
Commending Conrad Mea in recognition of his prompt and heroic actions in rescuing 13 people from a raging fire

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending Conrad Mea in recognition of his
prompt and heroic actions in rescuing 13 people from a raging fire

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize the
caring concern and heroic acts of those particular individuals who take
prompt and appropriate action in emergency situations and in doing so,
help others to avert life-threatening danger; and
WHEREAS, On Friday night, June 1, 2012, 33-year-old Conrad Mea helped
13 people escape a raging inferno in his five-story Williamsburg, Brook-
lyn building; and
WHEREAS, Conrad Mea, his wife, Rose, and their 12-year-old son had
been in their kitchen, at the rear of the building, on the fourth floor;
they heard a big pop and explosion in the hallway which prompted them to
react quickly; and
WHEREAS, Rose Mea tried to wake a relative across the hall, but was
unsuccessful; this prompted Conrad to pound on the door and bellow for
the relative to get up; and
WHEREAS, After waking his sister-in-law and getting his family to head
downstairs, Conrad Mea and Rose each pounded on doors to apartments on
the third, second and first floors; the family escaped through the
building's front door, but Conrad decided to stay inside the building
longer; and
WHEREAS, By the time Conrad Mea gathered and tried to lead people out
the front door, flaming embers were falling from the building's facade,
making that route too dangerous to travel; and
WHEREAS, During that time, neighbors from across the street described
how the front windows burst and flames shot out, quickly engulfing the
front rooms; and
WHEREAS, With Rose Mea outside screaming for her husband, Conrad made
his last stop at the first-floor apartment of an 80-year-old neighbor;
he hoisted her up, followed by her son and other residents and they all
escaped through a rear door; and
WHEREAS, As a result of his courageous actions, Conrad Mea saved the
lives of 13 individuals; and
WHEREAS, Conrad Mea, through his spontaneous and heroic actions,
demonstrated his character and his compassion for the welfare of others,
personifying, by virtue of his actions, the collective concern of ordi-
nary citizens across the communily of the State of New York who volun-
tarily respond when others are in need of help; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Conrad Mea in recognition of his prompt and heroic actions in
rescuing 13 people from a raging fire; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Conrad Mea.


  • 06 / Jun / 2012
  • 12 / Jun / 2012
  • 12 / Jun / 2012

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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