
Congratulating Mary Kogut upon the occasion of celebrating her 100th Birthday

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Senate Resolution No. 1284

BY: Senator GRIFFO

CONGRATULATING Mary Kogut upon the occasion of
celebrating her 100th Birthday

WHEREAS, Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge
to the increasingly active roles they play in today's society; their
past contributions and future participation are a vital part of, and
valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to commemorate
and recognize certain milestones celebrated by citizens of this great
Empire State; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
congratulate Mary Kogut upon the occasion of celebrating her 100th
Birthday; a party was held in her honor at the Mohawk Valley Health
System in Utica, New York, with many family members in attendance; and

WHEREAS, Mary's parents, John and Henrietta Kogut, immigrated to the
United States from Poland; her father was crossing the Atlantic Ocean
when the Titantic sunk, and her mother came to New York Mills a couple
of years later; and

WHEREAS, Mary Kogut was born on July 4, 1921, in New York Mills, New
York; as the story has been passed down, after Mary was born her father
went out on the back porch of their house and fired a shotgun into the
air to announce to the world, or at least to New York Mills, that his
wife had delivered a baby girl; in addition to Mary, the Koguts had
three sons, Joe, Pete and John, and two daughters, Agnes and Anne; and

WHEREAS, Mary Kogut attended New York Mills High School, Class of
1940; shortly after graduating, she began her accounting career; she
loved her work and continued with accounting for the next 70 years; and

WHEREAS, The Matriarch of the Kogut family, Mary enjoyed throwing
her Wigilia (Polish Christmas) and Easter parties; many extended family
members and friends attended these festive gatherings until just a few
years ago when she could no longer host them; and

WHEREAS, Today, Mary Kogut is the proud Aunt of one niece, Linda
(Bob) Bluey; and one nephew, John (Sue) Sepanski; two great-nephews, Rob
(Missy) Bluey, and Matt Bluey; great niece, Lara Sepanski; three
great-great nephews, FJ, Ben and Luke; and great-great niece, Savannah;

WHEREAS, With her zest for life, this exceptional centenarian has
inspired and enhanced the lives of her family and friends; she has truly
enriched the lives of those around her through her joyous and sincere
love for others and through the quiescent charm and wisdom which comes
only from a fullness of years; and

WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Legislative Body to publicly
recognize those who have reached such a remarkable age and who have

witnessed and celebrated the innovations, cultural developments and
awesome achievements of this country during the last century, while
themselves contributing to the growth and excellence of this great
Empire State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Mary Kogut upon the occasion of celebrating her 100th
Birthday; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Mary Kogut.


  • 30 / Aug / 2021
  • 11 / Jan / 2022
  • 11 / Jan / 2022

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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