Regular Session - March 30, 2017


 1               NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   March 30, 2017

11                     3:27 p.m.



14                  REGULAR SESSION





19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1               P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask everyone present to please 

 5   rise and repeat with me the Pledge of 

 6   Allegiance.

 7                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 8   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.) 

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   In the 

10   absence of clergy, may we please bow our heads 

11   in a moment of silence.

12                (Whereupon, the assemblage 

13   respected a moment of silence.)

14                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

15   reading of the Journal.

16                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, 

17   Wednesday, March 29th, the Senate met pursuant 

18   to adjournment.  The Journal of Tuesday, 

19   March 28th, was read and approved.  On motion, 

20   Senate adjourned.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

22   Without objection, the Journal stands approved 

23   as read.

24                Presentation of petitions.

25                Messages from the Assembly.


 1                Messages from the Governor.

 2                Reports of standing committees.

 3                Reports of select committees.

 4                Communications and reports from 

 5   state officers.

 6                Motions and resolutions.

 7                Senator.

 8                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Madam 

 9   President, I move to adopt the 

10   Resolution Calendar, with the exception of 

11   Resolutions 1257 and 1307.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   All in 

13   favor of adopting the Resolution Calendar, with 

14   the exception of Resolutions 1257 and 1307, 

15   signify by saying aye.

16                (Response of "Aye.")

17                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

18   Opposed, nay.

19                (No response.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

21   Resolution Calendar is adopted.

22                Senator.

23                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes, can we 

24   now take up Resolution 1257, by Senator 

25   Squadron, read the title only, and call on 


 1   Senator Squadron to speak.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

 3   Secretary will read.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

 5   Resolution Number 1257, by Senator Squadron, 

 6   commemorating the 25th anniversary of the 

 7   Downtown Little League.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

 9   Senator Squadron.

10                SENATOR SQUADRON:   Thank you, 

11   Madam President.

12                I rise today to honor the Downtown 

13   Little League on its 25th year.  The Downtown 

14   Little League is one of the great little leagues 

15   in our state.  It has over 1,000 budding 

16   prospects in baseball and softball, from the 

17   ages of five to 18.  An extraordinary community 

18   event at the opening of it, the parade every 

19   year.  

20                And one of the really amazing 

21   things about Downtown Little League is if you 

22   think of the downtown Manhattan community over 

23   the last 25 years, Downtown has weathered the 

24   attacks of September 11, 2001, it has weathered 

25   the effects and the flooding from Superstorm 


 1   Sandy.  And through that all, Downtown Little 

 2   League has grown, has thrived, and has been a 

 3   central community benefit for everyone in 

 4   Downtown.  

 5                And amazingly, even with all that 

 6   Downtown has faced in that time, even with the 

 7   resilience that we showed after September 11th 

 8   and after Sandy, Downtown Little League has grown 

 9   in that time.

10                The other amazing thing is you think 

11   of Lower Manhattan -- a place that has Wall 

12   Street and the Financial district, it has the old 

13   original New York City, the Seaport, Old Fulton 

14   Fish Market -- you think of that area and it's 

15   sometimes hard to remember that it's a community 

16   like any other in this state, that on opening day 

17   for Little League, they parade to the field, they 

18   put on their gloves and start to play just like 

19   they would in any community across this state.  

20                Now, it's true that that parade 

21   starts at City Hall in New York City and then 

22   proceeds into Battery Park City, created by the 

23   state.  But it's also true that the kids growing 

24   up in Lower Manhattan, in the shadow of the 

25   now-rebuilding World Trade Center site, in a 


 1   community that is so often used as a central 

 2   focus not just across the state, but nationally 

 3   and globally, are just kids growing up in the 

 4   neighborhood, families who love their community 

 5   like they do across the state.  

 6                And it's always important to 

 7   remember that on this floor, that each of us 

 8   represents communities that have the same 

 9   interests and the same needs -- people who want 

10   to be able to raise their families and have 

11   opportunity, they want to have a better life for 

12   the next generation than for the prior one, 

13   people who want to be able to age in place with 

14   respect and dignity.  That is every bit as true 

15   of Lower Manhattan as it is of the western and 

16   northern and eastern parts of the state.  

17                And it's absolutely represented 

18   every year with the Downtown Little League's 

19   great seasons, including the seasons in which its 

20   softball teams won city and state championships.  

21   The junior team won three city championships 

22   between 2013 and 2015, won the state title in 

23   2014.  The under-11 team won a city and state 

24   title in 2014.  They were the first softball 

25   teams from New York City to win a state 


 1   championship.  

 2                So to the rest of the state, I'm 

 3   sorry we beat you those years.  We look forward 

 4   to competing with you in future years.  And it's 

 5   a great reminder of the fact that in every corner 

 6   of this great diverse state, we have diverse 

 7   communities and things like Little League can 

 8   bring us together.  

 9                Congratulations to the Downtown 

10   Little League on its 25th anniversary.  

11                Thank you, Madam President.  

12                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Thank 

13   you, Senator Squadron.  

14                The question is on the resolution. 

15   All in favor signify by saying aye.

16                (Response of "Aye.")

17                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

18   Opposed, nay.

19                (No response.)

20                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

21   resolution is adopted.

22                Senator.

23                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Before we go 

24   on, I'm just going to make an early announcement 

25   so that we don't lose members.  


 1                Immediately following session, there 

 2   will be a meeting of the Republican Conference in 

 3   Room 332.  And I'll make that announcement again, 

 4   but I just don't want to lose anybody in case 

 5   they thought this was going to be a short 

 6   session.

 7                With that said, could we now, 

 8   Madam President, take up previously adopted 

 9   Resolution 1208, by Senator Tedisco, and read the 

10   title only and call on the Senator.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

12   Secretary will read.

13                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

14   Resolution Number 1208, by Senator Tedisco, 

15   recognizing April 2017 as National School Library 

16   Month.

17                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Senator 

18   Tedisco.

19                SENATOR TEDISCO:   Thank you, Madam 

20   President.  

21                And my colleagues, what would we do 

22   in New York State without our libraries?  Two 

23   days ago we passed a resolution declaring April 

24   as National School Library Month.  Our libraries 

25   are extremely important for opening doors to a 


 1   world of information for people of all ages.  

 2   They encourage literacy, help people obtain 

 3   skills they need to find jobs, and are so 

 4   important for community centers.  

 5                The libraries that are housed in our 

 6   schools are particularly important to encouraging 

 7   young people to read and to learn.  Going to a 

 8   school library is a vital part of a child's daily 

 9   educational experience.  School libraries empower 

10   students in many ways.  They provide a safe haven 

11   for all students to think, create, share and 

12   grow.  

13                School libraries can be a hub of 

14   learning and a favorite spot for many students.  

15   Thanks to the dedication of our school 

16   librarians, teachers, and staff, children from 

17   all walks of life have access to books, computer 

18   technology, and information they need to enhance 

19   their overall educational experience.

20                Madam President and my colleagues, I 

21   ask you to please join me in recognizing April as 

22   National School Library Month and extend special 

23   recognition to school library programs and the 

24   role of certified school librarians throughout 

25   the State of New York.


 1                Thank you, Madam President and my 

 2   colleagues.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Thank 

 4   you, Senator.

 5                Anyone else?  Senator Marchione.

 6                SENATOR MARCHIONE:   I'd like to 

 7   thank Senator Tedisco for this resolution and 

 8   just talk about some of the libraries within my 

 9   own community.  

10                You are so absolutely right.  You 

11   know, whether you're two years old or you're 

12   80 years old, whether you're looking to have fun, 

13   social, or you're looking to learn and read or 

14   just enjoy yourself with a newspaper or on a 

15   computer, our libraries offer it all.  They offer 

16   it all to people who are two, 10, 15, 50.  And 

17   it's a great place to socialize.  

18                And I'm just always so pleased to be 

19   able to support our libraries, knowing that they 

20   do so much for everyone in our community.

21                Thank you.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Thank 

23   you, Senator Marchione.

24                Senator Helming.

25                SENATOR HELMING:   I rise, Madam 


 1   President, to recognize this important resolution 

 2   commemorating April as National School Library 

 3   Month.  As the daughter of a school librarian, I 

 4   learned early on just how much of an important 

 5   role school libraries play in the lives of 

 6   students.  Our school libraries help to prepare 

 7   students for educational success by providing 

 8   them with materials, equipment, technology and 

 9   knowledge they need for success in the years 

10   K through 12 and beyond.

11                School libraries provide students 

12   with information technology services such as 

13   access to be computers, high-speed Internet, 

14   online databases for research, and audiovisual 

15   equipment.  This is critically important for 

16   students in rural areas, like in my district, who 

17   may not otherwise have access to this technology 

18   and high-speed Internet service at home.

19                Much like my mother did for 30 

20   years, school librarians work to enrich the lives 

21   of students they serve.  School librarians 

22   provide students with assistance on research, 

23   homework help, and guidance on how to best 

24   navigate the technology at the library.

25                In addition, our libraries and 


 1   librarians also promote and develop reading 

 2   abilities and interest in school-aged children.  

 3   This often leads to a lifelong love of reading.

 4                I'd like to thank my colleague 

 5   Senator Tedisco for introducing this important 

 6   resolution and to thank and recognize all of our 

 7   school librarians.

 8                Thank you.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Thank 

10   you, Senator Helming.

11                Senator Stavisky.

12                SENATOR STAVISKY:   Thank you, Madam 

13   President.  

14                I thank the Senator for sponsoring 

15   the resolution on libraries, but I would like to 

16   remind the Senate that there is a Select 

17   Committee on Libraries, to which I was appointed 

18   probably about 10 years ago, and it's met once in 

19   the last, oh, probably 10 years.  It was chaired 

20   by Senator Farley.  

21                And unfortunately, this is such an 

22   important issue that's been neglected, 

23   particularly in terms of meetings of the Select 

24   Committee on Libraries.

25                Thank you, Madam President.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Thank 

 2   you, Senator.

 3                Seeing no other members wishing to 

 4   be heard, Senator DeFrancisco.

 5                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes, I just 

 6   want to speak very briefly.  Everybody's said 

 7   what has to be said.  

 8                But I have my library with me.  

 9   There are always at least two books from 

10   different libraries in this machine.  So all of 

11   you, when you're listening to somebody drone on 

12   on the floor and you're losing your attention, 

13   rather than dozing off, take out your iPad, go to 

14   your personal library, and read.  

15                And I'm going to make a confession 

16   and tell you something that's really helped me.  

17   When I was chairman of the Finance Committee, 

18   people asked me over and over, How did you sit 

19   there 15 days for nine hours a day?  

20                So this was my trick.  When 

21   people -- I'd ask them to please don't read your 

22   testimony, I can read it.  Please don't.  And 

23   they never would listen.  So as they were reading 

24   their testimony, I underlined the important 

25   parts, made a couple of question marks, and I 


 1   read some books.  

 2                And one year, during that entire 

 3   stretch of hearings, 13 days, I read seven books.

 4                (Laughter.)

 5                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   So it's just 

 6   a tip from someone who's been here for a long 

 7   time:  Bring your library with you, you can 

 8   always use it in this business.

 9                Thank you.

10                (Laughter.)

11                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Senator 

12   DeFrancisco.

13                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   You're ready 

14   for me again.

15                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Yes, 

16   sir.

17                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   All right.  

18   Now can we take up Resolution 1307, by Senator 

19   Brooks, read the title only, and call on 

20   Senator Brooks to speak, please.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

22   Secretary will read.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Legislative 

24   Resolution Number 1307, by Senator Brooks, 

25   congratulating the Baldwin High School Girls 


 1   Basketball team and Head Coach Tom Catapano upon 

 2   the occasion of capturing the New York State 

 3   Class Public High School Athletic Association 

 4   Class AA Championship on March 18, 2017.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Senator 

 6   Brooks.

 7                SENATOR BROOKS:   Thank you, Madam 

 8   President.  

 9                Today I rise to honor a remarkable 

10   group of young women who have excelled not only 

11   in the classroom, but on the basketball court.  

12                On Saturday, March 18th, the Baldwin 

13   High School Lady Bruins Basketball Team captured 

14   the New York State Public High School Athletic 

15   Association Class AA championship in a decisive 

16   73-45 victory over Ossining High School, proving 

17   not only does hard work and dedication pay off, 

18   but anyone can accomplish anything they set out 

19   to accomplish.

20                This is the team's first ever state 

21   title.  And speaking on behalf of the entire 

22   community, I would like to say to the Bruins that 

23   this title has brought us immense pride and joy, 

24   and we commend you for your persistence, passion, 

25   and exemplary teamwork.  


 1                We all know that any accomplishment 

 2   by a team that exhibits such athletic ability 

 3   must also have an exceptional coach that helps to 

 4   hone the skills of these champions.  Head coach 

 5   Tom Catapano has done just that.  I am sure that 

 6   the journey of this team has given these young 

 7   women some great and invincible skills that they 

 8   can use off the court.  

 9                This weekend I hope to join the 

10   Bruins and their family and friends in the 

11   community to celebrate their big win.  But most 

12   of all, I look forward to the Bruins' 

13   accomplishments next year and the accomplishments 

14   of these young women in the future.  

15                Thank you, Madam President.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Thank 

17   you, Senator Brooks.

18                The question is on the resolution. 

19   All in favor signify by saying aye.

20                (Response of "Aye.")

21                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

22   Opposed, nay.

23                (No response.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

25   resolution is adopted.


 1                Senator.

 2                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Madam 

 3   President, may we now go to the noncontroversial 

 4   reading of the calendar.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

 6   Secretary will read.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8   293, by Senator Griffo, Senate Print 2421, an act 

 9   to amend the Banking Law.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Read 

11   the last section.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

13   act shall take effect on the first of November.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Call 

15   the roll.

16                (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

18   Announce the result.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

21   bill is passed.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23   294, by Senator Savino, Senate Print 3756, an act 

24   to amend the Banking Law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3   act shall take effect on the 60th day.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Call 

 5   the roll.

 6                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Senator 

 8   Gianaris to explain your vote, please.

 9                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Thank you, Madam 

10   President.  

11                I have voted for this bill in the 

12   past, and I just want to explain why I'm changing 

13   my vote this year.  

14                In light of recent efforts from the 

15   federal government to ease regulation on the 

16   banking industry, I think it's prudent not to 

17   remove powers of the state to continue its 

18   regulatory process over those same banks, and so 

19   I will be voting in the negative.

20                Thank you.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Senator 

22   Gianaris to be recorded in the negative.

23                Announce the result.

24                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

25   Calendar 294, those recorded in the negative are 


 1   Senators Brooks, Gianaris, Montgomery, Parker, 

 2   Rivera, Squadron, and Stewart-Cousins.

 3                Ayes, 52.  Nays, 7.

 4                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

 5   bill is passed.

 6                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 7   305, by Senator Gallivan, Senate Print 2130, an 

 8   act to amend the Social Services Law.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Read 

10   the last section.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

12   act shall take effect on the 60th day.

13                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Call 

14   the roll.

15                (The Secretary called the roll.)

16                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

17   Announce the result.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

20   bill is passed.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22   307, by Senator Larkin, Senate Print 2390, an act 

23   to amend the General Business Law.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Read 

25   the last section.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 2   act shall take effect on the 180th day.

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Call 

 4   the roll.

 5                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

 7   Announce the result.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

10   bill is passed.

11                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

12   465, by Senator Golden, Senate Print 226A, an act 

13   to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Read 

15   the last section.

16                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

17   act shall take effect on the 180th day.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   Call 

19   the roll.

20                (The Secretary called the roll.)

21                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:    

22   Announce the result.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   The 

25   bill is passed.


 1                Senator, that completes the 

 2   noncontroversial reading of the calendar.

 3                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Is there any 

 4   further business at the desk?

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   There 

 6   is no further business at the desk.

 7                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   There will be 

 8   a Republican conference immediately following 

 9   session in Room 332.  

10                And I now move to adjourn until 

11   Friday, March 31st, at 3:00 p.m.  

12                ACTING PRESIDENT PHILLIPS:   On 

13   motion, the Senate stands adjourned until Friday, 

14   March 31st, at 3:00 p.m.

15                (Whereupon, at 3:46 p.m., the Senate 

16   adjourned.)