Regular Session - March 28, 2011


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                    March 28, 2011

        11                       6:09 p.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION




        18  SENATOR JOHN J. FLANAGAN, Acting President

        19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary







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         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

         3       Senate will come to order.

         4                  I ask everyone present to please

         5       rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

         6                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         7       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         9       Today's invocation will be offered by Rabbi

        10       Shmuel Butman, from the Lubavitch Youth

        11       Organization in Brooklyn.

        12                  Rabbi.

        13                  RABBI BUTMAN:    [in Hebrew]  Our

        14       Heavenly Father, please bestow Your heavenly

        15       blessings on the members of the New York State

        16       Senate, on them and on their families.  They

        17       should have the strength, the inspiration, the

        18       health to serve You and the people in the

        19       great State of New York.

        20                  The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi

        21       Menachem M. Schneerson, said many times, when

        22       he spoke about the elected officials of the

        23       State of New York and the elected officials of

        24       the New York State Senate, that you are

        25       elected as the custodians for law and order

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         1       not only in the State of New York, but through

         2       the State of New York, in the entire state, in

         3       the entire United States of America, because

         4       the State of New York has influence over the

         5       entire country, and by extension the United

         6       States has influence and should have influence

         7       over the entire world.

         8                  So the laws of law and order that

         9       you institute and that you are the custodians

        10       of have repercussions not only for the great

        11       people of the State of New York and the United

        12       States of America but all free people

        13       throughout the world.

        14                  In 1991, before I went to

        15       Washington to open the United States Senate, I

        16       went to see the Rebbe.  And the Rebbe said

        17       that "During your invocation in the United

        18       States Senate, you should bring with you a

        19       pushkeh" -- a pushkeh is a charity box -- "and

        20       you should put in a dollar while you're doing

        21       the invocation, and everybody should see what

        22       you are doing, and whoever wants to follow."

        23                  So I'm going to do what the Rebbe

        24       asked me.  On the dollar it says -- you just

        25       mentioned God's name before in your prayer.

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         1       On the dollar it says "In God We Trust."  And

         2       I'm going to put in a dollar in the pushkeh,

         3       and we are going to ask everyone if they want

         4       to join us.

         5                  Now, don't get scared.  This is not

         6       a fundraising campaign to make good for the

         7       deficit of the New York State budget.  This is

         8       not the reason.  The reason for that is that

         9       everyone should have a chance to do an extra

        10       deed of goodness and kindness.  When you put

        11       your hand in your pocket, you take out a

        12       dollar bill and you put it into a charity box,

        13       you have done an act of goodness and kindness.

        14                  The Rebbe says that we live in the

        15       last generation of exile and the first

        16       generation of redemption.  And the Great

        17       Redemption will come by doing more acts of

        18       goodness and kindness.  And this is exactly

        19       what we are going to ask you to do if this is

        20       going to be -- these are going to be your

        21       wishes.

        22                  Every Saturday when we are in our

        23       synagogues we say a special prayer for you.

        24       We say the [in Hebrew], for all those who

        25       serve the public faithfully as you do.  We ask

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         1       Almighty God for blessings for you and for

         2       your family, in health, in happiness, and in

         3       gladness of heart.

         4                  And our wish, and our wish to each

         5       and every single one of you is, at this

         6       moment, that you should pass the budget

         7       successfully immediately.

         8                  Thank you.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        10       reading of the Journal.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

        12       Sunday, March 27, the Senate met pursuant to

        13       adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday,

        14       March 26, was read and approved.  On motion,

        15       Senate adjourned.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        17       Without objection, the Journal stands approved

        18       as read.

        19                  Presentation of petitions.

        20                  Messages from the Assembly.

        21                  Messages from the Governor.

        22                  Reports of standing committees.

        23                  Reports of select committees.

        24                  Communications and reports from

        25       state officers.

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         1                  Motions and resolutions.

         2                  Senator Libous.

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

         4       know that members are giving their tithing to

         5       the rabbi, and that's a good thing to do.  But

         6       if we could please have some order in the

         7       chamber while they're quietly putting their

         8       dollars in the box, in the pushkeh.  Thank

         9       you.

        10                  And I would read a couple of

        11       motions, Mr. President.

        12                  On behalf of Senator Griffo, on

        13       page 20 I offer the following amendments to

        14       Calendar Number 255, Senate Print Number 3641,

        15       and ask that said bill retain its place on the

        16       Third Reading Calendar.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        18       amendments are received and adopted and the

        19       bill will retain its place on the Third

        20       Reading Calendar.

        21                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    And,

        22       Mr. President, on behalf of Senator Seward, I

        23       move that the following bill be discharged

        24       from its respective committee and be

        25       recommitted with instructions to strike the

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         1       enacting clause:  Senate Bill 3898.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    So

         3       ordered.

         4                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    And,

         5       Mr. President, I believe there is a privileged

         6       resolution at the desk.  I would ask that it

         7       be read in its entirety and we move for its

         8       immediate adoption.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        10       Secretary will read.

        11                  THE SECRETARY:    Legislative

        12       resolution by Senator Skelos, commemorating

        13       the Anniversary Celebration of the Birthday of

        14       the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem

        15       M. Schneerson, upon the occasion of a Memorial

        16       Reception to be held in the New York State

        17       Capitol on March 28, 2011.

        18                  "WHEREAS, The true architects of

        19       society and community are those individuals

        20       whose faith and unremitting commitment serve

        21       to sustain the spiritual and cultural values

        22       of life.  The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi

        23       Menachem M. Schneerson, was surely such an

        24       individual; and

        25                  "WHEREAS, World Jewry will honor

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         1       its immortal leader, Rabbi Menachem M.

         2       Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, upon the

         3       occasion of the Anniversary of his Birthday

         4       with '109 Days of Education' in --

         5                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         6       we are honoring the Rabbi.  And if we could

         7       have some order in the chamber as the clerk

         8       reads.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        10       Senator Libous, thank you.

        11                  If the members would respect the

        12       reading of the resolution about the Rabbi, we

        13       would all appreciate it.

        14                  The Secretary will continue to

        15       read.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    "WHEREAS, World

        17       Jewry will honor its immortal leader, Rabbi

        18       Menachem M. Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe,

        19       upon the occasion of the Anniversary of his

        20       Birthday with '109 Days of Education,' in

        21       fitting tribute to this esteemed spiritual

        22       leader; and

        23                  "WHEREAS, The Lubavitcher Rebbe,

        24       over his 44 years of dedicated leadership,

        25       established over 1,500 Lubavitch Centers,

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         1       helping people of all walks of life throughout

         2       the world, from Australia to Africa, from

         3       Holland to Argentina, and from Moscow to

         4       Jerusalem; and

         5                  "WHEREAS, Rabbi Schneerson's

         6       educational activities throughout the global

         7       have enriched and strengthened the religious,

         8       educational, cultural, moral, and ethical

         9       fibers of all citizens of the world; and

        10                  "WHEREAS, The Rebbe proclaimed that

        11       the time of Redemption has arrived and

        12       Moshiach is on his way; and

        13                  "WHEREAS, The Lubavitcher Rebbe

        14       called upon all citizens of the world to

        15       prepare for the Great Redemption with a

        16       personal commitment to increase charity and

        17       good deeds; and

        18                  "WHEREAS, A Memorial Reception will

        19       be held in the New York State Capitol on

        20       Monday, March 28, 2011, in tribute and

        21       remembrance of Rabbi Schneerson, the leading

        22       rabbi of his generation; and

        23                  "WHEREAS, This year, Friday,

        24       April 15, 2011, corresponding to 11 Nissan,

        25       5770, the Rebbe's Birthday, to Monday,

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         1       August 1, 2011, corresponding to 1 Av, 5771,

         2       will be celebrated as '109 Days of Education'

         3       in tribute to the educational endeavors of

         4       this visionary leader and learned gentleman on

         5       behalf of all mankind; and

         6                  "WHEREAS, Throughout his purposeful

         7       journey of life, Rabbi Schneerson compiled,

         8       with dignity and grace, decades filled with

         9       philanthropic causes, humanitarian effort, and

        10       astute Judaic leadership, justly earning the

        11       devotion of his followers and the admiration

        12       and respect of his fellow man; now, therefore,

        13       be it

        14                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

        15       Body pause in its deliberations to commemorate

        16       the traditional observance of the Anniversary

        17       of the Birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,

        18       Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, upon the

        19       occasion of a Memorial Reception to be held in

        20       the New York State Capitol on March 28, 2011,

        21       and to recognize April 15, 2011, to August 1,

        22       2011, as '109 Days of Education,' in tribute

        23       to the educational endeavors of the beloved

        24       Rebbe; and be it further

        25                  "RESOLVED, That a copy of this

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         1       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

         2       to Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman, director of the

         3       Lubavitch Youth Organization."

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         5       Senator Skelos.

         6                  SENATOR SKELOS:    Thank you very

         7       much, Mr. President.

         8                  Rabbi Butman, as every year, we

         9       look forward to your coming to our chamber,

        10       reminding all of us in our lives we should all

        11       do good deeds.

        12                  And I also want to point out,

        13       during these times of fiscal austerity, I've

        14       never seen more members go up and contribute

        15       as they have this year.  So I think it's

        16       wonderful.

        17                  We wish you good health.  We look

        18       forward to seeing you every year as you bless

        19       this chamber.  Thank you, Rabbi.

        20                  RABBI BUTMAN:    Thank you very

        21       much.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        23       Senator Skelos, the Rabbi has informed me that

        24       he has clearly hit his table target for today.

        25                  (Laughter.)

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         1                  RABBI BUTMAN:    I wish you the

         2       same.  Thank you.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         4       Senator Libous, the question is on the

         5       resolution.  All those in favor signify by

         6       saying aye.

         7                  (Response of "Aye.")

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         9       Opposed, nay.

        10                  (No response.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        12       resolution is adopted.

        13                  Senator Libous.

        14                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you very

        15       much, Mr. President.

        16                  And I believe that Senator Savino

        17       has a privileged resolution at the desk.  And

        18       she would ask that you please read it in its

        19       entirety and that if you could please call on

        20       Senator Savino.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        22       Secretary will read.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Legislative

        24       resolution by Senator Savino, mourning the

        25       death of Geraldine Anne Ferraro, former Queens

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         1       Congresswoman and first woman nominated as a

         2       United States Vice Presidential candidate.

         3                  "WHEREAS, It is the sense of this

         4       Legislative Body to recognize and pay tribute

         5       to individuals of distinguished purpose and

         6       true commitment who dedicated their lives and

         7       careers to public service and the pursuit of

         8       excellence in the conduct of the legislative

         9       process; and

        10                  "WHEREAS, It is with great sorrow

        11       and deepest regret that this Legislative Body,

        12       representing the people of the State of

        13       New York, records the passing of Geraldine

        14       Anne Ferraro, noting the significance of her

        15       purposeful life and accomplishments; and

        16                  "WHEREAS, Geraldine A. Ferraro, the

        17       former Queens Congresswoman who made history

        18       in 1984 as the first Italian-American and the

        19       first woman nominated for national office by a

        20       major party when she accepted the Democratic

        21       nomination for vice president, died Saturday,

        22       March 26, 2011, in Boston, Massachusetts, at

        23       the age of 75; and

        24                  "WHEREAS, Born on August 26, 1935,

        25       in the Hudson River City of Newburgh,

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         1       New York, Geraldine A. Ferraro was the fourth

         2       child and only daughter of Dominick Ferraro,

         3       an Italian immigrant who owned a restaurant

         4       and a five-and-dime store, and the former

         5       Antonetta L. Corrieri; and

         6                  "WHEREAS, After the death of her

         7       father when she was just 8 years old,

         8       Geraldine A. Ferraro's mother sold the family

         9       store and their home and moved to the South

        10       Bronx and later to Queens; and

        11                  "WHEREAS, Geraldine A. Ferraro

        12       attended the Marymount School, a Catholic

        13       boarding school in Tarrytown, New York.  Her

        14       outstanding grades earned her a scholarship to

        15       Marymount College in Tarrytown; and

        16                  "WHEREAS, An English major,

        17       Geraldine A. Ferraro transferred to Marymount

        18       College Manhattan, where she was an athlete as

        19       well as editor of her school newspaper.  She

        20       won numerous honors before graduating from

        21       1956; and

        22                  "WHEREAS, After graduating,

        23       Geraldine A. Ferraro taught in a public grade

        24       school in Queens.  She later applied to

        25       Fordham Law School and was admitted to its

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         1       night school, where she was one of two women

         2       to graduate in a class of 179 students.  This

         3       exceptional scholar received her law degree in

         4       1960; and

         5                  "WHEREAS, Geraldine A. Ferraro

         6       married John Zaccaro on July 16, 1960, two

         7       days after she passed her bar exam, but kept

         8       her maiden name professionally to honor her

         9       mother.  For the first 13 years of her

        10       marriage, Geraldine devoted herself mainly to

        11       her growing family, but also did legal work

        12       for her husband's business, worked pro bono

        13       for women in Family Court, and participated in

        14       local politics; and

        15                  "WHEREAS, In 1970, she was elected

        16       to esteemed position of president of the

        17       Queens County Women's Bar Association.  Four

        18       years later, she began work with her cousin,

        19       District Attorney Nicholas Ferraro, as an

        20       assistant district attorney in Queens,

        21       New York; and

        22                  "WHEREAS, The following year she

        23       transferred to the Special Victims Bureau and

        24       quickly earned a reputation for tenacity and

        25       talent in the courtroom.  Geraldine A. Ferraro

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         1       later credited her work in the Special Victims

         2       Bureau, investigating rape, crimes against the

         3       elderly, child abuse and domestic violence

         4       with changing her political views from

         5       moderate to liberal; and

         6                  "WHEREAS, In 1978 Geraldine A.

         7       Ferraro won a three-way Democratic primary to

         8       replace Congressman James J. Delaney of

         9       Queens, before winning the general election

        10       campaign; and

        11                  "WHEREAS, As a Congresswoman,

        12       Geraldine A. Ferraro successfully advocated

        13       for improved mass transit around LaGuardia

        14       Airport and increased economic opportunities

        15       for women.  Those efforts quickly propelled

        16       her to prominence within the Democratic Party,

        17       leading to her appointment as chairwoman of

        18       the 1984 Democratic Platform Committee; and

        19                  "WHEREAS, Geraldine Anne Ferraro

        20       was the 1984 vice presidential nominee

        21       alongside presidential candidate Walter F.

        22       Mondale.  Although unsuccessful, her candidacy

        23       blazed a trail for generations of female

        24       politicians of all backgrounds and of all

        25       levels of government; and

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         1                  "WHEREAS, In 1992, Geraldine A.

         2       Ferraro returned to politics, narrowly losing

         3       a Democratic primary for Senate to Robert

         4       Abrams.  She ran again in 1998 but lost to

         5       Charles E. Schumer; and

         6                  "WHEREAS, Geraldine A. Ferraro

         7       served as ambassador to the United Nations

         8       Human Rights Commission during the Clinton

         9       administration and as cohost of the CNN

        10       program 'Crossfire' from 1996 to 1998.  She

        11       was also the author of numerous books and

        12       articles; and

        13                  "WHEREAS, Geraldine A. Ferraro is

        14       survived by her loving husband of 50 years,

        15       John A. Zaccaro, and her three children and

        16       their spouses, Donna Zaccaro Ullman and Paul

        17       Ullman, John and Anne Rasmussen Zaccaro, and

        18       Laura Zaccaro Lee and Josh Lee, as well as

        19       eight grandchildren:  Matthew and Natalie

        20       Ullman; Elizabeth, Samantha and John Zaccaro;

        21       and Daisy, Alexander and Jane Lee; and

        22                  "WHEREAS, Throughout her career

        23       Geraldine A. Ferraro contributed significantly

        24       to the quality of life of her constituents and

        25       the communities of the State of New York as

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         1       well as those throughout the nation.  She will

         2       be deeply missed and truly merits the grateful

         3       tribute of this Legislative Body; now,

         4       therefore, be it

         5                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

         6       Body pause in its deliberations to mourn the

         7       death of Geraldine Anne Ferraro, to salute her

         8       many accomplishments in bettering her

         9       community, state and nation, and to express

        10       its deepest condolences to her family; and be

        11       it further

        12                  "RESOLVED, That a copy of this

        13       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

        14       to the family of Geraldine Anne Ferraro."

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        16       Senator Savino on the resolution.

        17                  SENATOR SAVINO:    Thank you,

        18       Mr. President.

        19                  Geraldine Ferraro was a trailblazer

        20       in so many ways.  That's already been

        21       described in the resolution and in the glowing

        22       tributes that have come from people all over

        23       the world, from the President of the United

        24       States to presidents of other countries,

        25       recognizing how important she was.

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         1                  But for Italian-Americans, she was

         2       even more important.  In one generation,

         3       Geraldine Ferraro became the epitome of the

         4       American dream for Italian-Americans.  It was

         5       the ability to see all of those hopes and

         6       desires that Italian immigrants had when they

         7       came through Ellis Island, and their belief in

         8       that if you came to America you could achieve

         9       anything.  And in one generation, the daughter

        10       of a seamstress and a shop owner not only

        11       became an attorney, a teacher, a successful

        12       mother, active in her community, a

        13       Congresswoman, and then the first female vice

        14       presidential candidate on a major party

        15       ticket.

        16                  It is a sense of pride and

        17       accomplishment that I know myself, as an

        18       Italian-American, is unparalleled -- but also

        19       as a young woman to see a woman nominated to

        20       vice president was something amazing.  I was

        21       about 20 years old when Geraldine Ferraro was

        22       nominated to be the vice presidential

        23       candidate, something I had been led to believe

        24       was maybe possible someday in the future that

        25       a woman could potentially be the President of

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         1       the United States.  We haven't quite gotten

         2       there yet.  But still, Gerry Ferraro was a

         3       sense of inspiration and hope for so many of

         4       us.

         5                  I know many of you here actually

         6       knew her a lot more personally than I did, you

         7       served with her in Queens, and you have your

         8       own personal stories, and I'm sure some of you

         9       will share them.  I didn't have that kind of

        10       relationship with her.  I looked up to her.

        11                  And about three years ago, the

        12       Italian-American Labor Council established an

        13       award in the name of Geraldine Ferraro, and

        14       they gave it to me as the first recipient, and

        15       she herself presented it to me.  It was one of

        16       the most proud moments I've ever had.  And the

        17       following year I think I had the opportunity

        18       to give Gerry Ferraro's award to Joe Addabbo.

        19       And I know many people will accept that award

        20       going forward.

        21                  Geraldine Ferraro was an amazing

        22       woman and a trailblazer in a lot of ways.  But

        23       for an Italian-American girl who came from

        24       Astoria, the same neighborhood that she

        25       represented, she will forever be a life of

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         1       inspiration to me and thousands of other young

         2       women.

         3                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         5       you, Senator Savino.

         6                  Senator Smith on the resolution.

         7                  SENATOR SMITH:    Thank you very

         8       much, Mr. President.

         9                  Let me thank my colleague Senator

        10       Savino for bringing this resolution for such

        11       an amazing young lady to the floor of the

        12       Senate.

        13                  I don't know, because we do it

        14       every day, if everyone understands the

        15       significance of a resolution coming to the

        16       floor of the Senate, meaning that we as a body

        17       will pause our legislative deliberation to

        18       bear respects to someone.  And that a

        19       resolution is not something, although we do it

        20       on this floor, that is done very lightly.

        21                  Doing this resolution for Geraldine

        22       Ferraro, who I knew personally, I think is a

        23       tribute to her and her family.  I had the

        24       opportunity to be a part of her national team

        25       as she ran for vice president.  And as I

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         1       traveled around the country with her -- I did

         2       five different states with her -- this was an

         3       amazing woman.  Someone who, no matter how

         4       much the press, no matter how much people

         5       revered her, she was a common person.  She

         6       would always say to us, "Stay connected to

         7       people."

         8                  I can remember one time, it was in

         9       Illinois, and we had set up a line for her to

        10       begin to greet people after her speech and, as

        11       we would do, to try to get the best and the

        12       most prestigious, if you will, group of

        13       individuals together so that she could greet

        14       them on her way out.  As we got to the door,

        15       she immediately turned to the left and went to

        16       everyone that was not on the line and went to

        17       the everyday, common person.

        18                  And I think that says a lot about

        19       her.  While she was clearly running for vice

        20       president, it was clear that she was, one,

        21       independent and, two, never wanted to forget

        22       the regular people.

        23                  I also remember another time when I

        24       was in her home in Forest Hills Gardens and

        25       her neighbors were a little bit concerned

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         1       because, you know, if you're running for vice

         2       president there are a number of people that

         3       travel with you and you have a long entourage,

         4       if you will.  I recall her making the entire

         5       entourage -- with the Secret Service, who went

         6       berserk -- off the street, made them park

         7       three blocks away from her house because she

         8       felt that to disrupt her neighborhood just

         9       because she was running for vice president was

        10       not the right thing to do.  That's the kind of

        11       person that she was.

        12                  So I want to thank you, Diane,

        13       because this was an amazing woman.  And yes,

        14       she broke barriers for women.  And yes, Diane,

        15       a woman will be president of these United

        16       States at some point, and I believe at some

        17       point in the future near to be said.

        18                  But more importantly, I just want

        19       you to know this was a woman who loved this

        20       country, she loved this state, she loved

        21       New York City, and she loved all the people

        22       within it.

        23                  Thank you very much, Mr. President.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        25       you, Senator Smith.

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         1                  Senator Liz Krueger on the

         2       resolution.

         3                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you,

         4       Mr. President.  I also just want to stand to

         5       recognize the amazing woman, Gerry Ferraro,

         6       that we lost.

         7                  She started her life, as you heard,

         8       in Queens.  She ended her life as a

         9       constituent of mine on the East Side of

        10       Manhattan and actually had her college career

        11       at Marymount College on the East Side of

        12       Manhattan.

        13                  And I didn't get to travel the

        14       country with her, as Senator Smith did, but

        15       she spoke often in her later years on behalf

        16       of women who were running for elected office

        17       and to support the concerns of women and their

        18       families.  And I had quite a few opportunities

        19       to be a speaker with Ms. Ferraro at various

        20       events, talking to other young women, hearing

        21       her talk about what an important role women

        22       must play in the American political process

        23       and in their family lives.

        24                  And I think that sometimes it is

        25       said about women we can do it all, just maybe

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       not at the same time.  And I think that what

         2       people will remember Ms. Ferraro for long

         3       after she's gone is that actually she was a

         4       trailblazer and also showed us how women can,

         5       in fact, try to do it all -- with grace, with

         6       dignity, with warmth, and with never

         7       forgetting her humanity.  And really what a

         8       wonderful New Yorker she was for all of us.

         9                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        11       you, Senator Krueger.

        12                  Senator Stavisky on the resolution.

        13                  SENATOR STAVISKY:    Thank you,

        14       Mr. President.

        15                  This was Women's History Month.

        16       And certainly Gerry Ferraro was a part of

        17       our -- not our county's history but our

        18       nation's history.

        19                  The first time I met Gerry Ferraro

        20       was when she chaired the platform committee

        21       for the national convention that was going to

        22       take place in San Francisco.  And indeed, I

        23       was a delegate to that convention from Queens

        24       County.  And who can forget the picture, the

        25       sight of Gerry Ferraro in a white suit

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       accepting the nomination as vice presidential

         2       candidate.

         3                  She was a warm, friendly person,

         4       down to earth.  And she will be certainly

         5       missed, but also somebody -- as somebody who

         6       has shown women and in fact shown everybody

         7       this is not -- I hate to say this, but this is

         8       not really a women's issue.  She was a

         9       national candidate whom everybody, everybody

        10       can be very proud that she was the first one.

        11                  So I thank you, Senator Savino, for

        12       introducing this resolution.  And our

        13       condolences go to John Zaccaro and her family

        14       on their loss.

        15                  Thank you.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        17       you, Senator Stavisky.

        18                  Senator Stewart-Cousins on the

        19       resolution.

        20                  SENATOR STEWART-COUSINS:    Yes,

        21       thank you, Mr. President.

        22                  I also wanted to rise.  I thank

        23       Senator Savino for recognizing the greatness

        24       of Geraldine Ferraro.

        25                  I had the opportunity to meet her

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         1       during the time she -- well, actually, it was

         2       election night.  I was a journalism student at

         3       night, raising my kids, and for the paper it

         4       was to cover the outcome of the election.  And

         5       there I was, with all the national media and

         6       Gerry, who had obviously lost.  And it was

         7       just such a thrill.  I'm sure that it planted

         8       a seed in terms of what women could do and how

         9       her being there at that moment was a ripple

        10       effect not only through the nation but

        11       globally.

        12                  But yet as she lost, she lost with

        13       such a sense of grace and such a sense of

        14       pride, and you knew that there was no way that

        15       actually this woman had lost at all.  And I

        16       remember the headline for the paper, it was

        17       Pace University at the time, was "Gerry Loses

        18       Like a Winner."

        19                  The next time I saw her when was

        20       when I was running for Senate, 2006, when

        21       Gerry decided that it would be fine for her to

        22       come and campaign for me.  So I am one of

        23       those women who she helped.

        24                  She came, we didn't go to any great

        25       place, we went to a church penny social, and

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         1       she wandered through every aisle, commenting

         2       on the goods, meeting people, greeting people,

         3       making them know that she was totally there

         4       and that whatever she was doing, as long as

         5       she was with the people, she was just fine.

         6                  I will miss the influence that she

         7       had on our lives.  I will miss the personal

         8       opportunity that I had.  But I also am very,

         9       very happy that I was able to experience the

        10       grandeur of such a gracious political woman.

        11                  And again, certainly my condolences

        12       to her family.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        14       you, Senator Stewart-Cousins.

        15                  Senator Little on the resolution.

        16                  SENATOR LITTLE:    Thank you,

        17       Mr. President.

        18                  I never had the honor or privilege

        19       of meeting Gerry Ferraro, but I've truly

        20       admired her as a person who worked hard, was

        21       truly committed to her family, to her

        22       profession, to her constituents, and reached

        23       heights that we all would like to reach

        24       someday.

        25                  But she really was a trailblazer

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         1       and someone that I admired.  I enjoyed

         2       watching her on Fox News, which she was a

         3       guest on frequently and certainly had her take

         4       on all the political events that were taking

         5       place here.

         6                  Her untimely death is really sad

         7       and is truly a loss to her family and to all

         8       of us.  And I think we would all agree that

         9       Gerry Ferraro is truly a New York "Woman of

        10       Distinction."

        11                  Thank you.

        12                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        13       you, Senator Little.

        14                  Senator Savino will be opening the

        15       resolution for -- excuse me.  Senator

        16       Hassell-Thompson, I apologize.

        17                  Senator Hassell-Thompson on the

        18       resolution.

        19                  SENATOR HASSELL-THOMPSON:    Thank

        20       you, Mr. President.

        21                  I would be remiss as one of the

        22       women in this chamber who did not speak on

        23       behalf of Geraldine Ferraro as well as the

        24       work that she did on behalf of everyone in the

        25       State of New York.  But more than that, I

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         1       think she had a special place for women.  We

         2       marched in a parade one year in the City of

         3       Mount Vernon, but she came.  Wherever there

         4       was good politics, that's where she could be

         5       found.

         6                  And we marched in this parade and I

         7       remember us being totally drenched.  My suit

         8       shrunk.  That was one of my less expensive

         9       suits that day, thank goodness.  But our shoes

        10       were filled with water.  But I had never seen

        11       anyone who just had such a capacity for joy.

        12       I mean, as wet as we were, and we waved to

        13       people and we stopped, we were one of those

        14       paraders that we stopped and talked to people

        15       on the left and on the right, give out flags.

        16       And the rain just did not deter her at all.

        17                  The very last time I saw her was at

        18       a women's conference.  She had come to speak.

        19       And she was so powerful.  I mean, even though

        20       her body was weakened, her spirit was as

        21       strong as ever.  And the things that she said

        22       to encourage us as women, as somebody who had

        23       lived through the beginning of what I call the

        24       downturn in real journalism, how the press

        25       beat her up and allowed themselves to just --

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         1       tried to vilify her as an upstanding human

         2       being who really cared about governance, who

         3       really cared about good government.

         4                  And I've always felt that she was

         5       probably one of the most powerful, influential

         6       women of her time in terms of the way in which

         7       she touched the hearts of the people, even

         8       people who had never met her before found a

         9       pleasure in being in her company.  And I

        10       listened to the way people described how she

        11       was in a crowd.  And I've never seen crowds

        12       light up the way they did whenever she

        13       campaigned.

        14                  So we will all miss her

        15       tremendously.  But those of us as women who

        16       have had the opportunity to just be up close

        17       and personal, touch her, be a part of her

        18       influence, will miss her a great deal more.

        19                  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  And thank

        20       you, Diane, for this resolution.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        22       you, Senator Hassell-Thompson.

        23                  The question is on the resolution.

        24       All those in favor signify by saying aye.

        25                  (Response of "Aye.")

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         2       Opposed, nay.

         3                  (No response.)

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

         5       resolution is adopted.

         6                  Senator Savino has opened the

         7       resolution for cosponsorship.  Should anyone

         8       wish to not be on the resolution, please

         9       notify the desk.

        10                  Senator Libous.

        11                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        12       could I ask my colleagues to please rise in a

        13       moment of silence for Congresswoman Ferraro.

        14                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

        15       respected a moment of silence.)

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        17       Senator Libous.

        18                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        19       Mr. President.

        20                  There's another privileged

        21       resolution at the desk, by Senator Gallivan.

        22       May we please have it read in its entirety and

        23       call on Senator Gallivan before we move for

        24       its adoption, please.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

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         1       Secretary will read.

         2                  THE SECRETARY:    Legislative

         3       resolution by Senators Gallivan, Grisanti,

         4       Ranzenhofer and Maziarz, mourning the tragic

         5       and untimely death of New York State Trooper

         6       Kevin P. Dobson on Sunday, March 27, 2011.

         7                  "WHEREAS, It is the sense of this

         8       Legislative Body to convey its grateful

         9       appreciation and heartfelt regret in

        10       recognition of the loss of a courageous police

        11       officer who dedicated his purposeful life and

        12       career in faithful service to his family,

        13       community, and the New York State Police; and

        14                  "WHEREAS, It is with profound

        15       sadness that this Legislative Body records the

        16       passing of New York State Trooper Kevin P.

        17       Dobson, who made the ultimate sacrifice on

        18       Sunday, March 27, 2011, while faithfully

        19       executing his responsibilities serving with

        20       dedication, loyalty and compassion, and who

        21       devoted his purposeful life and career to

        22       serve and protect; and

        23                  "WHEREAS, A 14-year veteran of the

        24       New York State Police, 43-year-old Kevin P.

        25       Dobson of Buffalo, New York, was assigned to

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the Clarence Trooper Barracks; and

         2                  "WHEREAS, Trooper Kevin P. Dobson

         3       lived his life with great dignity and genuine

         4       grace, always demonstrating a deep and

         5       continuing concern for the welfare of others

         6       and the great State of New York; and

         7                  "WHEREAS, Trooper Kevin P. Dobson

         8       is survived by his father, Richard Dobson, who

         9       is retired from the Erie County Sheriff's

        10       Department; his girlfriend, three children,

        11       and her child; and

        12                  "WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic

        13       spirit, imbued with a sense of compassion, and

        14       comforted by a loving family, Trooper Kevin P.

        15       Dobson leaves behind a legacy which will long

        16       endure the passage of time and will remain as

        17       a comforting memory to all he served and

        18       befriended.  He will be deeply missed and

        19       truly merits the grateful tribute of this

        20       Legislative Body; now, therefore, be it

        21                  "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

        22       Body pause in its deliberations to mourn the

        23       untimely death of New York State Trooper Kevin

        24       P. Dobson, noting the significance of his

        25       contributions on behalf of the citizens of

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         1       this noble Empire State and expressing its

         2       deepest condolences to his family; and be it

         3       further

         4                  "RESOLVED, That a copy of this

         5       resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

         6       to the family of Trooper Kevin P. Dobson."

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         8       Senator Gallivan on the resolution.

         9                  SENATOR GALLIVAN:    Thank you,

        10       Mr. President.

        11                  I rise today to honor Trooper Kevin

        12       P. Dobson.  Trooper Dobson was born in Buffalo

        13       in 1967.  He graduated from Iroquois Central

        14       High School -- which is the district in which

        15       I live and where my children attend -- in

        16       Elma, and went on to further his education at

        17       Erie Community College.

        18                  I served a short time in the State

        19       Police with Kevin as he began his career in

        20       the State Police on April 30, 1997.  He worked

        21       out of many areas of the state, throughout my

        22       district, throughout the districts of many

        23       other of our colleagues in Western New York,

        24       serving hundreds of thousands of citizens in

        25       an effort, of course, to keep our communities

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         1       safe.

         2                  His last assignment was on the

         3       interstate patrol out of Clarence, and it was

         4       there he met his tragic passing, his tragic

         5       demise, serving the community.

         6                  He was a leader in drug

         7       interdiction, arrests and enforcement.  He

         8       volunteered to work in the most dangerous

         9       parts of our state as part of Operation

        10       Impact, an initiative that many in this house

        11       have supported over the years.  He was a field

        12       training officer responsible for training new

        13       troopers.

        14                  He also, on his own, pursued

        15       training and became a child seat technician,

        16       installed hundreds of child safety seats for

        17       parents and families in Western New York.  In

        18       his off-duty time, he volunteered to support

        19       and help and serve the Special Olympics.

        20                  He's received numerous

        21       commendations throughout his career and was

        22       the Public Safety Officer of the Year in 2007

        23       recognized by the Knights of Columbus in Erie

        24       County.

        25                  Kevin was the type of public

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         1       servant all public servants should aspire to

         2       be.  We should all be rightly proud of and

         3       grateful for his service.  The entire Western

         4       New York community, the law enforcement

         5       community, the entire New York State community

         6       has suffered a tremendous loss this past

         7       weekend.  Our thoughts and prayers are with

         8       the Dobson family, especially his children and

         9       his father, the rightly proud retired

        10       Lieutenant Richard Dobson of the Erie County

        11       Sheriff's Office, whom I also had the high

        12       honor of serving with during my tenure as

        13       sheriff of Erie County.

        14                  The New York State Police, Erie

        15       County Sheriff's Office, law enforcement

        16       officers across the state, across the nation

        17       are a family, just as all of those who serve

        18       the public are part of a larger family.  When

        19       we lose one of our own, all of us here today

        20       included, we suffer, we grieve and hopefully

        21       move forward together.  While nothing can be

        22       done to fill this sudden void in our hearts

        23       and the hearts of the Dobson family, I can

        24       assure them today that they do not mourn

        25       alone.

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         1                  I'd like to thank all of my

         2       colleagues here today as together we mourn the

         3       untimely death of New York State Trooper Kevin

         4       P. Dobson, as we note the significance of his

         5       contributions on behalf of the citizens of

         6       this great state, and as we pass on our

         7       deepest condolences to Kevin Dobson's family.

         8                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        10       you, Senator Gallivan.

        11                  Senator Adams on the resolution.

        12                  SENATOR ADAMS:    Thank you.  And I

        13       want to thank the Senator for introducing this

        14       resolution.

        15                  And I just also want to also join

        16       my voice to Kevin and this loss and what the

        17       entire State Trooper family feels when they

        18       lose a member of their department and we as a

        19       member of the state lose a person who's

        20       serving the public in this magnitude.

        21                  We lost two officers, one on

        22       Long Island and one in New York City.  And

        23       there's no call of service that's a simple

        24       call of service.  The officer in New York City

        25       was responding to a domestic violence incident

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         1       when he was pushed over the rail and he struck

         2       his head and he was killed.  And as with

         3       Officer Dobson, Officer Dobson was responding

         4       to what one would consider a routine car stop

         5       when he was struck.

         6                  So there is no routine assignment

         7       for an officer.  And I recall throughout my

         8       career in law enforcement, just from time to

         9       time when my brother was injured, who followed

        10       me into law enforcement, your family never

        11       really get over it.  They never really rest

        12       until the career is concluded.

        13                  And from time to time we stop and

        14       we pause in this chamber when a state trooper

        15       or member of the law enforcement community was

        16       a victim of some form of violence.  And by

        17       doing so today, of acknowledging the life of

        18       Officer Dobson, we're saying how much we do

        19       value and how much we appreciate our men and

        20       women who adorn the various uniforms in law

        21       enforcement throughout the city.

        22                  I recall on September 11th when the

        23       two planes took down our towers and how many

        24       officers, although they were stunned, although

        25       they were afraid, although they were concerned

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         1       about their families, there was a level of

         2       uncertainty of what the city and state was

         3       going through.  And they responded.  And our

         4       state troopers, our police officers, our

         5       sheriffs all continue to respond.  They don't

         6       decide if they're going to respond if you're a

         7       Democrat or Republican, they respond because

         8       it's the right thing to do.

         9                  And Officer Dobson is a signal of

        10       what's great about our law enforcement

        11       community.  And we should keep them in mind

        12       when we make laws, pass laws or ensure that

        13       our laws will continue to protect those who

        14       protect us.  We sleep comfortably in this

        15       state because we have some of the finest law

        16       enforcement men and women in the entire

        17       country.

        18                  And I thank the Senator for

        19       introducing this resolution, and I hope we all

        20       will realize the importance of the duty and

        21       the roles of the Officer Dobsons throughout

        22       the State of New York.

        23                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        25       you, Senator Adams.

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         1                  The question is on the resolution.

         2       All those in favor signify by saying aye.

         3                  (Response of "Aye.")

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         5       Opposed, nay.

         6                  (No response.)

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

         8       resolution is adopted.

         9                  Senator Gallivan has also opened

        10       that resolution for cosponsorship.  If anyone

        11       would like not to be on that resolution,

        12       please notify the desk.

        13                  Senator Libous.

        14                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        15       could I again ask my colleagues to join me in

        16       a moment of silence for Trooper Kevin Dobson,

        17       who gave his life in the line of duty for the

        18       taxpayers of this state.

        19                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

        20       respected a moment of silence.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        22       Senator Libous.

        23                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        24       there will be an immediate meeting of the

        25       Finance Committee, followed by an immediate

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       meeting of the Rules Committee in Room 332.

         2                  The Senate will remain at ease

         3       until those meetings are completed.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

         5       Senate stands at ease.

         6                  (Whereupon, the Senate stood at

         7       ease at 6:51 p.m.)

         8                  (Whereupon, the Senate reconvened

         9       at 7:41 p.m.)

        10                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        12       Senate will come to order.

        13                  Senator Libous.

        14                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

        15       believe there's a report of the Finance

        16       Committee at the desk.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        18       Secretary will read.

        19                  THE SECRETARY:    Senator

        20       DeFrancisco, from the Committee on Finance,

        21       offers the following nomination.

        22                  As a trustee of the New York State

        23       Power Authority, John S. Dyson, of Millbrook.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        25       Senator DeFrancisco.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, I

         2       proudly rise to move the nomination of John S.

         3       Dyson, of Millbrook, for a trustee of the

         4       New York State Power Authority, term to expire

         5       in May of 2015.

         6                  I would like to state publicly

         7       that, number one, this was an incredible

         8       nomination by the Governor.

         9                  But even more importantly, that a

        10       man who has served his country and served the

        11       State of New York and the City of New York

        12       with such distinction at this time in his life

        13       would be willing to come back and give even

        14       some more to the State of New York is truly an

        15       admirable thing.  And we are very, very

        16       fortunate that Mr. Dyson is willing to

        17       continue to serve at this critical time in

        18       New York State history.

        19                  And I'm proud to move his

        20       nomination and request that, Mr. President,

        21       you recognize Senator Maziarz, the chairman of

        22       the Energy Committee, to second the

        23       nomination.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        25       Senator Maziarz, on the nomination.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR MAZIARZ:    Thank you very

         2       much, Mr. President.  Thank you, Senator

         3       DeFrancisco.  I rise to second this

         4       nomination.

         5                  I thought it was rather noteworthy

         6       that Governor Cuomo, the first nominee that he

         7       sent up for confirmation outside of the

         8       commissioner level, was a nominee to the board

         9       of trustees of the New York Power Authority,

        10       and that nominee was Mr. Dyson.

        11                  I have to admit to you,

        12       Mr. President, I had never met John Dyson,

        13       really do not know much about him at all.  I

        14       know he was very well acquainted with my

        15       predecessor here in the Senate, former

        16       Senator, late Senator John Daly.

        17                  But I do have to say that in

        18       meeting personally with Mr. Dyson, he

        19       certainly has a great knowledge of energy

        20       issues, of issues affecting the New York Power

        21       Authority.  Mr. Dyson extended every courtesy

        22       to myself as chair, to Senator Parker, the

        23       ranking member, and to all members of the

        24       Energy Committee in meeting with us

        25       individually to talk about his background and

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       his vision for the New York Power Authority.

         2                  And I have to say, Mr. President,

         3       that Mr. Dyson truly understands, I think, the

         4       fact that the Power Authority, although it is

         5       a state authority and many times in the

         6       executive branch and in the legislative branch

         7       is thought of as the statewide entity, that

         8       the Power Authority generates almost all of

         9       its revenue in really two areas:  St. Lawrence

        10       County and Niagara County.

        11                  And I know that I am joined by my

        12       colleagues Senator Griffo and Senator Ritchie

        13       in bringing the problems of those two areas,

        14       Western New York and the North Country, before

        15       Mr. Dyson.  He truly understands them even

        16       though he lives in downstate New York.

        17                  Just this week we saw the census

        18       numbers come out, and the areas that had lost

        19       the most population were the City of Buffalo

        20       and the City of Niagara Falls in Western

        21       New York.  And they lose population not

        22       because it's not a great place to live, not

        23       because it's not a great place to raise your

        24       family.  As I have said many times on the

        25       floor of this Senate, in the City of Niagara

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Falls -- an area that I do not represent --

         2       but in the City of Niagara Falls there are six

         3       elementary schools.  In four of those six

         4       elementary schools 94 percent, 94 percent of

         5       the kids live below the federal poverty level.

         6                  These are kids in kindergarten

         7       through the sixth grade.  They don't choose to

         8       live in poverty.  They live in poverty for the

         9       same reason that the population in Buffalo and

        10       Niagara Falls is declining at such a rapid

        11       rate, because their parents don't have jobs,

        12       because there are not economic opportunities

        13       for people to make a decent living in Western

        14       New York.

        15                  And juxtapose that with the fact

        16       that just down the road, just down the road is

        17       the largest producer of hydroelectricity in

        18       the northeastern United States of America.

        19                  And the best use -- and John Dyson

        20       understands that the best use, the best way to

        21       create economic opportunities and create jobs

        22       is by utilizing hydropower.

        23                  This is an excellent nominee that

        24       the Governor gave to us.  I'd have to say if I

        25       had just one qualification, John, I wish that

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       you were from Niagara County, because Niagara

         2       County more than anything deserves a seat on

         3       the board of trustees of the Power Authority.

         4                  But, Mr. President, I think this is

         5       an excellent nomination that the Governor

         6       made.  And I would urge all of my colleagues

         7       to join me and the members of the Energy

         8       Committee, which unanimously supported this

         9       nominee.

        10                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        12       you, Senator Maziarz.

        13                  Senator Nozzolio on the nomination.

        14                  SENATOR NOZZOLIO:    Thank you,

        15       Mr. President.

        16                  Mr. President and my colleagues, I

        17       echo the sentiments and the support given to

        18       John Dyson by my colleagues in articulating

        19       his strength of character, his service to his

        20       state and nation, and that complimenting

        21       Governor Cuomo on this nomination.  Because it

        22       is through this nomination that we'll see a

        23       tremendous intersection, an intersection of

        24       Mr. Dyson's experience as former agriculture

        25       commissioner and commerce commissioner, those

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       two important elements now sandwiched around

         2       energy.

         3                  Energy, with agriculture, is key to

         4       the development of upstate and particularly

         5       Central and Western New York.  That

         6       agriculture is our number-one industry in this

         7       state.  It is not given that type of

         8       credential enough by state government and by

         9       the general public.  Many jobs are the result

        10       of agriculture.  And agri-energy, when we hear

        11       about alternative energies, agri-energy is

        12       forefront in the support and development of

        13       alternative energy.

        14                  Mr. Dyson's background and

        15       education as first a student at Cornell and

        16       most recently as a trustee of that fine

        17       university again brings him full circle with

        18       agriculture, agriculture research, and having

        19       energy now with his responsibilities as chair

        20       of the Power Authority to meet that

        21       intersection, to grow jobs for our state, to

        22       continue to move us forward.  And that I look

        23       forward to working with Chairman Dyson in this

        24       very important capacity.

        25                  Thank you, Mr. President.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         2       you, Senator Nozzolio.

         3                  Senator Saland on the nomination.

         4                  SENATOR SALAND:    Thank you,

         5       Mr. President.

         6                  I too rise to second the nomination

         7       of John Dyson, a gentleman who I've known for

         8       decades, as I have his family.  I'm proud that

         9       he and his family call Dutchess County their

        10       home.

        11                  I was looking at his bio.  And I

        12       certainly know a lot about John and his

        13       brother Rob as well.  And it starts off rather

        14       succinctly and says "John Dyson has had a

        15       successful career in government, business,

        16       vineyard and winery management, and charitable

        17       activities."  And if ever I saw an

        18       understatement, that was truly the

        19       understatement of all understatements.

        20                  John has the good fortune of not

        21       only being a gifted person, a talented person,

        22       a person who regardless of what endeavor he

        23       has pursued, whatever he does, he manages to

        24       do well.  Whether it's earning a Bronze Star

        25       serving his country during Vietnam, whether it

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       was as an ag commissioner who started the

         2       Grown in New York program or the commissioner

         3       of commerce and the I Love New York program.

         4                  I don't profess to have but an iota

         5       of the knowledge that our colleague Senator

         6       Maziarz has about energy issues, nor that

         7       Mr. Dyson has about energy issues, but I rest

         8       comfortably knowing that he's been there and

         9       done that for some six years, both under

        10       former Governors Carey and shall I say Cuomo

        11       One.

        12                  I commend Cuomo Two, Governor

        13       Andrew Cuomo, for this appointment.  It's a

        14       sterling appointment.  He has certainly, in

        15       the private sector, risen to the top.  In the

        16       public sector he has risen to the top.  And he

        17       and his family -- and incidentally, I should

        18       mention, I made mention of his brother Rob.

        19       We all know how critically important energy is

        20       to economic development.  Well, his brother

        21       Rob, also serving as magnanimously for a lack

        22       of compensation, is as John, is on the board

        23       of directors of the Empire State Development

        24       Corp., also trying to better New York's

        25       economic environment, trying to bring his

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       experience in the business world to people

         2       from one end of New York State to another.

         3                  But I couldn't rise in support of

         4       the nominee without mentioning all the

         5       wonderful things that the Dyson Foundation has

         6       done over the course of however many years,

         7       initially I think first in Dutchess County and

         8       then throughout the Hudson Valley, really

         9       contributing millions upon millions of dollars

        10       to the betterment of the quality of life in a

        11       host of different areas, in a host of

        12       different venues.  Truly a reflection of the

        13       selflessness, of the dedication, of the

        14       commitment, both morally, financially and

        15       intellectually, to the well-being of

        16       communities throughout this state and to the

        17       betterment of our state.

        18                  I thank the Governor for affording

        19       us the opportunity to confirm John, and I rest

        20       comfortably knowing that he will do a superb

        21       job for all of the people of the State of

        22       New York and bring all of his extraordinarily

        23       capable talents to performing for all of us.

        24                  So thank you, John, and I wish you

        25       well.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         2       you, Senator Saland.

         3                  Senator Kennedy on the nomination.

         4                  SENATOR KENNEDY:    Thank you,

         5       Mr. President.

         6                  I want to stand and congratulate

         7       Mr. John Dyson on his nomination and

         8       ultimately his confirmation today.  I want to

         9       thank the chair of the Energy Committee,

        10       Senator Maziarz, for affording the committee

        11       the opportunity to meet privately with

        12       Mr. Dyson prior to the hearing within the

        13       Energy Committee for the confirmation there.

        14                  It was in this meeting that I got

        15       to meet Mr. Dyson for the first time and hear

        16       about his history, his expertise, his

        17       knowledge and his talents and how he's given

        18       of himself to this state, to this world, to

        19       his country, having served this country

        20       admirably and honorably back in wartime.

        21                  And in giving of himself as a

        22       public servant, he has served this state.  And

        23       part of what he discussed with us privately

        24       was his dedication to economic development and

        25       his acknowledgment of his position as a

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       trustee within the New York Power Authority

         2       and his ability to use his influence to grow

         3       jobs.

         4                  And it was in his history of

         5       working in New York State government where

         6       Mr. Dyson came to Western New York, where

         7       Dunlop Tire, 2,000 jobs were on the chopping

         8       block.  He came into Western New York, sat

         9       down with the administration of Dunlop Tire

        10       years ago, decades ago, sat down with

        11       government officials, figured out what was

        12       necessary in order to keep 2,000 jobs in

        13       Western New York, sustain those jobs and

        14       ultimately grow those jobs.

        15                  That was decades ago.  But

        16       unfortunately we across the state, whether in

        17       Western New York, upstate New York, New York

        18       City or Long Island, are often faced with the

        19       same set of circumstances, and we're going to

        20       need someone like Mr. John Dyson who gets it

        21       on a very grassroots level, who's willing to

        22       do the work, who's willing to work with

        23       government officials, who's willing to use his

        24       influence on the Power Authority to work with

        25       whoever it takes to bring jobs and opportunity

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to the people of New York State.

         2                  I commend you on your history, on

         3       your talents, on your resume, and on your

         4       confirmation.  And I'm proud and honored to

         5       vote in the affirmative today.

         6                  Thank you.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Kennedy.

         9                  Senator Seward on the nomination.

        10                  SENATOR SEWARD:    Yes, thank you,

        11       Mr. President.

        12                  I am very pleased to join my

        13       colleagues in rising and congratulating the

        14       Governor on this outstanding nomination of the

        15       John Dyson to be a trustee of the New York

        16       State Power Authority and to be among those

        17       who are welcoming John Dyson back to state

        18       service.

        19                  Without question, the New York

        20       State Power Authority is a tremendous asset

        21       for the people of the State of New York,

        22       helping us with the full spectrum of

        23       energy-related services, from the generation

        24       of electricity on one end to the actual

        25       conservation and energy efficiency programs on

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the other, all very important to the people of

         2       our state.

         3                  As others have pointed out, and we

         4       cannot say it enough, the Power Authority is a

         5       real key to our economic development job

         6       creation initiatives as a state.  And with

         7       John Dyson's involvement at the Power

         8       Authority, that's going to mean some good

         9       things, not only for the authority, but it

        10       will mean good things for our economic

        11       development and job creation future here in

        12       the State of New York.

        13                  Schoharie County in the 51st

        14       Senatorial District is the proud home of the

        15       Blenheim-Gilboa Generating Facility.  Nowhere

        16       near on the scale of Niagara Falls, but still,

        17       to those of us in Schoharie County, we're very

        18       proud to have that facility.  It is important,

        19       makes an important contribution to the Power

        20       Authority.  But also the fact that it is in

        21       that rural county, that makes a very

        22       significant contribution to our local economy.

        23                  So we're very, very pleased with

        24       this nomination.  I'm very pleased to stand to

        25       support the confirmation of John Dyson as a

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       trustee of the New York Power Authority.

         2                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         4       you, Senator Seward.

         5                  Senator Perkins on the nomination.

         6                  SENATOR PERKINS:    Thank you very

         7       much.

         8                  I'm not going to be able to support

         9       this nomination.  I know that this individual

        10       has some commendable credentials with regard

        11       to the appointment.  However, there's some

        12       history that I'm familiar with in terms of

        13       when he was with New York City, under the

        14       Giuliani administration, some very racially

        15       insensitive and inflammatory instances in

        16       which he was a part of.

        17                  And so at this point I'm not going

        18       to be voting for this nomination.  Thank you.

        19       I vote no -- nay.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        21       Senator Perkins, thank you.

        22                  Senator Oppenheimer on the

        23       nomination.

        24                  SENATOR OPPENHEIMER:    Well, I'm

        25       very enthusiastic about the nomination.  And

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       like many of us here who have been serving for

         2       quite a while, we have voted for John Dyson on

         3       many, many times, many opportunities.  And he

         4       has always fulfilled the work that he has to

         5       do for New York State to the best of his

         6       ability, which is far and away better ability

         7       than most people.

         8                  So for his dedication and for the

         9       fact that he is willing to come back and serve

        10       once again, after having served so many times,

        11       I think it is quite a remarkable commitment to

        12       public service.

        13                  And also John has said that he is

        14       willing to work to look at the Indian point

        15       nuclear power plant and to discuss and look

        16       for alternative energies, clean energies of

        17       solar and wind and water.  And these are very

        18       important to us.  Ever since the Fukushima

        19       plant problem in Japan, and because of our

        20       concern about what has happened there, we are

        21       really serious in trying to look at

        22       alternatives for the plant that exists now.

        23                  So my thanks to him for his

        24       interest in this and also in the interest of

        25       conservation, which is very dear to my heart,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       and for his willingness to commit again, yet

         2       again to service to New York State.  Thank

         3       you.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         5       Senator Diaz on the nomination.

         6                  SENATOR DIAZ:    Thank you, sir.

         7                  I rise to support -- not to

         8       support, to join my colleague from Harlem,

         9       Senator Perkins, when he referred to some

        10       comments made by Mr. Dyson sometime ago.  But

        11       Mr. McCauley {ph} didn't mention what was

        12       those comments.  And I would like to refresh

        13       your memories.

        14                  In 1994, during a dispute between

        15       then-Comptroller Alan Hevesi and Mr. Dyson

        16       about the rehiring of a company owned by a

        17       black woman, Mr. Dyson said the comptroller

        18       ought to know the difference between a bid and

        19       a watermelon.

        20                  In another comment, another time,

        21       after a newspaper article asked Mr. Giuliani

        22       and his chief of staff Peter Powers if they

        23       were capable of governing a diverse city,

        24       Mr. Dyson wrote in a memo to Mr. Powers that

        25       don't worry, "Do not worry, two white guys

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       have been running this city of immigrants for

         2       over 200 years."

         3                  At another point, after the

         4       administration held a cabinet meeting in

         5       Staten Island, Mr. Dyson said, suggested that

         6       a similar cabinet meeting was unlikely to

         7       happen in Harlem.

         8                  He's a great guy, and he has a

         9       great knowledge on energy.  I hope that now he

        10       has better knowledge and sensibility in

        11       humanity.  And that he said that Governor

        12       Paterson asked him to serve.  And people are

        13       saying that he's the great guy that's going to

        14       save our state.

        15                  I hope that happens.  But I have to

        16       join my colleague Senator Perkins from Harlem

        17       in voting no.  Thank you.

        18                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        19       you, Senator Diaz.

        20                  Senator Marcellino on the

        21       nomination.

        22                  SENATOR MARCELLINO:    I waive.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        24       you, Senator Marcellino.

        25                  The question is on the nomination

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       of John S. Dyson as a trustee of the Power

         2       Authority of the State of New York.  All those

         3       in favor please signify by saying aye.

         4                  (Response of "Aye.")

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         6       Opposed, nay.

         7                  (Response of "Nay.")

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Mr.

         9       Dyson is hereby confirmed as a trustee for the

        10       Power Authority of the State of New York.

        11                  Mr. Dyson, congratulations.

        12                  (Applause.)

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        14       Senator Libous.

        15                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        16       could we at this time take up the

        17       noncontroversial reading of the calendar,

        18       please.

        19                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        20       Secretary will read.

        21                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        22       72, by Senator Bonacic, Senate Print 2769B, an

        23       act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Read

        25       the last section.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 4.  This

         2       act shall take effect immediately.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Call

         4       the roll.

         5                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

         6                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 62.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

         8       bill is passed.

         9                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        10       140, by Senator Ball, Senate Print 1074, an

        11       act to amend the Penal Law.

        12                  SENATOR BRESLIN:    Lay it aside.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        14       bill is laid aside.

        15                  Senator Libous, that completes the

        16       noncontroversial reading of the calendar.

        17                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        18       Mr. President.

        19                  Could we now have the controversial

        20       reading of the calendar, please.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        22       Secretary will read.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Calendar Number

        24       140, by Senator Ball, Senate Print 1074, an

        25       act to amend the Penal Law.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:

         2       Explanation.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    An

         4       explanation has been asked for by Senator

         5       Liz Krueger.

         6                  Senator Ball.

         7                  SENATOR BALL:    This bill would

         8       amend the Penal Law to create a new crime of

         9       the unlawful defilement of a water supply.  A

        10       person would be guilty of this crime if they

        11       intentionally or recklessly placed a defiling

        12       agent into a water supply with the intent to

        13       cause sickness, physical injury, severe

        14       disfigurement or death to another human being.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        16       Senator Krueger, why do you rise?

        17                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        18       If the sponsor would please yield to a

        19       question.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        21       Senator Ball, will you yield to Senator

        22       Krueger?

        23                  SENATOR BALL:    Absolutely.

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        25       Senator Krueger.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you,

         2       Mr. President.

         3                  So as I read the bill, if anyone

         4       were illegally to defile our water supply

         5       through personal action or through violating

         6       laws in their business activity, that this law

         7       would in fact now apply to them under criminal

         8       law; is that correct?

         9                  SENATOR BALL:    Mr. President,

        10       as -- you say as you would read.  So a person

        11       is guilty of unlawful -- and I'll just read

        12       directly, as you did.  A person is guilty of

        13       unlawful defilement of a water supply when he

        14       intentionally -- when he or she intentionally

        15       introduces, places or causes to be introduced

        16       or placed into a water supply a defiling

        17       agent.

        18                  Now, a defiling agent is defined.

        19       and it means any chemical, biological or

        20       radioactive agent or substance which is

        21       capable, when introduced or placed into a

        22       water supply, of causing the sickness,

        23       physical injury, severe disfigurement or death

        24       of a human being.  Introduced or placed into a

        25       water supply a defiling agent with the intent

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to cause the sickness, physical injury, severe

         2       disfigurement or death of another human being,

         3       or with the reckless disregard of causing the

         4       sickness, physical injury, severe

         5       disfigurement or death of another human being.

         6                  So it's either intentionally

         7       introduced or with a reckless disregard.

         8                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you,

         9       Mr. President.

        10                  On the bill.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        12       Senator Krueger on the bill.

        13                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        14                  I want to thank the Senator for his

        15       explanation and tell him I am a big supporter

        16       of his bill.  I read this bill first when it

        17       came through committee, and I thought, oh,

        18       finally criminal penalties for companies who

        19       knowingly pollute our water.

        20                  And I've gone through, and I have a

        21       pile of cases where we've been able to go

        22       after corporations for intentionally and

        23       illegally dumping hazardous pollutants in our

        24       water system.  But so far, it seems, we mostly

        25       have been able to go after them under civil

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       fines and perhaps get a money judgment and

         2       perhaps force them to clean up.

         3                  But with Senator Ball's bill -- and

         4       I hope it becomes law very soon -- there will

         5       be an opportunity to make it clear that when

         6       firms knowingly violate our clean water laws

         7       and pollute our water systems and our wells

         8       and our groundwater and our reservoirs through

         9       knowingly violating our law and knowing that

        10       what they will be illegally dumping -- and

        11       again, there's almost endless cases on illegal

        12       dumping -- that they now can face, or they

        13       will, when we pass this law, in fact also face

        14       criminal penalties.

        15                  And I think that will go a long way

        16       towards discouraging companies and the

        17       individuals who work for them from casually

        18       dumping illegal chemicals and products in our

        19       water system.  So I'm very happy we're passing

        20       this bill tonight and certainly encourage all

        21       of my colleagues to vote yes.

        22                  Thank you, Mr. President.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        24       you, Senator Krueger.

        25                  Is there any other Senator wishing

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       to be heard?

         2                  Hearing none, the debate is closed.

         3                  The Secretary will ring the bell.

         4                  Read the last section.

         5                  THE SECRETARY:    Section 2.  This

         6       act shall take effect on the first of

         7       November.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Call

         9       the roll.

        10                  (The Secretary called the roll.)

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        12       Senator DeFrancisco to explain his vote.

        13                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    Yes, I'm

        14       going to vote yes, but I wanted to clarify a

        15       part of the bill, in view of the legislative

        16       debate, to show the true legislative intent

        17       here.

        18                  First of all, a defiling agent,

        19       according to the bill, does not include a

        20       substance introduced by an agricultural or

        21       industrial entity as a result of the ordinary

        22       lawful operation.  So that's got to be clear.

        23                  And most importantly, unlawful

        24       defilement is the defilement of the water

        25       supply when someone intentionally introduces,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       et cetera, et cetera, with intent to cause the

         2       sickness, physical injury, severe

         3       disfigurement or death of another person.

         4                  This is an intentional act to cause

         5       serious physical injury or death.  It's not

         6       just anyone through normal operations with no

         7       intent.  Those types of individuals or

         8       organizations cannot be found guilty under

         9       this bill.  And I just want to clarify that.

        10                  For those reasons, I vote yes.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        12       you, Senator DeFrancisco.  Senator DeFrancisco

        13       will be recorded in the affirmative.

        14                  Senator Ball to explain his vote.

        15                  SENATOR BALL:    I want to thank my

        16       colleague Senator Krueger and ask that she

        17       join my efforts and lobbying to make sure that

        18       this actually gets out of committee in the

        19       New York State Assembly.

        20                  I would just like to underline the

        21       fact that this is indeed a homeland security

        22       bill.  I appreciate all my colleagues from

        23       both sides of the aisle supporting this

        24       legislation whatever the perspective may be.

        25                  You know, it was I think in the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       6th century in Greece, which is -- some of us

         2       may have been here; most of us were not --

         3       when the very first days -- nobody take

         4       offense to that -- the very first days of

         5       terrorism started.  And in Greece you actually

         6       had individuals outside of a traditional army

         7       who would poison the wells of those who they

         8       hoped to hurt.  And using untraditional means,

         9       they were able to defile those water supplies.

        10                  And it's taken this long for the

        11       New York State Legislature to amend that.  But

        12       this is a very serious issue.  The water that

        13       is in my county ends up in much of your

        14       drinking water in New York City.  And I'll

        15       tell you what, those reservoirs, many of the

        16       people who I know fish on those reservoirs,

        17       there are people who drive by those reservoirs

        18       every single day.  And you want to make sure

        19       that law enforcement has a double set of eyes

        20       on your drinking water.  Because remember in

        21       the days of Katrina how it only took a few

        22       hours to bring massive havoc when there was a

        23       lack of a supply for clean drinking water.

        24                  And just the question of whether

        25       your drinking water is tainted could bring

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       massive havoc from a homeland security

         2       perspective to many of the neighborhoods in

         3       which you live in New York City and beyond.

         4                  And on the cusp of being nearly

         5       10 years outside 9/11, the fact that not only

         6       since Greece -- since 9/11, and the sixth

         7       century in Greece -- but since 9/11 that we

         8       have not addressed this issue, I ask that

         9       Senator Krueger join with me and make sure

        10       that the Assembly follows suit.

        11                  Thank you.  And I'll be voting, of

        12       course, in the affirmative.

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        14       you, Senator Ball.  Senator Ball to be

        15       recorded in the affirmative.

        16                  The Secretary will announce the

        17       results.

        18                  THE SECRETARY:    In relation to

        19       Calendar Number 140, those absent from voting

        20       are Senators Huntley and Smith.

        21                  Ayes, 60.

        22                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        23       bill is passed.

        24                  Senator Libous, that --

        25                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       can we go back to the reports of standing

         2       committees, please.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    --

         4       completes the reading of the controversial

         5       calendar.

         6                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I believe

         7       there's a report of the Rules Committee at the

         8       desk.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        10       Senator Libous, there is.

        11                  The Secretary will read.

        12                  THE SECRETARY:    Senator Skelos,

        13       from the Committee on Rules reports the

        14       following:

        15                  Senate resolution amending Rules VI

        16       and VII of the Senate rules, in relation to

        17       committees.

        18                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

        19       move that we accept the Rules report.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Move

        21       to accept the Rules report.  All those in

        22       favor signify by saying aye.

        23                  (Response of "Aye.")

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        25       Opposed, nay.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  (Response of "Nay.")

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

         3       Rules report is adopted.

         4                  Senator Libous.

         5                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Is there any

         6       further business at the desk?

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         8       Senator Libous, there is --

         9                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

        10       got ahead of myself.

        11                  There's a privileged resolution at

        12       the desk.  I ask that it be read, its title

        13       read and we adopt it.

        14                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        15       Secretary will read.

        16                  THE SECRETARY:    Senate resolution

        17       by Senator Skelos, amending Rules VI and VII

        18       of the Senate rules, in relation to

        19       committees.

        20                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        21       Senator Squadron.

        22                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Mr. President,

        23       I object to this resolution and would like to

        24       debate it.  I was wondering if Senator Libous,

        25       on behalf of Senator Skelos, would yield to a

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       couple of questions.

         2                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Sure,

         3       Mr. President.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         5       Senator Libous, will you yield to Senator

         6       Squadron?

         7                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I will.  I will.

         8                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you very

         9       much.  And I do know the hour is late, the

        10       night is dark.  In fact, we maybe having this

        11       debate under the dark of night, one could say.

        12       And I appreciate that.

        13                  So, Senator Libous, I just would

        14       like to know, do you know when this resolution

        15       was furnished to the Minority Leader pursuant

        16       to Rule VI, Section 9A?

        17                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Well, that rule

        18       doesn't pertain to this resolution.

        19                  But I could tell you that it was

        20       probably given to the Minority Leader this

        21       afternoon.  Through you, Mr. President.

        22                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

        23       Mr. President, Rule --

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        25       Senator Squadron, are you asking Senator

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Libous to continue to yield?

         2                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Yes, please,

         3       Mr. President.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         5       Senator Libous, will you continue to yield?

         6                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I will,

         7       Mr. President.

         8                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         9       you.

        10                  Senator Squadron.

        11                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you,

        12       Mr. President.  Through you.

        13                  Rule VI, Section 9A is simply the

        14       rule that creates some standard for

        15       resolutions so that they don't get driven

        16       through this house without consideration.  It

        17       says that you need 48 hours notice for the

        18       Minority Leader and the Majority Leader.

        19                  Senator Libous suggested that that

        20       doesn't apply here.  And I would wonder,

        21       relative to Rule XI, Section 1, which says

        22       that all resolutions that change the Senate

        23       rules need to be introduced, how it could

        24       possibly be that a simple 48-hour notice, when

        25       you're talking about something as important as

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       the Senate rules, doesn't apply.

         2                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         3       through you, we believe that it doesn't apply.

         4                  And, Mr. President, I can go back

         5       and use precedent when they were in charge,

         6       Mr. President.  And if I could relate an

         7       example, on July 9th of '09, Senator Sampson

         8       referred to Rules a rules change.  On the same

         9       day, it was reported, and on the same day,

        10       Mr. President, it was adopted.

        11                  That rules change at the time

        12       separated the positions, I believe, of

        13       Temporary President and Majority Leader.  But

        14       it was done when they were in charge.  It was

        15       a procedural change, it was a rule change, all

        16       done the same day, just like this.  Therefore,

        17       we believe that what we're doing is absolutely

        18       right.

        19                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you,

        20       Mr. President.  On the resolution at the

        21       moment.  And I thank Senator Libous for that.

        22                  As Senator Libous probably

        23       remembers about the example --

        24                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        25       Excuse me, Senator Squadron, are you asking

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Senator Libous to continue to yield?

         2                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    On the

         3       resolution.  No, sorry, Mr. President, on the

         4       resolution.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    On

         6       the resolution.

         7                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you.

         8                  As Senator Libous probably -- may

         9       or may not recall, that was at the end of the

        10       so-called coup that shut down this Senate for

        11       over a month.  It was truly extraordinary

        12       circumstances.  And those rules, in fact, had

        13       been negotiated and agreed upon by both the

        14       majority and minority at the time.  So it's a

        15       vastly different situation than the one that

        16       we're talking about here.

        17                  The situation here is very simple.

        18       Here, on this very busy week, when we have

        19       incredibly important business before us in

        20       this house, we have one of the toughest

        21       budgets that hopefully any of us will ever see

        22       that has just been hopefully finally

        23       negotiated, that's going to be facing this

        24       house.  Everyone's focused in this state,

        25       19.3 million New Yorkers or more, are focused

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       on getting this budget done.  And in that

         2       moment, 10 minutes before we were supposed to

         3       come into session, something that changes the

         4       rules, changes the operations of the house was

         5       presented in contradiction to the current

         6       Senate rules and in contradiction to good

         7       faith, to transparency.

         8                  So the 2009 example certainly

         9       reminds us of some of the darkest days in the

        10       Senate's history.  I think that repeating

        11       those days this week, when we should be

        12       working together to focus on this budget --

        13       some of us will support it, some of us will

        14       have questions about it -- is really a

        15       mistake.  And I think it's exactly the example

        16       of why this is so problematic.

        17                  None of us want to be here at 8:20

        18       at night under the dark of night, as I said,

        19       talking about Senate rules.  We want to be

        20       here talking about a budget that affects

        21       New Yorkers every day.  And unfortunately,

        22       that's not possible.  Unfortunately, we're

        23       forced into this situation and harken back to

        24       some of the darkest days, certainly the

        25       darkest days that this Senate has seen in a

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       long, long time.

         2                  Look.  This resolution,

         3       Mr. President, is clearly in contradiction to

         4       the Senate rules.  The idea that this is

         5       somehow a privileged resolution means that

         6       there are no rules when it comes to a

         7       resolution the Majority wants to put forward,

         8       and that is a huge problem.

         9                  In fact, there's an entire section

        10       of our rules that are set up to protect

        11       against this.  Rule XI, Section A --

        12       Section 1, excuse me, is very, very, very

        13       clear.  Changes to the Senate rules need to be

        14       done very carefully.  They need a memo or a

        15       description.  I don't know if this typewritten

        16       document on the back of the voting sheet

        17       counts as a memo or a summary or it follows

        18       the rules here explaining the justification.

        19                  It clearly doesn't.  The idea of a

        20       10-minute notice certainly doesn't.  The idea

        21       of doing this at a moment when we have

        22       $132 billion budget just waiting to get done,

        23       the idea of a rule change at that moment

        24       certainly does not keep with the spirit of the

        25       Senate rules.  And that is an enormous

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       problem, Mr. President.

         2                  Now, look, when you look at the

         3       rules themselves -- and again, I'm glad

         4       Senator Libous talked about some of the

         5       historic rules changes that came out of that

         6       darkest day in the Senate in the 2009.  These

         7       rules changed some of that.

         8                  And through you, Mr. President, I

         9       would request Senator Libous to yield for a

        10       couple more questions on this resolution.

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        12       Senator Libous, will you yield to Senator

        13       Squadron?

        14                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I will,

        15       Mr. President.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        17       Senator Squadron.

        18                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you very

        19       much, Mr. President.

        20                  Senator Libous, as you know, this

        21       rules resolution that we're debating here

        22       tonight amends Rule VI, Section 1,

        23       paragraph C.  Is that right, Senator Libous?

        24                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    If that's what

        25       the resolution says, Mr. President, that's

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       what it does.

         2                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you.

         3                  Through you, Mr. President, will

         4       Senator Squadron continue to yield.

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         6       Senator Libous, will you continue to yield?

         7                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I will,

         8       Mr. President.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        10       Senator Squadron.

        11                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you very

        12       much.

        13                  The rule I just referenced,

        14       Mr. President, talks about the proportional

        15       membership of Senate committees and the fact

        16       that Senate committees should be proportional

        17       to the partisan divide in the house.  I would

        18       like to ask Senator Libous, do you remember

        19       how that rule came about and when it came

        20       about?

        21                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I believe,

        22       Mr. President, it came about sometime after

        23       that famous day in June.  Or maybe it was even

        24       July.

        25                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you very

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       much.

         2                  Would Senator Libous continue to

         3       yield?

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         5       Senator Libous.

         6                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I will, sir.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         8       Senator Squadron.

         9                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you.

        10                  And my recollection is that that

        11       proportional representation was about making

        12       sure that both parties would be represented in

        13       every committee, committees do such important

        14       work, in the same way they are here on the

        15       Senate floor, and that there would be some

        16       equity to that.

        17                  Senator Libous, the rules amendment

        18       here, do you know what it does to that

        19       proportional representation that, out of those

        20       dark days, we codified in the rules?

        21                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Actually,

        22       Mr. President, I do.  And it makes it very

        23       similar to what it was last year when they

        24       were in charge.

        25                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Would Senator

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       Libous continue to yield?

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         3       Senator Libous, will you continue to yield?

         4                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    My pleasure,

         5       Mr. President.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         7       Senator Squadron.

         8                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Would Senator

         9       Libous please explain that statement.

        10                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

        11       believe when the Democrats were in charge they

        12       had 14 members on Rules, we had 10.  I believe

        13       they had 19 on Finance; we had 14.

        14                  Now, we understood when they were

        15       in charge, Mr. President, that they controlled

        16       the agenda and that the makeup of the

        17       committee didn't matter because they still had

        18       more Democrats than Republicans.  Therefore,

        19       the makeup of the committee was still in their

        20       favor.

        21                  Nothing has changed here.  We add

        22       two members to Finance, one in Rules.  The

        23       makeup of the committee is still -- we as the

        24       majority party still have more members because

        25       we're in the majority.  And if you look at the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       breakout, as I said, they had 14 members on

         2       Rules; we had 10.  They had 19 members on

         3       Finance; we had 14.

         4                  To the Senator's point, I -- I'm

         5       missing it.

         6                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you.

         7       Through you, Mr. President, to respond to that

         8       before I ask Senator Libous to yield again.

         9                  Clearly these rules take what was a

        10       proportional representation and for the

        11       majority party say, in terms of the two what

        12       are often considered the two most important

        13       committees here, it's proportional plus

        14       5 percent.  So those numbers, it seems to me,

        15       would not suggest what I would like to ask

        16       Senator Libous to yield again to.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        18       Senator Squadron, are you asking Senator

        19       Libous that question?  Or are you commenting

        20       and now asking him to yield?

        21                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    I am

        22       commenting and now asking him to yield.

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        24       Senator Libous, will you continue to yield to

        25       Senator Squadron?

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I'd be happy to

         2       yield, Mr. President.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         4       Senator Squadron.

         5                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you very

         6       much.

         7                  Just to be clear, the effect of

         8       this rules change is to increase the

         9       proportion of majority members on the Senate

        10       Rules and the Senate Finance Committee beyond

        11       the proportional representation in the house.

        12                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    No,

        13       Mr. President, that's not what it does.  What

        14       it does, it brings us pretty much to parity to

        15       what they had when they were in the majority.

        16       That's how I read the numbers.

        17                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Thank you,

        18       Mr. President.  On the resolution.

        19                  I think that when Senator Libous

        20       says that it does not do what I suggested,

        21       which is increase the majority representation

        22       beyond the proportional representation of the

        23       house on the Rules and the Finance Committee,

        24       that simply isn't accurate.  I wish it were,

        25       but it's not.  It clearly does.  It increases

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       beyond the proportional representation of the

         2       house by 5 percent.

         3                  Now, that's particularly insidious

         4       here because the rule and the practice is that

         5       anything over a whole number, you get to 50.01

         6       percent, that's an additional percent.  You

         7       get to 55.01 percent, that's an additional

         8       person.  So the effect of this is very clear.

         9       It disempowers the minority members,

        10       disenfranchises their constituents on the

        11       Senate Rules and the Senate Finance Committee.

        12                  Because in the case of the Senate

        13       Finance Committee, it's going to be -- let me

        14       just make sure I get it right.  In the Senate

        15       Finance Committee you're going to have two

        16       additional majority members, just like that,

        17       thanks to this rule that we've now been

        18       considering, we've now been aware of for less

        19       than three hours.

        20                  In the Senate Rules Committee,

        21       you're going to have one additional majority

        22       member.  In both cases, you're going to see a

        23       supermajority for the majority party and

        24       increasing difficulty for the minority party

        25       in standing up.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  And that's a real problem.  And it

         2       undoes the improvements that were made in the

         3       last term.  It undoes the improvements that

         4       many members of this house, the majority,

         5       voted for earlier this year.  And it does it

         6       in this most important of weeks when we should

         7       be talking about issues much less arcane and

         8       much more significant.

         9                  And so, you know, I think that it's

        10       simply not accurate to say that it doesn't

        11       change the proportion.  It definitively does.

        12                  It does something else very

        13       disturbing, and that is it gives the counsels

        14       in the Majority Conference the power to decide

        15       who sits and has voting rights on a committee.

        16       Now, this is completely and absolutely

        17       unprecedented, the idea that rather than

        18       committee memberships being passed up, as

        19       we've done many times this year, instead you

        20       can now swap out committee members on the

        21       Rules Committee.  If anyone has an excused

        22       absence, the counsel for the majority is able

        23       to decide "I would like someone else on that

        24       committee" or "I refuse to have someone else

        25       on that committee."

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  The idea that not even on the

         2       Senate floor you would be able to have someone

         3       who is not elected, who does not engage -- is

         4       on the Senate floor decide who is a voting

         5       member on the Rules Committee and the Finance

         6       Committee is truly shocking.

         7                  Later this week we are going to

         8       have, going through the Finance Committee,

         9       budget bills, budget bills totaling, as I said

        10       earlier, $132 billion, one of the most

        11       difficult budgets in the history of this

        12       state.  If this rule is in effect, then the

        13       voting membership of the committee is going to

        14       be decided by an unelected counsel to the

        15       Senate Majority.

        16                  That, as I say, is unprecedented

        17       and is a disturbing slippage -- not back to

        18       the bad old days before the rules reform of

        19       last term, but a slippage to a place we have

        20       never been before as a house.  Whether you're

        21       minority party or majority party, I think we

        22       can all agree that the idea of taking the

        23       power of committee membership, taking the

        24       power of who votes on the Finance Committee,

        25       on the Rules Committee, on any committee,

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       outside of this body to someone who is

         2       unelected is something that none of us can

         3       feel comfortable with.

         4                  So, look, I know the partisan

         5       games.  I know that we're coming on 8:30 here

         6       at night the week the budget is due.  I know

         7       that most folks, if they're watching, are

         8       wondering why it is we could possibly be

         9       talking about this instead of talking about

        10       the state budget.  And I agree with them.  I

        11       am sympathetic to them.

        12                  But we have this rules resolution

        13       before us.  We shouldn't.  We should have had

        14       48 hours to consider it, we should have had a

        15       much more thorough description of it, all

        16       pursuant to the current rules.  But here we

        17       are, and we have it before us.  I would urge

        18       every member of this house, on the basis of

        19       not losing the progress that we made last

        20       year, that did not go back, did not slip back

        21       at the beginning of this year, and on the

        22       basis of not, for the first time ever, putting

        23       significant power outside of the elected body,

        24       outside of our constituents, and into an

        25       unelected member, I would urge every member of

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       this house -- Majority, Minority -- to rise

         2       above politics, rise above this dark of night,

         3       rise above this, to quote my colleague Senator

         4       Ball, poisoning of the well of these rules,

         5       and together vote against these rules.

         6                  Let's have some time to discuss

         7       them and consider them.  I am sure that, when

         8       considered, the Majority will not feel

         9       comfortable with this idea that an unelected

        10       person decides who has voting power.  Perhaps

        11       that 48-hour consideration period will fix

        12       that problem.  And perhaps it will, as well,

        13       give us an opportunity to have a proportional

        14       representation so that we're not disempowering

        15       the constituents who are represented by

        16       Minority members of this Senate.  We did that

        17       for a long time in this Senate.  We've started

        18       to make improvements.  Let's not tonight, in

        19       this most important of weeks, slip back.

        20                  I look forward to working with many

        21       of the members who have stood up for rules

        22       changes, hopefully will vote with us tonight.

        23       And hopefully if these rules do come back

        24       before us, they will come back in a much

        25       fairer form and a form that respects the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       intrinsic importance of elected members of

         2       this house deciding who the voting members are

         3       on our committees.

         4                  So with that I will vote no,

         5       Mr. President.  Thank you.

         6                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         7       you, Senator Squadron.

         8                  Senator Libous on the resolution.

         9                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        10       Mr. President.

        11                  In all due respect to my colleague

        12       Senator Squadron, I really think you're

        13       reading this wrong.  Nobody is diminishing

        14       representation on the committee.  If anything,

        15       we're going to parity.  We're doing what you

        16       did.  We're going to the same spread on the

        17       committees that you did.  And the numbers are

        18       in the book.  It's published.  And, Senator,

        19       I'd be happy to provide you with that later

        20       on.

        21                  And just on the other issue about

        22       the resolution and late at night and it's been

        23       six hours, I found two other examples when you

        24       were in the majority, both resolutions by

        25       Senator Smith.  Reported to Rules on the 15th

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       of July, reported to the floor on the 15th of

         2       July and adopted.  Senate resolution amending

         3       the rules of the Senate.

         4                  On the same day, July 15, '09,

         5       reported to Rules.  July 15, '09, reported to

         6       the floor.  July 15, '09, adopted.

         7                  So, Mr. President, this has been a

         8       practice that this body has done for a long

         9       time.  It's obvious that our colleagues from

        10       the other side of the aisle, when they were in

        11       charge, did it the same way we're doing it.

        12       These are the same rules.  We are not looking

        13       to take anything away from anybody.  It's all

        14       documented.  It's in the Senate minutes.

        15                  And the breakouts are there.

        16       Again, last year they had 19 members on

        17       Finance, two more Democrats than Republicans.

        18       That's what we're doing here.  They had 14

        19       members on Rules, one more voting member.

        20       Just like we're doing here.

        21                  So, Mr. President, there's no

        22       special movement at 8:30 at night, there's no

        23       secret stealth thing here.  This is pretty

        24       simple.  This is the way we've been

        25       functioning.

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  As far as the way Senator Squadron,

         2       Mr. President, is interpreting the rule,

         3       certainly the counsel has to be notified.

         4       Counsels talk all the time.  But at the end of

         5       the day, it's Senator Sampson and Senator

         6       Skelos who are going to make the final

         7       determinations on who he wants to substitute

         8       in the Minority on a committee or who Senator

         9       Skelos wants to substitute.  It's not the

        10       counsels that make those decisions.  We all

        11       know the members make those decisions and the

        12       leaders make those decisions.

        13                  And so, Mr. President, I would just

        14       like to move this resolution right now because

        15       I think it is pretty clear in what it does.

        16                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        17       Senator Libous, the question is on the

        18       resolution.

        19                  Senator Krueger, why do you rise?

        20                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        21                  Will the sponsor please yield to an

        22       additional question?

        23                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        24       Senator Libous, would you yield to a question

        25       from Senator Krueger?

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    I will,

         2       Mr. President, I'm sorry.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         4       Senator Krueger.

         5                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

         6                  So the first section of the rules

         7       change, Section VI, budget bills, the

         8       underlined new language is "Budget bills may

         9       be reported from the Finance Committee direct

        10       to the Third Reading Calendar."

        11                  I distinctly remember a week or two

        12       ago, when we objected to moving from Finance

        13       to third reading because you needed a

        14       unanimous consent or needed to move a bill

        15       through Rules, we were told by a ruling of the

        16       chair that the existing rules allowed a budget

        17       bill to be moved from Finance to the Third

        18       Reading Calendar.

        19                  Senator Libous, why, since we had

        20       that ruling of the chair either one or two

        21       weeks ago, would we need to change the rule

        22       tonight?

        23                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

        24       I'd be happy to answer that.

        25                  Because, as I explained on the

                      Candyco Transcription Service, Inc.

         1       floor, Mr. President, about a week ago or

         2       whenever that took place, for the past number

         3       of years when we were in the majority, it was

         4       always the Republicans' policy to report a

         5       budget bill from the Senate Finance Committee

         6       to the floor.  For whatever reason, when the

         7       Democrats were in charge, they changed that

         8       policy and they reported it from Finance to

         9       Rules and to the floor.  They believe they're

        10       right, we believe we're right.  That's

        11       everybody's respectful right to disagree.

        12                  So what we're doing here, since I

        13       think within the next 24 hours a number of

        14       major budget bills are going to come to the

        15       floor, and because we think it's important to

        16       get those bills passed before midnight on

        17       Thursday, and because we believe we were

        18       always right, we're codifying the rule.

        19                  And I don't think there's anything

        20       wrong in codifying the rule, making it a

        21       matter of fact.  Because, Mr. President, I

        22       would guess if we didn't and we continued to

        23       do it the way we believe is right, my guess is

        24       the other side of the aisle might challenge

        25       us.

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         1                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you,

         2       Mr. President.  On the resolution.

         3                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         4       Senator Krueger on the resolution.

         5                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

         6                  First off, since you didn't need

         7       the rule change last week but you need the

         8       rule change this week -- suddenly, urgently,

         9       with no notice to anyone that they're doing

        10       these rules tonight -- I would actually

        11       question the sincerity of the argument for

        12       codifying as opposed to actually changing the

        13       rules.  We are changing the rules.  We're

        14       skipping a process for budget bills.

        15                  Budget bills are the most important

        16       legislation we do here in the Legislature each

        17       year.  Budget bills should be publicly

        18       available, easy to understand, transparent.

        19       They should not be done by skipping the

        20       process.  The process is critical for budget

        21       bills.  So for the record, budget bills should

        22       have to move from Finance to either a third

        23       reading, a unanimous consent, or the Rules

        24       Committee.  We have three options available to

        25       us.  And this rule change is intended to skip

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         1       that public process.

         2                  Second off, I have to disagree with

         3       my colleague's response to Senator Squadron's

         4       questioning.  These weren't the numbers, as

         5       referenced by Senator Libous.  Actually, we

         6       looked and when the Democrats had the Senate

         7       prior to the coup, it was 18 Democrats, 15

         8       Republicans, the ratio -- I'm sorry, and after

         9       the coup, excuse me.

        10                  And so there's a logic to having a

        11       weighted number of Democrats and Republicans

        12       on committees.  In fact, those rules were

        13       negotiated, negotiated between the Republicans

        14       and the Democrats.  July 9th and July 15th,

        15       the two dates referenced, those were

        16       negotiated changes because of the recognition

        17       during the coup that the rules were not in

        18       everybody's best interest.

        19                  So when I hear my colleagues here

        20       tonight say we need to change the rules to

        21       pre-coup, I have to say I don't think that's a

        22       very good idea for any of us.  And in fact

        23       I've heard many of my colleagues from both

        24       sides of the aisle speak about why the coup

        25       might have happened.

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         1                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         2       Senator Libous, why do you rise?

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Would Senator

         4       Krueger yield for a question?

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         6       Senator Krueger, will you yield to Senator

         7       Libous?

         8                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Let me just

         9       finish the sentence and I'll be happy to

        10       yield.

        11                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        12       Mr. President.

        13                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you.

        14                  So again, when I hear my colleagues

        15       talk about wanting to go back to pre-coup

        16       rules, it gives me pause and I think it should

        17       give all of us pause.  Because this has been a

        18       process where each time we've changed the

        19       rules in the last few years, and we've done it

        20       now several times, we've all talked about

        21       wanting to move forward, we've talked about

        22       wanting to get more things on the agenda for

        23       improved rules for the Senate.  And I see this

        24       as a giant step backwards.

        25                  And now I'm happy to yield to

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         1       Senator Libous.

         2                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

         3       Senator Libous, Senator Krueger will yield to

         4       a question.

         5                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

         6       Mr. President.

         7                  Senator Krueger, are you familiar

         8       with a document that was put out by your side

         9       of the aisle, Senator Smith, it was April 1,

        10       2009, to March 31, 2010, it was the Fiscal

        11       Committees' Executive Budget?

        12                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    I don't

        13       have it memorized.  I'm sure that that is

        14       true, and I'm sure if I took a look at it I

        15       could remind myself of the details.  But

        16       please, Senator Libous, continue.

        17                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Well, I just --

        18       for the record, Mr. President, it shows in

        19       that document 19 Democrats and 14 Republicans

        20       on the Senate Finance Committee.

        21                  I have another document here which

        22       is the actual record of the Senate.  And in

        23       all due respect to my colleague,

        24       Mr. President, on January 11, 2010, it shows

        25       19 Democrats and 14 Republicans on the Finance

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         1       Committee and 14 Democrats on Rules and 10

         2       Republicans.

         3                  So I certainly understand that

         4       possibly Senator Krueger's numbers are a

         5       little mixed up.  But I'm referencing official

         6       documents of the Senate.

         7                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         8       you, Senator Libous.

         9                  SENATOR LIZ KRUEGER:    Thank you,

        10       Mr. President.

        11                  Responding to Senator Libous, I

        12       will be happy to take a look at the report.

        13       Looking at the Legislative Digest for 2010,

        14       it's 18/15.

        15                  But again, to clarify the change,

        16       that was made post-coup.  So I did misspeak

        17       and correct myself earlier about pre- and

        18       post-coup.

        19                  Again, post-coup, I think we made

        20       some progress.  I'm very disturbed to see us

        21       going back to pre-coup rules, taking a step

        22       backwards at this time both in skipping an

        23       important procedural step for moving budget

        24       bills -- again, Senator Libous is absolutely

        25       right.  The Republicans have the majority.

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         1       That is established in each committee.  It is

         2       established by what bills come to the floor.

         3       It is established by what agenda gets moved.

         4                  I really don't understand why

         5       tonight, before we do the budget, having a

         6       majority isn't apparently enough, we need to

         7       plus 5 percent on the two most critical

         8       committees of the State Senate.

         9                  I also don't quite understand why

        10       we have a model or we're proposing a model

        11       where you get to swap in and out your members

        12       in these two key committees with an hour's

        13       notice.  I don't think I have ever heard of

        14       any process for establishing legislative

        15       committees or the important role of

        16       legislative committees where you just move the

        17       members on and off with an hour's notice,

        18       perhaps because somebody hasn't shown up in

        19       time.  I think that is fundamentally a

        20       dangerous procedure for a legislative body to

        21       follow, sort of musical chairs to make sure

        22       you have the chairs filled in two committees

        23       at any given time.

        24                  And again, to point out the role of

        25       the Majority counsel in accepting changes in

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         1       the Finance and Rules Committee, conceivably

         2       that means the Majority counsel can reject the

         3       change in the Finance and Rules Committee.

         4       And that is, granted, a decision for my

         5       colleagues on the other side of the aisle.

         6       But I think we all talk quite a bit in this

         7       place about sometimes having too many

         8       staff-driven decisions as opposed to the

         9       elected driven decisions.

        10                  And to note several times now in

        11       the Rules Committee this year, when Senator

        12       Breslin attempted to follow the rules of this

        13       house and move a petition to move a bill for a

        14       hearing, we were told that the chair of the

        15       committee, Senator Libous, couldn't accept or

        16       reject the petition to move a bill to a public

        17       hearing, it was the clerk of the committee.

        18       And I've argued before and I'll argue again

        19       that's not supposed to be the model, that

        20       legislators get overridden by counsels or

        21       clerks.

        22                  So I think all of these changes in

        23       the Senate rules are going in the wrong

        24       direction.  They are not in the best interests

        25       of democracy, small-D democracy.  One has to

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         1       raise the question why they are popping up

         2       tonight with no notice and no opportunity for

         3       anyone other than those of us standing here

         4       tonight and sitting here tonight to really

         5       review or even ask questions about why these

         6       rule changes must be done tonight.  I'm urging

         7       every member to vote no.

         8                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         9                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        10       you, Senator Krueger.

        11                  Senator DeFrancisco on the

        12       resolution.

        13                  SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:    I think

        14       we've had enough.  Thank you.

        15                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

        16       you, Senator DeFrancisco.

        17                  Senator Skelos on the resolution.

        18       Senator Skelos.

        19                  SENATOR SKELOS:    Would Senator

        20       Squadron yield for a question?

        21                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Absolutely,

        22       Mr. President.

        23                  SENATOR SKELOS:    Senator

        24       Squadron, right now in the Senate, how many

        25       Democrats have chairmanships of committees?

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         1                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

         2       Mr. President, I am less familiar with the

         3       makeup of the Senate than the leader is, so I

         4       would defer back to him.

         5                  SENATOR SKELOS:    So we have three

         6       Democrats and a chairman of a legislative

         7       commission, so we have four Democrats in

         8       leadership positions that we've appointed.  Is

         9       that correct?

        10                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

        11       Mr. President, yes.

        12                  SENATOR SKELOS:    On the joint

        13       conference committees, where they're normally

        14       Republican-Democrat appointments, how many

        15       Democrats have been appointed by the

        16       Republican side to be on joint conference

        17       committees as one of our appointments?

        18                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

        19       Mr. President, I believe the same Democrats.

        20                  SENATOR SKELOS:    Four.  Do you

        21       recall how many Republicans when we were in

        22       the minority were appointed to joint

        23       conference committees by the then-Democrat

        24       majority?

        25                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

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         1       Mr. President, I don't.  I believe the number

         2       is none.

         3                  SENATOR SKELOS:    Now, let me ask

         4       you, how do you define proportional

         5       representation?

         6                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

         7       Mr. President, I wouldn't deign to define

         8       proportional representation, I would refer to

         9       the current rules to do so.  In -- I believe

        10       it's Rule VI, Section 1, paragraph C.

        11                  SENATOR SKELOS:    So again, how

        12       would you define it?  Would it be 32

        13       Republicans, 30 Democrats?  Or would it be 32

        14       Republicans, 26 Democrats, and four

        15       independent Democrats?

        16                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

        17       Mr. President, as we discussed quite a bit at

        18       the beginning of this session, both on and off

        19       this floor, there really is no process.  I

        20       believe we in fact had this debate around the

        21       adoption of the rules.  There is no process

        22       for anything other than two conferences.

        23                  SENATOR SKELOS:    So we

        24       couldn't --

        25                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    So based on

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         1       that I would say 30/32.

         2                  SENATOR SKELOS:    -- proportional

         3       representation and through the Majority

         4       Leader, because appointments are made in

         5       consultation to make sure that all are

         6       represented well, technically the Majority

         7       Leader could appoint four from the Independent

         8       Democrat Conference to these committees.

         9                  SENATOR SQUADRON:    Through you,

        10       Mr. President, in order to ensure that both

        11       conferences are represented well, I would very

        12       respectfully -- and I appreciate the

        13       opportunity to have this conversation with

        14       Senator Skelos on the floor, but I would

        15       respectfully suggest that any time that the

        16       majority is deciding what fair representation

        17       for the minority is isn't fair by its very

        18       nature.

        19                  So certainly the points that

        20       Senator Skelos made are accurate and reflect

        21       there are four Democrats in the position

        22       Senator Skelos said.  Those same four

        23       Democrats had roles on the conference

        24       committees appointed by Senator Skelos.

        25                  The truth is that real

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         1       representation for a minority really must come

         2       through the minority leader, because otherwise

         3       there are all sorts of risks.  And in fact we

         4       had this very debate on this floor at the

         5       beginning of the session when we talked about

         6       some of the risk of having multiple

         7       conferences and having the majority decide

         8       which minority members get representation.

         9                  The real concern here tonight,

        10       Mr. President, has to do with the makeup of

        11       these committees, though I'm certain in a week

        12       as serious and important as this one we're not

        13       going to see games or any such thing in terms

        14       of the committees.  The issue is the change of

        15       the rules, the way the change of the rules is

        16       happening, the permanence of it, the slippage

        17       back to a time when this Senate wasn't as fair

        18       to the majority/minority parties, and an

        19       unprecedented empowerment of someone who's not

        20       elected to the Senate at all to accept or

        21       reject voting members of these committees.

        22                  So, you know, I don't think that it

        23       is up to the majority to decide what's fair

        24       for the minority or, equally, for the minority

        25       to decide what's fair for the majority.

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         1       That's why we have two conferences and two

         2       conference leaders.

         3                  Thank you, Mr. President.

         4                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Thank

         5       you, Senator Squadron.

         6                  The question is on the adoption of

         7       the resolution.  All those in favor signify by

         8       saying aye.

         9                  (Response of "Aye.")

        10                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        11       Opposed, nay.

        12                  (Response of "Nay.")

        13                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        14       Senator Breslin.

        15                  SENATOR BRESLIN:    Mr. President,

        16       can we have a show of hands, please.

        17                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    Those

        18       wishing to be in the negative please raise

        19       your hands.

        20                  (There was a show of hands.)

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

        22       Secretary will announce the results.

        23                  THE SECRETARY:    Ayes, 35.  Nays,

        24       23.

        25                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    The

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         1       resolution is adopted.

         2                  Senator Libous.

         3                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President,

         4       is there any further business at the desk?

         5                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    There

         6       is no further business, Senator Libous.

         7                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Mr. President, I

         8       hand up the follow committee assignment by

         9       Senator Skelos and ask that it be filed.

        10                  Mr. President, have we adjourned?

        11                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:    No,

        12       Senator Libous, we haven't.

        13                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you.

        14       Because for a moment there I thought we had

        15       adjourned.

        16                  Because I have a very important

        17       message to announce, Mr. President.  There

        18       being no further business to come before the

        19       Senate, I move that we adjourn until Tuesday,

        20       March 29th, at 3:00 p.m.

        21                  ACTING PRESIDENT FLANAGAN:

        22       Senator Libous, the committee assignment is so

        23       ordered to be filed in the Journal.

        24                  On motion, the Senate stands

        25       adjourned until Tuesday, March 29th, at

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         1       3:00 p.m.

         2                  (Whereupon, at 8:52 p.m., the

         3       Senate adjourned.)























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