
Honoring The Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. upon the occasion of his designation for special recognition by the Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery on April 21, 2022

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Assembly Resolution No. 757

BY: M. of A. Friend

HONORING The Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. upon
the occasion of his designation for special
recognition by the Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery on
April 21, 2022

WHEREAS, The character and richness of religious and community life
in this noble Empire State is nourished and fulfilled through the
faithful concern and selfless devotion of those who would commit their
energies and purpose to the ministry of others; and

WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to bring full
recognition and just tribute to those individuals who distinguish
themselves and the ministry through their unremitting commitment and
preeminence of service; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
The Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. upon the occasion of his designation
for special recognition by the Friends of Woodlawn Cemetery on Thursday,
April 21, 2022, during which time he will also receive the Key to the
City of Elmira from Mayor Daniel J. Mandell, Jr.; and

WHEREAS, Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. was installed as the 15th
Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Elmira, New York on November 15,
1975, and was known to all thereafter as "Jack"; and

WHEREAS, During his illustrious tenure as Rector, John C. Humphries,
Jr. served as President of the Home for the Aged and President of its
successor, Woodbrook Assisted Living; he was also a founding member of
the Inter-Church Cluster which established Second Place East Homeless
Shelter, the Elmira Community Kitchen, Southern Tier Hospice Care, and
the Ecumenical Preaching Mission; and

WHEREAS, Furthermore, through the Cluster there was also a sharing
with sister churches in education, community outreach and worship, for
which he was often called upon as the preacher; joint worship services
included World Communion Sunday, Ash Wednesday, and Summers Together
during July and August; and

WHEREAS, A native of Alexandria, Virginia, John C. Humphries, Jr.
graduated from Lynchburg College, served three years in the armed
forces, and subsequently earned his Master of Divinity from Virginia
Theological Seminary; and

WHEREAS, Prior to coming to Elmira, Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr.
served as Vicar of St. Mark's Mission in Wadsworth, Ohio, and both
Assistant Rector and Priest-in-Charge at St. Mark's Church in Mount
Kisco, New York; and

WHEREAS, Upon Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. retirement in December
1997 he purchased the rectory, then located at 405 Euclid Avenue; and

WHEREAS, With a steadfast and unwavering commitment to his
community, Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. has served as a Trustee of
the Chemung County Historical Society, Historian of the City of Elmira,
President of the Elmira Torch Club, a Commissioner on the Elmira
Historic Preservation Commission, and President of the Friends of
Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, For many years, Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr. brought to
his ministry an overwhelming spirit of charity and compassion, acting
from vision and enlightenment in conducting his administrative and
spiritual duties, while always displaying the highest standards of
personal and professional integrity and dedication; and

WHEREAS, With him throughout have been his four children, John,
Matt, David and Sarah, all of whom feel privileged to be a part of his
life and rejoice in his many achievements; and

WHEREAS, This distinguished man of God has always given
enlightenment, guidance and wisdom to the many entrusted to his care and
has administered abundantly and unstintingly to the spiritual and
corporal needs of all; and

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that when a person
of such noble aims and accomplishments is brought to our attention it is
appropriate to publicly and jubilantly proclaim and commend that
individual for the edification of others; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor The Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr., noting his unremitting and
compassionate faith and his exemplary service to God, man, and his
community, and extending to him the heartfelt best wishes of this
Legislative Body for a future of purposeful success and well-being; and
be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Reverend John C. Humphries, Jr.


  • 26 / Apr / 2022
  • 26 / Apr / 2022

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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