Regular Session - March 19, 2014


 1               NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   March 19, 2014

11                     3:19 p.m.



14                  REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JOSEPH GRIFFO, Acting President

19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask all present to please rise and 

 5   join with me as we recite the Pledge of 

 6   Allegiance to our Flag.

 7                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 8   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Today's 

10   invocation, on St. Joseph's Day, will be offered 

11   by the Most Reverend Terry LaValley, Bishop of 

12   the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg.  

13                Bishop LaValley.  

14                BISHOP LaVALLEY:   Almighty and 

15   Eternal God, You have revealed Your glory to all 

16   nations.  

17                God of power and might, wisdom and 

18   justice, accept the prayers we offer for our 

19   Empire State.  Through You, authority is rightly 

20   administered, laws are enacted, and judgment is 

21   decreed.  

22                We pray for Andrew Cuomo, the 

23   Governor of this state, for the members of this 

24   Legislature and of the Judiciary, and for all who 

25   are entrusted with guarding our civil welfare.  


 1                Fill all public servants with the 

 2   spirit of Your wisdom.  May they always act in 

 3   accordance with Your divine will, preserving and 

 4   fostering the sacred foundation of all life, and 

 5   safeguarding the splendor of God's creation.  May 

 6   they be enabled by Your powerful protection to 

 7   discharge their duties with honesty and ability.  

 8                We likewise commend to Your 

 9   unbounded mercy all residents of New York State, 

10   that they may be blessed with freedom, security 

11   and peace.  

12                By sharing the good things You give 

13   us, may we work for the well-being of all and, 

14   under Your providence, help to build the city of 

15   lasting peace.  

16                We pray to You, who are Lord and 

17   God, whom we seek to honor and strive to please 

18   at all times.  

19                Forever and ever, amen.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Reading 

21   of the Journal.  

22                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Tuesday, 

23   March 18th, the Senate met pursuant to 

24   adjournment.  The Journal of Monday, March 17th, 

25   was read and approved.  On motion, Senate 


 1   adjourned.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Without 

 3   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.  

 4                Presentations of petitions.  

 5                Messages from the Assembly.

 6                Messages from the Governor.

 7                Reports of standing committees.  

 8                Reports of select committees.  

 9                Communications and reports of state 

10   officers.

11                Motions and resolutions.

12                Senator Libous.

13                SENATOR LIBOUS:   Mr. President, 

14   thank you.  

15                On behalf of Senator Zeldin, I 

16   believe it's page 23, I offer the following 

17   amendments to Calendar Number 228, Senate Print 

18   6525, and ask that said bill retain its place on 

19   the Third Reading Calendar.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

21   amendments are received, and the bill shall 

22   retain its place on third reading.

23                Senator Libous.

24                SENATOR LIBOUS:   I believe there's 

25   a previously adopted resolution by Senator 


 1   Marchione, Number 3989, at the desk.  Could we 

 2   have the title read and please call on 

 3   Senator Marchione.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 5   Secretary will read.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

 7   Resolution Number 3989, by Senator Marchione, 

 8   memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to 

 9   proclaim March 21, 2014, Down Syndrome Awareness 

10   Day in the State of New York, in conjunction with 

11   the observance of World Down Syndrome Day.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13   Marchione.

14                Can I have some order in the 

15   chamber, please.

16                SENATOR MARCHIONE:   Mr. President 

17   and my colleagues, I rise for the purpose of 

18   speaking on my legislative resolution 

19   memorializing the Governor to proclaim March 21, 

20   2014, as Down Syndrome Awareness Day in New York 

21   State, in conjunction with the observation of 

22   World Down Syndrome Day.

23                Down syndrome is a genetic condition 

24   affecting the body's development caused by the 

25   presence of three copies of chromosome 21 in the 


 1   cell nucleus, and is also called trisomy 21.  

 2                Mr. President and my colleagues, I 

 3   would like to share with you some of the 

 4   important facts about Down syndrome.  There are 

 5   an estimated 6 million people with Down syndrome 

 6   worldwide.  One in every 691 babies born in the 

 7   United States are afflicted with Down syndrome, 

 8   making it the most common genetic disorder in our 

 9   nation.

10                Approximately 400,000 Americans have 

11   Down syndrome.  And nearly 6,000 babies are born 

12   with Down syndrome in the United States each 

13   year.

14                Once extremely fatal, new advances 

15   in medical technology are helping individuals 

16   with Down syndrome to live longer, healthier and 

17   more productive lives than ever before.  With 

18   proper medical treatment, as many as 80 percent 

19   of adults with Down syndrome will reach the age 

20   of 60 or older.  This is a critical breakthrough, 

21   and it is truly welcome news.  

22                People with Down syndrome possess a 

23   wide range of abilities and are loving, generous 

24   and gifted souls.  They are some of the greatest 

25   people you will ever have the privilege of 


 1   meeting.

 2                I'm proud to sponsor this resolution 

 3   memorializing the Governor to proclaim March 21, 

 4   2014, as Down Syndrome Awareness Day in New York 

 5   State.  My resolution reminds us of the 

 6   importance of recognizing the inherent dignity, 

 7   worth and contributions of individuals with 

 8   Down syndrome, as well as the love and kindness 

 9   they share and the countless lives they brighten.  

10   In so remembering, we can better celebrate their 

11   lives and publicly recognize and share in their 

12   many accomplishments.

13                Thank you, Mr. President and my 

14   colleagues.  I appreciate your support for this 

15   important resolution.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

17   you, Senator Marchione.

18                Senator Libous.

19                SENATOR LIBOUS:   Thank you, 

20   Mr. President.

21                I want to rise and say thank you to 

22   Senator Marchione for putting this resolution 

23   before the house.  

24                I've had the honor and pleasure of, 

25   for 11 years, chairing the Committee on Mental 


 1   Health and Developmental Disabilities, and on two 

 2   occasions I was blessed and honored to be the 

 3   chairman of the statewide Special Olympics.

 4                Just specifically, while the love of 

 5   all individuals with disabilities really comes 

 6   through when you work and spend time with them, 

 7   individuals with Down syndrome, as Senator 

 8   Marchione said, are a very special group, because 

 9   the love and affection that they share and exude 

10   is just incredible.  

11                I often tell people that if you 

12   really want to lift your day, if you really think 

13   you're having a bad day, spend some time with 

14   some folks particularly with Down syndrome and 

15   disabilities, and I guarantee you they will put a 

16   smile on your face.  

17                They will make you feel an awful lot 

18   better, and when you leave, you'll scratch your 

19   head, wondering "What's my problem?"  Because 

20   they will lift you, their attitudes are 

21   incredible, and they enjoy every day.  They enjoy 

22   life even with their disability.

23                So, Senator, thank you for bringing 

24   this resolution to the floor.  I think we should 

25   all pause and pay tribute and say thank you to 


 1   those individuals who have Down syndrome and who 

 2   have actually shared a delight and helped us to 

 3   really understand what life is all about.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

 5   you, Senator Libous.

 6                Senator LaValle.

 7                SENATOR LaVALLE:   Thank you, 

 8   Mr. President.

 9                I too rise to compliment 

10   Senator Marchione on this resolution, and my dear 

11   friend and colleague Senator Libous for his 

12   remarks in laying out some very important points.

13                I would like to just build on what 

14   Senator Libous said.  I know three mothers who 

15   I'd like to think are friends who have Down 

16   syndrome children, and who we have conversations 

17   about their growth and their development and what 

18   a wonderful difference that each of those 

19   children make each and every day.  

20                And recently one of the mothers sent 

21   me a video on her son, who is on the 

22   Port Jefferson wrestling team.  And I watched him 

23   wrestle, and the camaraderie from the other 

24   members of the team in congratulating him on his 

25   match, and I must tell you, it brought tears to 


 1   my eyes.  

 2                We have come a long way, a long way 

 3   as a society where we can interact with people 

 4   with special needs and become almost part of a 

 5   family in making sure that they grow up to be all 

 6   that they can be.  So these children do bring a 

 7   lot of joy to a lot of people, but they are 

 8   important members of our society and our family.

 9                So, Senator Marchione, thank you 

10   very much for bringing this resolution before the 

11   house.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13   Carlucci.

14                SENATOR CARLUCCI:   Thank you, 

15   Mr. President.

16                And I too want to thank 

17   Senator Marchione and the previous speakers for 

18   talking on this very important resolution.  

19                As we approach March 21st and 

20   World Down Syndrome Awareness Day, it's so 

21   fitting that we proclaim a New York State Down 

22   Syndrome Awareness Day.  Because it's really, as 

23   was talked about from previous speakers, that we 

24   are talking about some of our most vulnerable 

25   populations.  And the strides that have been made 


 1   in just the past decade are really to be thought 

 2   of and to reflect upon.  

 3                But the fact is we still have a lot 

 4   of work to do.  And the fact that, as 

 5   Senator Marchione had mentioned in the 

 6   resolution, that 80 percent of people living with 

 7   Down syndrome can expect to live beyond their 

 8   60th birthday, it's a massive improvement that 

 9   we've seen in the past couple of decades.  But 

10   it's not just about the amount of time that you 

11   spend here on this earth, it's the quality of 

12   life.  

13                And I know that I'm working with 

14   many of my colleagues here in this chamber on 

15   this budget that's coming up in addressing many 

16   of these key issues, such as how do we get people 

17   with developmental disabilities into integrated 

18   employment settings.  And by doing that, that it 

19   won't just help our economy but will also help 

20   improve the quality of life of thousands of 

21   New Yorkers.

22                So I want to thank my colleagues for 

23   supporting this resolution and look forward to 

24   working with you on these important issues.

25                Thank you, Mr. President.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 2   Farley.

 3                SENATOR FARLEY:   Yeah, I rise to 

 4   speak on this resolution.  

 5                You know, I was deeply touched by 

 6   what some of my fellow Senators had to say.  

 7   Senator Marchione, I applaud you for bringing 

 8   this to us.  But I know what you were saying, 

 9   Senator Libous, is so true.  Anybody that meets 

10   or crosses the path of a Down syndrome person, 

11   your whole day is lifted because of the joy that 

12   they bring to this world.

13                You know, I think it's so important 

14   that we recognize people with disabilities, but 

15   particularly the Downs.  They are such wonderful, 

16   contributing people.  We have a number of them 

17   working here in the Senate.  They're the most 

18   reliable, the most conscientious, the most 

19   competent people that we have working here at the 

20   Senate.  They're absolutely lovely, lovely 

21   people.  

22                And I'll tell you, I thank you for 

23   bringing this resolution before us.  And I was 

24   deeply touched by what my colleagues were saying.

25                Thank you very much, Mr. President.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

 2   you, Senator Farley.

 3                As noted, the resolution was adopted 

 4   on March 18th of 2014.

 5                Senator Libous.

 6                SENATOR LIBOUS:   Thank you, 

 7   Mr. President.

 8                I would assume that, even though 

 9   that was adopted, Senator Marchione would open 

10   that up to the house.  So we will do that.  I 

11   don't know if I'm out of order here, but --

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   So noted.  

13   The resolution is open for cosponsorship.  If you 

14   choose not to --

15                SENATOR LIBOUS:   And if somebody 

16   doesn't want to be on it, let the desk know.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   If you 

18   choose not to, please notify the desk.

19                SENATOR LIBOUS:   Thank you.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

21   Libous.

22                SENATOR LIBOUS:   I believe that 

23   there's a resolution by Senator Montgomery, 

24   Number 3335, at the desk.  Could we have the 

25   title read, and I believe Senator Montgomery 


 1   would like to speak on it.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3   Secretary will read.  

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

 5   Resolution Number 3335, by Senator Montgomery, 

 6   commending Beverly Johnson upon the occasion of 

 7   being honored in conjunction with Women's History 

 8   Month 2014 in the State of New York.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

10   Montgomery.

11                SENATOR MONTGOMERY:   Yes, thank 

12   you, Mr. President.  

13                I rise again today to honor a woman 

14   of distinction and a woman who has made 

15   significant contributions, especially to young 

16   people in the State of New York.  This is the 

17   Honorable Beverly Johnson.

18                Beverly Johnson is the former 

19   executive director of the Magnolia Tree Earth 

20   Center of Bedford-Stuyvesant in the Borough of 

21   Brooklyn in the 25th Senate District, responsible 

22   for the creation, development and implementation 

23   of programs and activities that encourage and 

24   provide science, engineering, technology, 

25   mathematics and environmental awareness to youth, 


 1   and fosters the development of human potential 

 2   within urban communities like that that I 

 3   represent.

 4                She was formerly employed by 

 5   Polytech Institute in the Borough of Brooklyn, 

 6   which is now part of New York University.  She 

 7   was there for 27 years, holding positions as 

 8   associate dean of undergraduate admissions, 

 9   director of international student recruitment, 

10   assistant dean of university admissions, and 

11   executive director of the Promise Fund, which is 

12   the organization that sponsored the Center for 

13   Youth in Engineering and Science, which was part 

14   of Polytech Institute's giving back to young 

15   people in the community.

16                This Promise Fund traditionally 

17   awards $1.2 million annually in scholarships to 

18   students interested in pursuing careers in the 

19   fields of mathematics, science and engineering 

20   that we often refer to as the STEM careers.

21                The mission of the Promise Fund is 

22   to promote activities that introduce 

23   underrepresented women and people of color in 

24   general, as well as elementary and high school 

25   students, to career opportunities in STEM, to 


 1   nurture their interest, to develop their 

 2   scientific curiosity and encourage appropriate 

 3   study.  

 4                I must say that under the leadership 

 5   of Beverly Johnson, it was Polytech that set up a 

 6   relationship with Brooklyn Tech High School 

 7   students which allowed those students to attend 

 8   classes in Polytech free of charge and receive 

 9   college credits.

10                She is also a specialist in the 

11   evaluation of international and domestic 

12   educational documents and immigration 

13   credentials.  She has traveled worldwide and has 

14   been very responsible for recruiting young people 

15   from areas such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, 

16   Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, India, 

17   Japan, Mexico, Haiti and Africa.

18                She is an active member of the 

19   Second Baptist Church in Baldwin, New York.  She 

20   is chairperson of the SBC Scholarship Ministry 

21   and a member of the welcoming committee.

22                She is a liaison for the National 

23   Society of Black Engineers.  She is an honorary 

24   member of the National Society of Women 

25   Engineers, and she is an advisor to the National 


 1   Society of Black Engineers, the National 

 2   Association of Foreign Student Advisors, and 

 3   Black Professionals in International Education in 

 4   America.

 5                I am honored today and I thank you 

 6   for allowing me an opportunity to express my 

 7   pride in knowing Beverly Johnson, having worked 

 8   with her throughout these past few years that 

 9   I've known her, and having seen how brilliant she 

10   is as it relates to designing programs that 

11   actually accomplish what our goal in our 

12   Legislature is, and that is to make sure that we 

13   are including all young people, especially young 

14   people of color in the urban centers, as well as 

15   throughout our state, to become involved in STEM.

16                So thank you, Mr. President.  And I 

17   honor Beverly Johnson today as a Woman of 

18   Distinction in this month.  Thank you.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   As noted, 

20   the resolution was adopted on February 4, 2014.

21                Senator Libous.

22                SENATOR LIBOUS:   Mr. President, may 

23   we have the reading of the noncontroversial 

24   calendar.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 


 1   Secretary will read.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 57, 

 3   by Senator Savino, Senate Print 5792B, an act to 

 4   amend the Labor Law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

 6   last section.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 8   act shall take effect immediately.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

10   roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13   Peralta to explain his vote.

14                SENATOR PERALTA:   Thank you, 

15   Mr. President.  I want to explain my vote.

16                My understanding of this bill is 

17   that it attempts to preserve jobs in the banquet 

18   industry by excluding well-compensated banquet 

19   employees from receiving overtime wages on 

20   mandatory gratuities and service charges.  

21                The concern this bill addresses is 

22   that if New York law is not amended to better 

23   align with federal law, it might mean a rash of 

24   lawsuits and years of overtime back pay for 

25   individuals who make near or above six figures a 


 1   year.  This could then create catastrophic 

 2   consequences for workers lower down the pay scale 

 3   by potentially forcing even high-road employers 

 4   to fire workers across the spectrum, or even shut 

 5   down their operations entirely.  

 6                I understand and share the goals of 

 7   the sponsor and supporters of this bill, 

 8   protecting good-paying, high-road jobs for 

 9   banquet workers.  

10                I expressed concerns about the 

11   drafting of this bill when it came before the 

12   Labor Committee, and I appreciate the efforts by 

13   the sponsor and the stakeholders to address those 

14   version in this version, including raising the 

15   threshold wages a worker would have to make in 

16   order for this to apply to him or her.  

17                While I remain concerned about the 

18   possibility that some of the terminology in this 

19   bill is not fully defined in statute, and I am 

20   always reticent about anything that repeals parts 

21   of the New York law that offers stronger worker 

22   protection than federal law, I have been 

23   convinced that in practice this restriction will 

24   not apply to the vast majority of workers and 

25   that it will not create a practical loophole for 


 1   predatory employers to exploit.  

 2                I have been assured that there will 

 3   be a time for all the stakeholders to fully 

 4   consider this bill and weigh in with potential 

 5   concerns before it is passed in the Assembly, and 

 6   therefore I will be voting in the affirmative.  

 7                Thank you.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 9   Peralta to be recorded in the negative.

10                Announce the results.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 56.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

13   is passed.

14                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

15   218, by Senator Bonacic, Senate Print 2042, an 

16   act to amend the Labor Law.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

18   last section.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

20   act shall take effect immediately.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

22   roll.

23                (The Secretary called the roll.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

25   Hoylman to explain his vote.


 1                SENATOR HOYLMAN:   Thank you, 

 2   Mr. President.  

 3                I'll be voting for this bill, but I 

 4   wanted to point out that the City of New York has 

 5   issued a memo in opposition, for the reason that 

 6   the bill is essentially unworkable due to the 

 7   fact that the agencies in New York that are 

 8   responsible for reporting the Department of 

 9   Corrections and the Department of Probation do 

10   not receive the information necessary regarding 

11   whether an inmate has committed a crime in the 

12   workplace or the employment history of the 

13   individual.

14                So I'm hopeful that our colleagues 

15   in the Assembly will amend this bill and we'll be 

16   seeing a different version of the bill in this 

17   chamber as well.  I'll be voting in the 

18   affirmative.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

20   Hoylman to be recorded in the affirmative.

21                Announce the results.

22                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

23   Calendar 218, those recorded in the negative are 

24   Senators Hassell-Thompson, Krueger, Montgomery 

25   and Perkins.


 1                Ayes, 52.  Nays, 4.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

 3   is passed.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5   246, by Senator Ranzenhofer, Senate Print 4324, 

 6   an act to amend the Not-for-Profit Corporation 

 7   Law.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

 9   last section.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

11   act shall take effect immediately.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

13   roll.

14                (The Secretary called the roll.)

15                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 56.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

17   is passed.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

19   263, by Senator Flanagan, Senate Print 5364, an 

20   act to repeal paragraph D of Subdivision 4 of 

21   Section 3641 of the Education Law.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

23   last section.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

25   act shall take effect immediately.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

 2   roll.

 3                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 5   Stavisky to explain her vote.

 6                SENATOR STAVISKY:   To explain my 

 7   vote.

 8                Currently schools have to report 

 9   three times a year as required by this statute.  

10   This would repeal it and make the reporting 

11   requirements annually to conform to the National 

12   Asbestos Hazard Emergency Safety Act, I think 

13   it's called.  

14                The first school asbestos act in the 

15   nation was passed in this legislative body in 

16   1980.  And I'm very familiar with that because my 

17   husband was chair of the Education Committee and 

18   was the sponsor of that first School Asbestos 

19   Safety Act.  

20                Asbestos is extremely dangerous for 

21   a lot of reasons.  You can't taste it, you don't 

22   see it, you can't feel it, but it's in the walls 

23   of buildings that were built prior to the 1970s.  

24   In fact, in the state office buildings that were 

25   constructed during the period prior to the 1970s, 


 1   you're not supposed to put a nail in the wall 

 2   because asbestos may come out.

 3                And I bought a co-op last year, and 

 4   I had to sign for a study of the walls.  I had to 

 5   spend money on a test for asbestos.  And 

 6   furthermore, if asbestos were discovered in that 

 7   co-op building, I would have had to pay for the 

 8   abatement.

 9                My suggestion to the sponsor is that 

10   you exempt those buildings that were built after 

11   the 1970s that obviously don't have asbestos, but 

12   continue the legislation for those which do 

13   contain asbestos, because it's a very dangerous 

14   substance.

15                I vote no.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

17   Stavisky to be recorded in the negative.

18                Announce the results.

19                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

20   Calendar Number 263, those recorded in the 

21   negative are Senators Avella, Hoylman, Krueger, 

22   Montgomery, Perkins, Serrano, Squadron and 

23   Stavisky.

24                Ayes, 49.  Nays, 8.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 


 1   is passed.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3   271, by Senator Maziarz, Senate Print 2063B, an 

 4   act to amend the Highway Law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Read the 

 6   last section.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 8   act shall take effect immediately.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

10   roll.

11                (The Secretary called the roll.)

12                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 57.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

14   is passed.

15                Senator Libous, that completes the 

16   noncontroversial reading of today's calendar.

17                SENATOR LIBOUS:   Thank you, 

18   Mr. President.

19                Is there any further business at the 

20   desk?  

21                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There is 

22   no further business before the desk.

23                SENATOR LIBOUS:   There being no 

24   further business, I move that the Senate adjourn 

25   until Thursday, March 20th, at 11:00 a.m.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   On 

 2   motion, the Senate stands adjourned until 

 3   Thursday, March 20th, at 11:00 a.m. 

 4                Senate adjourned.

 5                (Whereupon, at 3:45 p.m., the Senate 

 6   adjourned.)


