011, while

         3       faithfully and courageously executing his

         4       responsibilities in the line of duty, serving

         5       with dedication, loyalty and compassion, and

         6       who devoted his purposeful life and career to

         7       serve and protect; and

         8                  "WHEREAS, A 44-year-old resident of

         9       Marlboro, New York, John M. Falcone was born

        10       in Brooklyn, New York, on January 21, 1967, to

        11       John and Margaret Falcone; and

        12                  "WHEREAS, Police Officer John M.

        13       Falcone was a 20-year law enforcement veteran

        14       and rendered 18 years of outstanding and

        15       dedicated service as a police officer for the

        16       City of Poughkeepsie Police Department and was

        17       recently promoted to detective; and

        18                  "WHEREAS, On February 18, 2011,

        19       Police Officer John M. Falcone was tragically

        20       shot and killed after he had heroically

        21       rescued a 3-year-old female child from a

        22       violent domestic dispute in the City of

        23       Poughkeepsie, New York; and

        24                  "WHEREAS, Exemplifying what it

        25       truly means to give of himself in providing

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         1       vital police services in keeping with the

         2       noble mission of the City of Poughkeepsie

         3       Police Department, John M. Falcone lived his

         4       life with great dignity and genuine grace,

         5       always demonstrating a deep and continuing

         6       concern for the welfare of others; and

         7                  "WHEREAS, John M. Falcone is

         8       survived by his loving parents, John and

         9       Margaret Falcone.  He is also survived by his

        10       sister, Victoria Fiorisi, and by his two

        11       adoring nephews, Giovanni M. and Michael V.

        12       Fiorisi; and

        13                  "WHEREAS, This Legislative Body

        14       will remember Police Officer John M. Falcone

        15       for his courage and dedication to duty and for

        16       his heroism in saving the life of an innocent

        17       child, and mourns for a life tragically cut

        18       short by a senseless act of violence; and

        19                  "WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic

        20       spirit, imbued with a sense of compassion, and

        21       comforted by a loving family, Police Officer

        22       John M. Falcone leaves behind a legacy which

        23       will long endure the passing of time and will

        24       remain as a comforting memory to all he served

        25       and befriended.  He will be deeply missed and

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       truly merits the grateful tribute of this

         2       Legislative Body; now, therefore, be it

         3                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

         4       Body pause in its deliberations to mourn the

         5       untimely death of City of Poughkeepsie Police

         6       Officer John M. Falcone, noting the

         7       significance of his contributions on behalf of

         8       the citizens of this noble Empire State, and

         9       expressing its deepest condolences to his

        10       family; and be it further

        11                  "RESOLVED, That a copy of this

        12       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

        13       to the family of John M. Falcone."

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    I ask

        15       the chamber to please remain silent as we

        16       undertake this resolution.

        17                  And I call upon Senator Saland.

        18                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you,

        19       Mr. President.

        20                  Mr. President, we all at one time

        21       or another have to deal with the issue of

        22       death or the passing of an individual member

        23       of our family, a friend, and acquaintance.

        24       And it certainly is an experience which is

        25       painful and which is traumatic.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  Perhaps as painful as that is, it's

         2       even more so painful when that life is taken

         3       by an act of extreme violence, and even more

         4       so painful when the person whose life is taken

         5       is a sworn officer of the law doing his duty

         6       in defense of others, attempting to save the

         7       life of a child, a child who was brought to

         8       the city of Poughkeepsie by her mother, who

         9       had just recently been savagely murdered by

        10       her father.  Poughkeepsie happened to be a

        11       destination point, a dropoff point where an

        12       exchange was to be made.

        13                  Officer Falcone, recently Detective

        14       Falcone, a very well respected member of the

        15       City of Poughkeepsie Police force, a man who

        16       was well known in law enforcement circles,

        17       universally respected in the community, did

        18       what his sworn duty imposed upon him to do.

        19       He was in the area, he responded, and he

        20       attempted to deal with a situation which is a

        21       law enforcement officer's worst nightmare,

        22       intervening in a domestic violence dispute.

        23                  Officer Falcone is a much decorated

        24       officer, an experienced officer -- and I

        25       should refer to him as "Detective"; I knew him

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         1       far longer as "Officer."  He responded as the

         2       professional that he was.  He responded and

         3       did it apparently by the book.  Here's a man

         4       who had served for some 18 years, a young man,

         5       a man who, as I said, had numerous

         6       decorations, commendations.  A man who was

         7       truly a cop's cop.  A man who earned the

         8       admiration of those with whom he served, the

         9       respect of those with whom he served, and the

        10       respect of the greater community.

        11                  The loss to his family, his

        12       parents, his sister -- as was mentioned, his

        13       nephews -- is probably unbearable,

        14       particularly given the way his life was taken.

        15       But his loss was a loss that touches not only

        16       each and every one of the people that live in

        17       the city of Poughkeepsie -- because he was

        18       there on their behalf as the embodiment of

        19       public safety -- but his loss is a loss to all

        20       of us.

        21                  His loss, much like the loss of a

        22       policeman, a sheriff, a trooper, a highway

        23       patrolman anywhere in this country who gives

        24       his or her life in the name of public safety,

        25       in the name of protecting others, in the name

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         1       of attempting to resolve a matter not with

         2       ultimate or fatal force, but by the skills

         3       that he's been blessed with, or given -- when

         4       dealing with such confrontations, only to be

         5       violently cut down by a far more violent and

         6       far more ruthless individual.

         7                  His loss is to be mourned not

         8       merely by his family, but it is to be mourned

         9       by all of us.  My heart, my prayers go out to

        10       his family.  And I can safely say that the

        11       family of the City of Poughkeepsie mourn his

        12       loss and pay their respects to him, to his

        13       memory, to those with whom he served, and

        14       especially to his family.

        15                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        17       Larkin.

        18                  SENATOR LARKIN:    Thank you,

        19       Mr. President.

        20                  I want to thank my colleague

        21       Senator Saland for giving an excellent outline

        22       of Officer Falcone's life and his contribution

        23       to his community.

        24                  You know, there's a lot more to

        25       this, as Steve said -- and brought it out

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         1       carefully -- how important this individual was

         2       to that community.  We're talking about a

         3       community that is like a lot of other small

         4       cities across this state, striving.  But when

         5       you get a young man of that age, 44 -- when

         6       you reach that age, Joe, you'll really know

         7       what it means.

         8                  This was serious.  This man was a

         9       detective on run near a train station in

        10       Poughkeepsie, and he grabbed this 3-year-old

        11       child out of the arms of this intruder, turned

        12       the child over to someone in safety, and then

        13       became part of the full attack.  This

        14       individual killed his wife, killed a police

        15       officer, and then put the bullet to his own

        16       head.

        17                  As Steve said about the family,

        18       just think about the mother and father and

        19       sister and the two nephews.  I don't know how

        20       many of you have ever been in combat, but when

        21       you have to write a letter, you don't have the

        22       golden opportunity of picking up a phone.  But

        23       can you imagine, the first thing says

        24       "Mrs. Falcone, I regret to inform you that

        25       your son, providing a gracious act of humanity

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         1       to take care of somebody else, was shot and

         2       killed at the train station this afternoon."

         3                  That's a serious, serious thing.

         4       We are blessed in having young people such as

         5       Mr. Falcone enter the law enforcement field

         6       and provide a decent aspect of what law

         7       enforcement is all about.  It's a sad day in

         8       Poughkeepsie, it's a sad day in my district,

         9       in Marlboro, where Mr. Falcone was known,

        10       loved and respected.  And it's a very sad day

        11       in Carmel, where his parents reside.

        12                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        14       Ball.

        15                  SENATOR BALL:    Thank you,

        16       Mr. President.

        17                  You couldn't ask for a more

        18       beautiful family than this family.  And John's

        19       sister being married to my cousin, Officer

        20       Falcone was an extended member of my family.

        21       And I just wanted to say to John and to

        22       Margaret and to his sister Vicky, not only on

        23       behalf of this State Legislature but on behalf

        24       of the Ball family, on behalf of myself, that

        25       our heart absolutely goes out to that family,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to you and John's memory.

         2                  You know, I was at that service.

         3       And what a beautiful tribute to what was an

         4       amazing man and who was an amazing man.  There

         5       were over 10,000 law enforcement personnel

         6       that showed up in John's memory.  And he was a

         7       warrior of warriors.  He was always in the

         8       thick of it.  And the stories that were told

         9       to me over the course of those few days shows

        10       that he was a man amongst men.

        11                  But as we all leave and go live our

        12       daily lives, to the Falcone family, just know

        13       that on behalf of this Legislature, on behalf

        14       of my family, we will always be here.  And

        15       hopefully we can always work to make that

        16       memory of that amazing and loving man fitting,

        17       and that our good work can empower his great

        18       memory.  Because this is not the first life

        19       that John saved.  He saved the life of another

        20       child.  Unfortunately, the life saved that day

        21       will be the last life ever saved by John.

        22                  But we have law enforcement

        23       personnel throughout the United States of

        24       America and New York State that, when they

        25       walk out the door, their loved ones don't know

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         1       if they'll ever return.  And it's our

         2       responsibility as a Legislature to make sure

         3       that those families know that the full weight

         4       of this body and New York State government

         5       stands solidly behind our men and women in

         6       uniform.

         7                  Thank you.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Are

         9       there any other Senators who wish to be heard?

        10                  The question is on the resolution.

        11       All in favor signify by saying aye.

        12                  (Response of "Aye.")

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:

        14       Opposed?

        15                  (No response.)

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        17       resolution is carried.

        18                  Senator Libous.

        19                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        20       could I ask my colleagues to please stand and

        21       join me in a moment of silence for Officer

        22       Falcone, please.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    I ask

        24       all to join in tribute and reflection of

        25       Officer John M. Falcone.

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         1                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

         2       respected a moment of silence.)

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         4       Libous.

         5                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         6       also could we open that resolution up to all

         7       the members of the chamber, please.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

         9       resolution is open to all members of the

        10       chamber.  If you choose not to be on the

        11       resolution, please notify the desk.

        12                  Senator Libous.

        13                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you.

        14                  Mr. President, I believe it's time

        15       now for the noncontroversial reading of the

        16       calendar, please.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        18       Secretary will read.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        20       10, by Senator Maziarz, Senate Print 177A, an

        21       act to amend the Environmental Conservation

        22       Law.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Read

        24       the last section.

        25                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 5.  This

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       act shall take effect on the 90th day.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Call

         3       the roll.

         4                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

         6       the negative on Calendar Number 10 are

         7       Senators Addabbo, Avella, L. Krueger,

         8       Montgomery, Serrano, Smith and

         9       Stewart-Cousins.

        10                  Ayes, 50.  Nays, 7.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        12       bill is passed.

        13                  The Secretary will read.

        14                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        15       13, by Senator Young, Senate Print 794, an act

        16       to amend the Environmental Conservation Law.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Read

        18       the last section.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        20       act shall take effect immediately.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Call

        22       the roll.

        23                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 57.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       bill is passed.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         3       14, by Senator Young, Senate Print 801, an act

         4       to amend the Environmental Conservation Law.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Read

         6       the last section.

         7                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

         8       act shall take effect immediately.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Call

        10       the roll.

        11                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.  Nays,

        13       1.  Senator Serrano recorded in the negative.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        15       bill is passed.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        17       16, by Senator Seward, Senate Print 1683, an

        18       act to amend the Environmental Conservation

        19       Law.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Read

        21       the last section.

        22                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

        23       act shall take effect immediately.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Call

        25       the roll.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 56.  Nays,

         3       1.  Senator Serrano recorded in the negative.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

         5       bill is passed.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

         7       47, by Senator Little, Senate Print --

         8                  SENATOR BRESLIN:    Lay it aside.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        10       bill is laid aside.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        12       79, by Senator Ritchie, Senate Print 2781, an

        13       act to legalize, validate, ratify and confirm

        14       certain actions taken by the Village of Black

        15       River in the County of Jefferson.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    There

        17       is a home-rule message at the desk.

        18                  Read the last section.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 7.  This

        20       act shall take effect immediately.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Call

        22       the roll.

        23                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 58.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       bill is passed.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Senator Libous.

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         4       before we go to the controversial reading of

         5       the calendar, we shall congratulate Senator

         6       Ritchie for passing her first bill.

         7                  (Applause.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:

         9       Congratulations, Senator Ritchie.

        10                  Senator Libous, that completes the

        11       noncontroversial reading of the calendar.

        12                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Then,

        13       Mr. President, may we go to the controversial

        14       reading of the calendar, please.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        16       Secretary will ring the bell.

        17                  The Secretary will read.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        19       47, by Senator Little, Senate Print 554, an

        20       act to amend the Parks, Recreation and

        21       Historic Preservation Law.

        22                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:

        23       Explanation.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    An

        25       explanation is requested by Senator Krueger.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  Senator Little.

         2                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you,

         3       Mr. President.

         4                  This bill would allow for a person

         5       under 14 years of age to participate in a

         6       snowmobile event, special event, which is

         7       called a snocross event.  And it would have to

         8       have the authorization of the commissioner of

         9       Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation,

        10       it would have to have a written consent of his

        11       or her parent or legal guardian, and would

        12       have to be using the rules and regulations of

        13       the snocross event.

        14                  And there are two organizations, an

        15       International Series of Champions and an East

        16       Coast Snocross Event.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Thank

        18       you, Senator Little.

        19                  Senator Krueger.

        20                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.  If the sponsor would please

        22       yield for some questions.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        24       Little, will you yield?

        25                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Yes.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         2       Krueger.

         3                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

         4                  What is the age that's currently

         5       allowed under New York State law for

         6       snowmobiling?

         7                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Well, currently

         8       you can ride a snowmobile with your parent.

         9       But this is for an event, to allow someone

        10       under the age of 14 to participate in a

        11       snocross event.

        12                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Through

        13       you --

        14                  SENATOR LITTLE:    And the ages are

        15       from 4 to 14.

        16                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    If through

        17       you, Mr. -- I'm sorry.

        18                  I'm sorry, Betty, I didn't mean to

        19       cut you off.  I apologize.

        20                  SENATOR LITTLE:    There are class

        21       events in some events from ages from 4 to 14.

        22       This would allow anyone under the age of 14 to

        23       participate, with those caveats:  written

        24       parental permission, a parent or a legal

        25       guardian has to be present.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

         2                  Through you, Mr. President, if the

         3       sponsor would continue to yield.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         5       Little, will you continue to yield?

         6                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Yes.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         8       Krueger.

         9                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        10                  So I understand that current law is

        11       you must be 18 years of age to operate a

        12       snowmobile by yourself, with the exceptions

        13       being, as you mentioned, if you are 14 years

        14       of age or older on land owned or leased by

        15       your parent or guardian, and a number of other

        16       scenarios where you must have a certificate

        17       from the commissioner of the Office of Parks,

        18       Recreation and Historic Preservation.

        19                  Do you know how many of these

        20       certificates have been provided by the

        21       commissioner of the Office of Parks,

        22       Recreation and Historic Preservation?

        23                  SENATOR LITTLE:    No, I don't.

        24                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        25                  Through you, if the sponsor would

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       continue to yield, please, Mr. President.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         3       Little, do you continue to yield?

         4                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Yes, I do.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         6       Krueger.

         7                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

         8                  So in your bill it specifically

         9       says allowing properly supervised children of

        10       any change to participate in a special event

        11       which is authorized by the commissioner of the

        12       Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic

        13       Preservation, as long as the rider can show

        14       written consent from a parent or guardian.

        15                  Can you give me an example of what

        16       these special events are?  What are we

        17       allowing these children under 14 to do?

        18                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Yes, these are

        19       called snocross events.  They're similar to an

        20       ATV event, which children under the age of 14

        21       are allowed to participate in these -- they're

        22       like races, show classes, activities that they

        23       do.  They're pretty much a family activity.

        24                  There are rules and regulations.  I

        25       have lists of rules and regulations.  We're

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       not talking about a 4 to 6 to 10-year-old

         2       getting on a full-size snowmobile and being

         3       able to operate it in a race.  There are

         4       limitations on the size of the snowmobile.

         5       The junior classes have smaller snowmobiles.

         6       They're limited as to how fast they can go.

         7       They have throttle restrictions on even the

         8       14-year-old classes and under 14.

         9                  So this is not a free-for-all race

        10       where you put a 4-year-old on a snowmobile and

        11       say "have fun."  This is a supervised, family

        12       recreation event where they participate.  In

        13       some cases, they may just operate the

        14       snowmobile from here -- from me to you.  And

        15       it's how they are able to do it, start and

        16       stop and that kind of thing.

        17                  It's not a major part of a snocross

        18       event, but it will allow younger children in

        19       to have junior classes within the snocross

        20       event.

        21                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Through

        22       you, Mr. President, if the sponsor would

        23       continue to yield.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        25       Little, do you continue to yield?

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Yes.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         3       Krueger.

         4                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

         5                  Does the bill that we're discussing

         6       today actually explicitly say that these kinds

         7       of special events can't be any kind of

         8       snowmobile racing event?  Does it lay out in

         9       the bill the specifications that you just

        10       described to us in follow-up to your last

        11       question?

        12                  SENATOR LITTLE:    I believe it

        13       does.  Under D, Section 1(D), it talks about a

        14       special event defined by subdivision 16 of

        15       Section 21.05 of this title.  And the special

        16       event must be held in accordance with any

        17       relevant statutes, rules or regulations.  It

        18       has to be authorized by the commissioner of

        19       Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

        20       and provided for in that section.  And it has

        21       to have, as I said, written consent of his or

        22       her parent or legal guardian.

        23                  And the commissioner adopts the

        24       rules and regulations relating to such

        25       participants, and in doing so shall review and

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       consider for adoption those rules and

         2       regulations that have been published by the

         3       international organizations that promote such

         4       events, including but not limited to the

         5       International Series of Champions and the

         6       International Snowmobile Racing Association.

         7       And I believe there's also an East Coast

         8       Snocross Association that uses those rules.

         9                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        10                  Mr. President, on the bill.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        12       Krueger on the bill.

        13                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    I want to

        14       thank the sponsor for her explanation.  I have

        15       to say this is a bill that would give

        16       associations outside the authority of the

        17       State of New York's Legislature the ability to

        18       make their own rules, change their own rules

        19       as to what kind of special activities or

        20       special events took place.

        21                  I am not in opposition to

        22       snowmobiling.  But in fact, without explicit

        23       statutory regulation, snowmobiles nowadays

        24       average 600 pounds.  They go as fast as

        25       60 miles per hour.  The Pediatric Association

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       of America argues strongly against children

         2       under 16 being allowed to ride snowmobiles

         3       because the risk of damage and death is

         4       proportionately out of -- is inconsistent with

         5       other safety activities that young children

         6       are allowed to perform.

         7                  The Mayo Clinic, a 2006 report,

         8       snowmobiles are a significant source of

         9       multitrauma for children.  Orthopedic injuries

        10       predominate, especially in older children, and

        11       can lead to long-term disabilities.  Helmet

        12       use significantly reduces injuries.  However,

        13       vulnerable younger patients do not frequently

        14       wear helmets.

        15                  It is reported that 18 percent of

        16       snowmobile-related injuries were in children

        17       younger than age 14 and that 48 percent of all

        18       snowmobile-related injuries occurred in people

        19       between age 15 and 24 years old.

        20                  I personally don't believe we

        21       should allow anyone under the age of 18 to be

        22       driving snowmobiles in a racetrack type of

        23       setup.  And while I appreciate that the

        24       sponsor believes that there would be

        25       limitations drawn on what kinds of

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       snowmobiling races took place for younger

         2       children, I don't think, as a perspective of

         3       child welfare or child safety, that the State

         4       of New York should either support or encourage

         5       children under the age of 14 to be racing

         6       snowmobiles.

         7                  And I know that snowmobiling can be

         8       a fine activity, a family activity.  My

         9       understanding is that there are snowmobiles

        10       where children can be the passengers as

        11       opposed to the drivers.  I understand that the

        12       current law has limitations in it, but the

        13       concept that we are going to pass a law that

        14       would say as long as the commissioner of

        15       Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

        16       signs something saying okay, that anything

        17       goes for children as young as 4 years old -- I

        18       personally hope that there aren't any parents

        19       who would allow their children on these

        20       machines to race at such young ages.

        21                  But I don't believe that in the

        22       State of New York we should pass a law

        23       allowing children under 14 to be the drivers

        24       and sole passengers on vehicles that can in

        25       fact be as large as 600 pounds, go 60 miles an

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       hour and do lifetime damage to themselves if

         2       they get into accidents.

         3                  My understanding also is that

         4       snocross racetracks consist of

         5       artificially-made tracks consisting of tight

         6       turns, banked corners, steep jumps and

         7       obstacles.  And again, when you visualize

         8       this, or if you've watch snocross on TV, which

         9       I have occasionally done -- I have not

        10       participated in real life -- these are

        11       potentially very fast and very dangerous

        12       sporting activities.

        13                  So I would urge my colleagues to

        14       vote no on this bill to ensure the safety and

        15       the welfare of children under 14 in the State

        16       of New York.

        17                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        19       Libous.

        20                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        21       Mr. President.  May I speak on the bill?

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        23       Libous on the bill.

        24                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I want to

        25       applaud Senator Little for bringing this bill

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to the floor.

         2                  And certainly while I have great

         3       respect for Senator Krueger, I think this once

         4       again shows the great upstate/downstate

         5       divide, if I may.

         6                  You know, snowmobiling is an

         7       industry in upstate New York.  It helps many

         8       businesses.  We have thousands of individuals

         9       in upstate New York who enjoy going to these

        10       events, as Senator Little talked about, and

        11       they come in from other states around.  It

        12       brings people into the state --

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Excuse

        14       me, Senator Libous.  May we have some order in

        15       the chamber, please.

        16                  Senator Libous.

        17                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    It brings people

        18       into the state.

        19                  These are great events.  I've

        20       attended these events.  I have constituents

        21       that participate in these events.  I was just

        22       sharing with Senator LaValle that I have a

        23       very good friend who owns a restaurant, and

        24       he's on a snowmobile trail, and they all visit

        25       that restaurant on Saturday mornings and

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       afternoons.

         2                  Recently we were going to have a --

         3       when they had the meet, we were going to have

         4       an ice sculpturing contest.  And I was going

         5       to be the judge, by the way.  But we had to

         6       cancel it because it rained for three days and

         7       there was no snow left.  And unfortunately

         8       we've had three months of snow, and that was

         9       the weekend that he had picked.

        10                  But, you know, safety is something

        11       that we do care about as it pertains to

        12       snowmobiling.  And I think that there are

        13       precautions that are taken.  I think it's like

        14       any sport or event or activity.  Certainly if

        15       you're moving on a snowmobile at a higher rate

        16       of speed, certainly there are training

        17       requirements and things just as if you're on a

        18       motorcycle or driving an automobile or any

        19       object that is moving that you're controlling.

        20                  But I think that Senator Little's

        21       bill is right to the point, it addresses an

        22       issue and events that we take great pride in

        23       in upstate New York, and they help our upstate

        24       economy.

        25                  So while certainly maybe Senator

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Little could invite Senator Krueger to one of

         2       those events, so that she could see for

         3       herself that it is indeed an economic

         4       development event for upstate New York where

         5       people from all over come in and that it is

         6       not as dangerous as maybe one might think.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Libous.

         9                  Senator Little.

        10                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you.  If I

        11       may, I would like to speak on the bill for

        12       clarification, because I don't want people to

        13       go away thinking this is one big free-for-all

        14       where you put a 4-year-old on a great big snow

        15       machine and let them go.

        16                  There is a learning component to

        17       this, there is a training component to this.

        18       The children, when they first start out at a

        19       very young age, their machine is smaller, it

        20       is limited to -- the highest speed could be

        21       12 miles an hour.  This is all very

        22       restricted.  They are required to wear

        23       helmets, shoulder pads, all kinds of paddings

        24       and equipment.

        25                  And the parent enjoys having the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       child participate in this sport with them, and

         2       certainly at a very beginning level.  So we're

         3       not talking about something that is unsafe.

         4       And it is not like what you see on television.

         5       We're talking about things that we have in our

         6       area where families come.

         7                  And maybe the higher-level races

         8       race at a higher speed, but these children at

         9       this age do not.  But they are allowed to

        10       participate, and also to grow into that sport

        11       and to be able to participate in it at a

        12       higher level as they grow older.

        13                  It does definitely have an economic

        14       development component.  Winters are long in

        15       the North Country.  Tourism season is very

        16       slow.  So this kind of event brings people

        17       into our area, allows people to enjoy the

        18       outdoors, enjoy winter experience, and also

        19       gives safety, training and education to young

        20       children on how to operate a snowmobile.

        21                  So I would encourage everyone to

        22       vote for this.  This is allowed in other

        23       states.  This would increase the participation

        24       in our state and make it even more of a family

        25       event and, as I said, help these kids grow

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       into this sport.

         2                  Thank you.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Thank

         4       you, Senator Little.

         5                  Is there any other Senator wishing

         6       to be heard?

         7                  Seeing none, debate is closed.

         8                  The Secretary will ring the bell.

         9                  Senator Libous.

        10                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

        11       believe all the Senators are in the chamber.

        12       If they are not in their seats, please get to

        13       your seats so we can vote, because the Senate

        14       rule does say we have to be in our seats.  So

        15       we do want to obey the Senate rules, don't we?

        16                  Griffo, you're excused from being

        17       in your seat.

        18                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    I would

        20       ask all Senators to please remain in their

        21       seats for the vote.

        22                  The Secretary will read the last

        23       section.

        24                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

        25       act shall take effect immediately.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Call

         2       the roll.

         3                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:

         5       Announce the results.

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Those recorded in

         7       the negative on Calendar Number 47 are

         8       Senators Avella, Diaz, Espaillat, Huntley,

         9       L. Krueger, Montgomery, Perkins, Rivera,

        10       Serrano, Squadron and Stavisky.

        11                  Absent from voting:  Senator

        12       Parker.

        13                  Absent from voting pursuant to

        14       Rule 9:  Senators DeFrancisco and C. Kruger.

        15                  Ayes, 46.  Nays, 11.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    The

        17       bill is passed.

        18                  Senator Libous.

        19                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        20       Mr. President.  I have some housekeeping to

        21       take care of.

        22                  In consultation with Senator

        23       Sampson, Senator Skelos and Senator Sampson

        24       hand up the following committee changes and

        25       assignments.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  Senator Skelos also hands up the

         2       following committee changes, and we ask that

         3       they all be filed.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    So

         5       ordered.

         6                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         7       before I call on Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson

         8       for an announcement that she'd like to make, I

         9       just want to end the session letting everybody

        10       know that Frank W. Buckles passed away on

        11       Sunday.  Frank was the last survivor of World

        12       War I before he passed.

        13                  Some 5 million Americans served

        14       this great country in World War I.  And while

        15       time tends to go on and life tends to move

        16       forward, I guess it's important that we just

        17       pause for a second and say thank you in our

        18       hearts to not only Frank Buckles but also to

        19       every man and woman who served us, all

        20       5 million of them, in World War I.

        21                  So could I ask that everybody

        22       please stand for a moment.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    We ask

        24       all to rise in honor of all those who served

        25       our nation so valiantly in World War I.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

         2       respected a moment of silence.)

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         4       Mr. President.

         5                  At this time would you call on

         6       Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, please.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

         8       Hassell-Thompson.

         9                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Thank

        10       you, Mr. President.

        11                  Immediately following session, I'm

        12       asking for all Democrats to meet in the

        13       conference room immediately.  Thank you.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    There

        15       will be an immediate meeting of the Democrat

        16       Conference in the Democrat Conference Room.

        17                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    Senator

        19       Libous.

        20                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    There will also

        21       be an immediate Republican Majority Conference

        22       in Room 332.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    There

        24       will be an immediate meeting of the Republican

        25       Conference in the Majority Conference Room,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Room 332.

         2                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         3       is there any further business at the desk?

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    There

         5       is no further business at the desk.

         6                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

         7       don't believe we've adjourned yet.  I hear a

         8       lot of noise in the chamber.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:

        10       Members, would you please come to order.

        11                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Is there any

        12       further business at the desk?

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    There

        14       is no further business.

        15                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        16       Mr. President.

        17                  There being no further business, I

        18       adjourn this body until Tuesday, March 1st, at

        19       3:00 p.m.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    On

        21       motion, the Senate stands adjourned until

        22       Tuesday, March 1st, 3:00 p.m.

        23                  (Whereupon, at 4:08 p.m., the

        24       Senate adjourned.)


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