Regular Session - April 24, 2018


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   April 24, 2018

11                     10:05 a.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR THOMAS D. CROCI, Acting President

19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   The Senate 

 3   will come to order.  

 4                I ask everyone present to please 

 5   rise and recite with me the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   And in the 

 9   absence of clergy, may we please bow our heads in 

10   a moment of silent prayer.

11                (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

12   a moment of silence.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   The 

14   reading of the Journal.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, Monday, 

16   April 23rd, the Senate met pursuant to 

17   adjournment.  The Journal of Sunday, April 22nd, 

18   was read and approved.  On motion, Senate 

19   adjourned.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Without 

21   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

22                Presentation of petitions.

23                Messages from the Assembly.

24                Messages from the Governor.

25                Reports of standing committees.


 1                Reports of select committees.

 2                Communications and reports from 

 3   state officers.

 4                Motions and resolutions.

 5                Senator DeFrancisco.

 6                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes, I move 

 7   to adopt the --

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Excuse me.  

 9                Could we just have a moment of 

10   order.  Thank you.  

11                Senator DeFrancisco.

12                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   I move to 

13   adopt the Resolution Calendar in its entirety.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   All in 

15   favor of adopting the Resolution Calendar please 

16   signify by saying aye.

17                (Response of "Aye.")

18                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Those 

19   opposed, nay.

20                (No response.)

21                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   The 

22   Resolution Calendar is adopted.

23                Senator DeFrancisco.

24                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Yes.  I'd 

25   like to recognize Senator Robach to tell us what 


 1   he's talking about so we all can hear.  

 2                (Laughter.)

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Senator 

 4   Robach.

 5                SENATOR ROBACH:   It was actually 

 6   Senator Lanza.

 7                (Laughter.)

 8                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Can we now 

 9   recognize Senator Boyle for an introduction.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Senator 

11   Boyle.

12                SENATOR BOYLE:   Thank you, 

13   Mr. President.

14                On a day that things are a little 

15   quiet here in the Senate chamber, perhaps because 

16   of a vote going on, I'm here to commemorate a 

17   vote that took place a hundred years ago.  

18                We had previously adopted a 

19   resolution commemorating the 100th anniversary of 

20   the 1918 Freedom Mandate, which created the first 

21   free Irish Parliament.  It was a result of the 

22   1916 April 24th uprising, Easter Rising.  

23                And with us today we have some 

24   representatives from the New York State Ancient 

25   Order of Hibernians, who I'd like to introduce.  


 1                Joining us in the chamber we have my 

 2   long-time friend and fellow member of Division 7 

 3   of the AOH, Vic Vogel, New York State president.  

 4   Vic.

 5                Martin Galvin, the chairperson of 

 6   Freedom for All Ireland; Jim Burke, past state 

 7   president; Pete Begley, Nassau County president; 

 8   John O'Connell, the New York State publicity 

 9   chair; John Manning, New York State secretary; 

10   john Holland; and Tom O'Reilly.  

11                Gentlemen, thank you for coming.  

12                We're also joined by the Ladies 

13   Ancient Order of Hibernians:  New York State 

14   President Jackie Klute -- Madam President, thank 

15   you for joining us -- Delores Desh, ladies 

16   chairwoman for Freedom for All Ireland; and 

17   Regina Begley, the New York State treasurer, as 

18   well as Geri Hess.  

19                Members of the Ancient Order of 

20   Hibernians and Ladies Ancient Order of 

21   Hibernians, thank you so much for coming.  And I 

22   will see you this evening, giving the resolution.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Senator 

24   Golden.

25                SENATOR GOLDEN:   Thank you, 


 1   Mr. President.  And I thank my colleague Senator 

 2   Boyle for this resolution.

 3                And as a proud Irish-American, I am 

 4   honored to rise for this resolution recognizing 

 5   the auspicious occasion of the 100th anniversary 

 6   of Ireland's 1918 Freedom Mandate, in remembrance 

 7   of the 1916 Easter Rising, a true historic event 

 8   that laid the foundation for a free and sovereign 

 9   Ireland.  

10                I'd like to thank all the members of 

11   the Ancient Order of Hibernians for all the work 

12   that you do for proud Irish-Americans, bringing 

13   attention to the Freedom for all Ireland 

14   movement.

15                It is important for Irish people 

16   across the globe to witness, finally, the 

17   unification of 32 counties independent from 

18   British rule.  The IRA and the North were still 

19   fighting in the 1970s and '80s.  They were still 

20   killing families and members of families.  It was 

21   a struggle for many, many years.  

22                This mandate that gave them their 

23   freedom in 1916 was a great, great day.  A lot of 

24   people suffered, a lot of people died.  But it 

25   gave Ireland its freedom.  


 1                And many of those people that grew 

 2   up in Ireland came to this great nation.  My 

 3   parents came here in the 1940s.  They had eight 

 4   children in 10 years, they were quite busy -- no 

 5   TV.  But they knew, coming to this great nation, 

 6   that they had the ability to raise their families 

 7   and to have the economic opportunity that Ireland 

 8   was not at that time affording them.

 9                And the Irish-Americans came here, 

10   they did a great, great job.  Like the Italians 

11   and the Jewish before them, they helped build 

12   this great city, the City of New York, this great 

13   nation to what it is today.

14                I'd like to take this opportunity to 

15   recognize my Brooklyn divisions of the Ancient 

16   Order of Hibernians, and that's Presidents Gerard 

17   McCabe, Kings County and Division 12; Bay Ridge, 

18   Joseph Glynn, Division 19, Gerritsen Beach; and 

19   Edward Velinskie, Division 35, Marine Park, for 

20   their distinguished service to the Ancient Order 

21   of Hibernians.  

22                It is particularly fitting that the 

23   1916 Easter Rising in Ireland and the 1918 

24   Freedom Mandate be commemorated here in this 

25   chamber due to the indispensable part which 


 1   Ireland's exiled children in America played in 

 2   these events.  And New York State is home to a 

 3   large population of Irish-Americans who made 

 4   substantial contributions to their freedom, 

 5   liberty, strength and economic success to both 

 6   the State of New York and to this great nation.  

 7                They brought their Irish culture.  

 8   One thing my parents -- each one of us had to be 

 9   able to do was play an Irish instrument.  Each 

10   one of us had to do the Irish dances.  They 

11   brought their culture and they brought their God 

12   to a great nation.  

13                Today Ireland is a strong nation 

14   because of that 1916 revolution, one of the 

15   strongest nations today in the world in its 

16   economic -- and what it's being able to produce 

17   economically.  

18                God bless Ireland.  God bless each 

19   and every one of you in the Ancient Order of 

20   Hibernians, and God bless the United States of 

21   America.  

22                Thank you, Mr. President.

23                (Applause from the gallery.)  

24                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Senator 

25   Klein.


 1                SENATOR KLEIN:   Thank you, 

 2   Mr. President.

 3                I too want to thank Senator Boyle 

 4   for bringing this resolution before the floor 

 5   today.  

 6                And I also want to recognize a dear 

 7   friend and a constituent, Marty Galvin, who is 

 8   from the Woodlawn section of the Bronx, which I 

 9   proudly represent.  

10                Thank you for being here, Marty.

11                And again, I think this is certainly 

12   something that is also important to all of us.  

13   Whether or not we're Irish-Americans or not, the 

14   Easter Monday of April 24, 1916, was an important 

15   date.  And as a matter of fact, a lot of what 

16   took place in making sure Ireland was free came 

17   from Americans, Irish-Americans right here in the 

18   United States.  

19                I think it's important for all of us 

20   to remember always who we are and where we came 

21   from.  And that's the important part of, I think, 

22   being an American -- still getting involved in 

23   your home country's politics, if need be, 

24   heritage, and always remembering who we are.

25                And I think certainly now it's more 


 1   important than ever to recognize the importance 

 2   of immigrants.  We all know that there was the 

 3   Jews, the Germans, the Irish, the Italians before 

 4   us, but we now have immigrants coming here from 

 5   other places.  But they come here for the same 

 6   reasons, for a better life for their family, for 

 7   a better life for themselves, and really to take 

 8   part in the American dream.  

 9                So again, I want to thank Senator 

10   Boyle because this is an important resolution, in 

11   recognizing an important date in Ireland's 

12   history.  

13                Thank you.  

14                (Applause from the gallery.)  

15                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Thank you.  

16                To our distinguished guests in the 

17   gallery from the Ancient Order of Hibernians, we 

18   extend to you our welcome to the New York State 

19   Senate and all of the privileges and courtesies 

20   of this house.  

21                Would you please rise and be 

22   recognized by this body.

23                (Standing ovation.)

24                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Senator 

25   DeFrancisco.


 1                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Is there any 

 2   further business at the desk?  

 3                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   There is 

 4   no further business before the desk.

 5                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   In that case, 

 6   I move to adjourn until Wednesday, April 25th, at 

 7   11:00 a.m.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Senator --

 9                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   Excuse me.  

10   Excuse me.  I understand it's been changed to 

11   12:00 noon.

12                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   Yes, sir. 

13                SENATOR DeFRANCISCO:   So in that 

14   case, I'll move to adjourn until April 25 at 

15   12:00 noon.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT CROCI:   On motion, 

17   the Senate stands adjourned until Wednesday, 

18   April 25th, at noon.

19                (Whereupon, at 10:15 a.m., the 

20   Senate adjourned.)