Economic Development Road Map

George Winner

July 12, 2010

A little-noticed report released in June by the New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC), Leadership for Jobs, reviews New York’s economic decline, discusses some of the key reasons for it, and offers a series of recommendations for turning it around.

We know all too well that New York is currently viewed as a business unfriendly state, whose reputation for overregulation and high taxation is off the charts.  We understand the nuts-and-bolts agenda that’s required – an agenda that must include lower business taxes, fewer job-killing regulations, and financial incentives that will lead to a better business climate.

But what, in my mind, is especially interesting and worthwhile about the NYSEDC road map is the equal time it gives to ideas like leadership, and partnerships.

It’s not your usual plate of economic development food for thought, but it offers some interesting and worthwhile road maps to a future that needs all the attention it can get.

Read more.