Regular Session - February 27, 2020


 1                NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                  February 27, 2020

11                     11:16 a.m.



14                   REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR BRIAN A. BENJAMIN, Acting President









 1                P R O C E E D I N G S

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 3   Senate will come to order.  

 4                I ask everyone present to please 

 5   rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

 6                (Whereupon, the assemblage recited 

 7   the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   In the 

 9   absence of clergy, let us bow our heads in a 

10   moment of silent reflection or prayer.

11                (Whereupon, the assemblage respected 

12   a moment of silence.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

14   reading of the Journal.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, 

16   Wednesday, February 26, 2020, the Senate met 

17   pursuant to adjournment.  The Journal of Tuesday, 

18   February 25, 2020, was read and approved.  On 

19   motion, Senate adjourned.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Without 

21   objection, the Journal stands approved as read.

22                Presentation of petitions.

23                Messages from the Assembly.

24                Messages from the Governor.

25                Reports of standing committees.


 1                Reports of select committees.

 2                Communications and reports from 

 3   state officers.

 4                Motions and resolutions.

 5                Senator Gianaris.

 6                SENATOR GIANARIS:   I move to adopt 

 7   the Resolution Calendar, with the exception of 

 8   Resolution 2914.

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   All in 

10   favor of adopting the Resolution Calendar, with 

11   the exception of Resolution 2914, please signify 

12   by saying aye.

13                (Response of "Aye.")

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

15   Opposed, nay.

16                (No response.)

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

18   Resolution Calendar is adopted.

19                Senator Gianaris.

20                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Okay, at this 

21   time can we please take up previously adopted 

22   Resolution 2355, by Senator Rivera, read its 

23   title only, and recognize Senator Rivera.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

25   Secretary will read.


 1                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

 2   2355, by Senator Rivera, memorializing Governor 

 3   Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim February 29, 2020, as 

 4   Rare Disease Awareness Day in the State of 

 5   New York.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 7   Senator Rivera on the resolution.

 8                SENATOR RIVERA:   Thank you, 

 9   Mr. President.

10                Today we are celebrating -- well, 

11   this year marks actually the twelfth anniversary 

12   of the Rare Disease Day in the United States.  

13   And this resolution commemorates Rare Disease 

14   Awareness Week here in New York State.

15                As the resolution reads -- it was 

16   not read, but as it reads, the "rare" is not 

17   scarce, "rare" is not infrequent and it is not 

18   remote.  The reality is that there are many folks 

19   around the entire state and the country that are 

20   faced with diseases that, because they are 

21   considered rare, are left without treatment, 

22   without cures.  But the reality is that these 

23   folks are our neighbors, they are our friends, 

24   our family members.

25                And so thanks to the rare disease 


 1   organization that is with us today, they actually 

 2   have -- we actually have many of these folks that 

 3   are joining us, if you'd like to -- if you could 

 4   please stand.

 5                Now, the National Organization for 

 6   Rare Disorders made it possible not only for all 

 7   these individuals to be here, and to say hello to 

 8   the folks on the floor, but also just as a way to 

 9   remind us that, again, individuals that have rare 

10   diseases are with us every day.  They are 

11   conditions that affect 25 to 30 million Americans 

12   and one in 10 individuals in New York State, with 

13   children being the most affected by them.  

14                But unfortunately, more than 

15   90 percent of these rare diseases are without 

16   FDA-approved treatment.  So we must encourage 

17   research, treatment, innovation, not only to 

18   better understand these diseases, but also to 

19   hopefully potentially find treatments and cures 

20   for them.

21                And it is also imperative that we 

22   increase public awareness of rare diseases and 

23   work across all levels of government to support 

24   those who suffer, their families, and their 

25   caregivers.  


 1                So today, Mr. President, we are here 

 2   to commemorate that.  I would ask you to please 

 3   recognize these folks who are joining us today 

 4   and grant them all privileges of the house.

 5                Thank you, Mr. President.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 7   Comrie on the resolution.

 8                SENATOR COMRIE:   Thank you.  

 9                I want to thank Senator Rivera for 

10   bringing this resolution forward.  It gives me an 

11   opportunity to point out one member of the 

12   audience that is here.  Ms. Gloria Rochester, 

13   could you please stand up and just let everyone 

14   know?  

15                She's a resident of my district, but 

16   she's also been one of the foremost experts on 

17   informing people about sickle cell and all of the 

18   problems with the disease.  Many hospitals don't 

19   even know the test for sickle cell is an issue 

20   when people come in and if they're having 

21   long-term illness.  And Ms. Rochester has been a 

22   major force in informing physicians all over this 

23   state.  

24                So I just wanted to acknowledge you, 

25   thank you for coming with your group today.  I 


 1   want to thank Senator Rivera for bringing this 

 2   resolution forward.  And I hope that everyone 

 3   will pay attention to sickle cell and all of the 

 4   other rare diseases that people are afflicted 

 5   with.  

 6                Thank you, Mr. President.

 7                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 8   resolution was previously adopted on 

 9   January 14th.

10                To our guests, I welcome you on 

11   behalf of the Senate.  We extend to you all of 

12   the privileges and courtesies of this house.  

13                Please all rise and be recognized.

14                (Standing ovation.)

15                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

16   Gianaris.  

17                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Can we now take 

18   up Resolution 2914, by Senator Jackson, have that 

19   resolution read title only, and recognize Senator 

20   Jackson.

21                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

22   Secretary will read.

23                THE SECRETARY:   Senate Resolution 

24   2914, by Senator Jackson, memorializing Governor 

25   Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim February 2020 as 


 1   Dominican Heritage Month in the State of 

 2   New York, in conjunction with the commemoration 

 3   of the 176th Anniversary of Dominican 

 4   Independence.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

 6   Jackson on the resolution.

 7                SENATOR JACKSON:   Thank you, 

 8   Mr. President and my colleagues.  

 9                I rise today, February 27th, in 

10   celebration of the 176th anniversary of the 

11   Dominican Republic.  And this is symbolic, this 

12   is their flag, and which they've talked about who 

13   they are.  

14                Today we are celebrating the 

15   Governor's proclamation of Dominican Heritage 

16   Month, in conjunction with the commemoration of 

17   the 176th anniversary of the independence, with 

18   this resolution.

19                And let me tell you some of the 

20   facts you may not know about Dominicans in our 

21   state.  Well, in my district, the 31st Senatorial 

22   District -- which runs from Marble Hill, Inwood, 

23   Washington Heights, West Harlem and goes all the 

24   way down into Brad's district down in Chelsea -- 

25   my district is composed of about 40 percent 


 1   Latinx, meaning Latin people, with the majority 

 2   of the Latin people Dominican.  

 3                Dominicans represent the largest 

 4   group of naturalized citizens of our immigrant 

 5   population in our state.  Dominicans are now the 

 6   largest -- more than 2 million Dominicans live in 

 7   the United States of America, including the 

 8   1 million in our state.  

 9                And I am specially proud to serve as 

10   the Senator for the great Dominican community in 

11   Northern Manhattan, which includes Washington 

12   Heights and Inwood, where their contributions are 

13   shaping those areas in so many positive ways.

14                And in fact, Dominicans first 

15   arrived in the United States in 1613 with the 

16   arrival of Juan Rodriguez, who was also the first 

17   immigrant to New York City.  

18                And I am proud to say that when you 

19   talk about baseball, obviously many of you know 

20   some of the baseball greats are from the 

21   Dominican Republic.  

22                But today we recognize the many 

23   contributions of Dominicans and Dominican- 

24   Americans through their economic and cultural 

25   vibrancy, a vibrancy that has shown itself 


 1   through education, economic development, music, 

 2   literature, cuisine, fashion and design, film and 

 3   television, stage work, sports, education, and 

 4   government and politics.  And Dominican culture 

 5   continues to grow as an important force 

 6   throughout our state and America.

 7                So on behalf of my constituents and 

 8   all New Yorkers of Dominican heritage, we pause 

 9   today in our work to proclaim February 2020 as 

10   Dominican Heritage Month in New York State, in 

11   conjunction with the 176th anniversary of 

12   Dominican Independence Day.

13                I encourage all of us, from every 

14   political persuasion, to celebrate the history of 

15   the Dominican people in our society.  And I know 

16   as our culture and economic ties grow deeper, 

17   Dominican people will continue to grow in 

18   influence and stature in our state and will be an 

19   even more respected voice in every field of 

20   American life.

21                So Mr. President, I humbly ask that 

22   we pass this resolution today.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

24   question on the resolution.  All in favor signify 

25   by saying aye.


 1                (Response of "Aye.")

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 3   Opposed?  

 4                (No response.)

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 6   resolution is adopted.

 7                Senator Gianaris.

 8                SENATOR GIANARIS:   At the request 

 9   of the sponsors of the resolutions we took up 

10   today, they are both open for cosponsorship.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

12   resolutions are both open for cosponsorship.  

13   Should you choose not to be a cosponsor of the 

14   resolutions, please notify the desk.

15                Senator Gianaris.

16                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let us please 

17   take up the reading of the calendar.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

19   Secretary will read.

20                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

21   198, Senate Print 7306, by Senator Savino, an act 

22   to amend the Labor Law.

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

24   the last section.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Section 10.  This 


 1   act shall take effect immediately.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 3   the roll.

 4                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 6   Announce the results.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 57.

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 9   bill is passed.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

11   234, Senate Print 2665, by Senator Parker, an act 

12   to amend the Public Service Law and the 

13   General Business Law.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

15   the last section.

16                THE SECRETARY:   Section 5.  This 

17   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

18   shall have become a law.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

20   the roll.

21                (The Secretary called the roll.)

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

23   Announce the results.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 57.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 


 1   bill is passed.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 3   278, Senate Print 6869A, by Senator Gaughran, an 

 4   action in relation to authorizing the assessor of 

 5   the Town of Huntington.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 7   the last section.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 9   act shall take effect immediately.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

11   the roll.

12                (The Secretary called the roll.)

13                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

14   Announce the results.

15                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16   Calendar 278, voting in the negative:  

17   Senator Akshar.

18                Ayes, 56.  Nays, 1.

19                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

20   bill is passed.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

22   286, Senate Print 6152, by Senator SepĂșlveda, an 

23   act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law and the 

24   Civil Practice Law and Rules.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

 3   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 4   shall have become a law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 6   the roll.

 7                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 9   Senator Serino to explain her vote.

10                SENATOR SERINO:   Thank you, 

11   Mr. President.

12                This is a great bill that was 

13   delivered to this body by the Office of Victim 

14   Services, and I will be voting in support of it.

15                In fact, there's a lot more that we 

16   can and should be doing to make life easier for 

17   victims who seek services through the state.  But 

18   I find it absolutely laughable that this is the 

19   first measure that you're putting forward to 

20   support victims in the wake of the public safety 

21   crisis our state is facing thanks to bail reform.  

22                You want to know how we help 

23   victims?  We start by doing all that we can to 

24   ensure that people aren't victimized to begin 

25   with.  Right now the state is failing on this 


 1   front.  I am urging you to hear the voices of the 

 2   thousands upon thousands of New Yorkers who are 

 3   screaming for you to hit the pause button on 

 4   these changes before they hurt any more 

 5   New Yorkers.  If you really want to help victims, 

 6   it's time you start by actually listening to 

 7   them.

 8                Thank you, Mr. President.  I vote 

 9   aye.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

11   Senator Serino to be recorded in the affirmative.

12                Announce the results.

13                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 58.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

15   bill is passed.

16                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

17   365, Senate Print 5476, by Senator Addabbo, an 

18   act to amend the Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering and 

19   Breeding Law.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

21   the last section.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

23   act shall take effect immediately.

24                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

25   the roll.


 1                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 3   Announce the results.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 58.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 6   bill is passed.

 7                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 8   428, Senate Print 7524, by Senator Rivera, an act 

 9   to amend the Public Health Law.

10                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

11   the last section.

12                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

13   act shall take effect immediately.

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

15   the roll.

16                (The Secretary called the roll.)

17                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

18   Announce the results.

19                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

21   bill is passed.

22                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

23   432, Senate Print 4284A, by Senator Comrie, an 

24   act to amend the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.

25                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 


 1   the last section.

 2                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 3   act shall take effect on the 180th day after it 

 4   shall have become a law.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 6   the roll.

 7                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 8                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

 9   Announce the results.

10                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

12   bill is passed.

13                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

14   433, Senate Print 6431, by Senator Krueger, an 

15   act to amend the Public Authorities Law.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

17   the last section.

18                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

19   act shall take effect immediately.

20                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

21   the roll.

22                (The Secretary called the roll.)

23                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

24   Announce the results.

25                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.


 1                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

 2   bill is passed.

 3                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 4   435, Senate Print 1475A, by Senator Hoylman, an 

 5   act to amend the General Business Law.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 7   the last section.

 8                THE SECRETARY:   Section 3.  This 

 9   act shall take effect on the 90th day after it 

10   shall have become a law.

11                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

12   the roll.

13                (The Secretary called the roll.)

14                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

15   Hoylman to explain his vote.

16                SENATOR HOYLMAN:   Thank you, 

17   Mr. President.  

18                I thank my colleagues for their 

19   support of this bill, last year and this year 

20   both.

21                The bill would require businesses 

22   making an offer to New York consumers involving 

23   an automatic renewal or continuous service to 

24   clearly and conspicuously present the terms of 

25   the offer and obtain the consumer's affirmative 


 1   consent before charging the consumer.

 2                This is an ongoing issue for so many 

 3   New Yorkers.  The practice of continuous 

 4   membership renewals is used by magazine 

 5   publishers, gyms, online subscription box 

 6   services.  I've heard about the issue from my own 

 7   constituents, including Councilmember Keith 

 8   Powers, journalist Soledad O'Brien.  

 9                And I think some of us who are old 

10   enough might remember the Friends episode where 

11   Chandler Bing spent an entire episode trying to 

12   cancel his gym membership.  He was unsuccessful 

13   in the end.  But if Chandler had this 

14   legislation, Mr. President, in the State of 

15   New York, he'd be able to do so in a fair and 

16   effective way.  

17                I vote aye.  Thank you.

18                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Senator 

19   Hoylman to be recorded in the affirmative.

20                Announce the results.

21                THE SECRETARY:   Ayes, 59.

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

23   bill is passed.

24                THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

25   443, Senate Print 5473A, by Senator Martinez, an 


 1   act to amend the Town Law.

 2                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Read 

 3   the last section.

 4                THE SECRETARY:   Section 2.  This 

 5   act shall take effect immediately.

 6                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   Call 

 7   the roll.

 8                (The Secretary called the roll.)

 9                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:    

10   Announce the results.

11                THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

12   Calendar Number 443, those Senators voting in the 

13   negative are Senators Griffo, Ortt and 

14   Ranzenhofer. 

15                Ayes, 56.  Nays, 3.

16                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   The 

17   bill is passed.

18                Senator Gianaris, that completes the 

19   reading of today's calendar.

20                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Is there any 

21   further business at the desk, Mr. President?  

22                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   There 

23   is no further business at the desk.

24                SENATOR GIANARIS:   Let me wish my 

25   colleagues safe home today, for those traveling 


 1   to areas affected by the weather.  

 2                And with that, I move to adjourn 

 3   until Monday, March 2nd, at 3:00 p.m., 

 4   intervening days being legislative days.

 5                ACTING PRESIDENT BENJAMIN:   On 

 6   motion, the Senate stands adjourned until Monday, 

 7   March 2nd, at 3:00 p.m., intervening days being 

 8   legislative days.

 9                (Whereupon, at 11:32 a.m., the 

10   Senate adjourned.)