Senator Venditto Congratulates Intel Science Talent Search Finalist Samuel Epstein of Bellmore and Semifinalist Beatrice Brown of Merrick

Michael Venditto

June 18, 2015

New York State Senator Michael Venditto, (R, C, I- Massapequa) had the opportunity to present New York State Senate Resolutions to Beatrice Brown of Merrick and Samuel Epstein of Bellmore. Both students are Seniors at John F. Kennedy High School and were named a semifinalist and finalist respectively in the Intel Science Talent Search.

Beatrice Brown's home was almost destroyed by Hurricanes Irene and Super-Storm Sandy. She set out to find answers on storms and did an expansive research study that examined local storm data dating back 140 years. She will be attending Yale in the fall.

Samuel Epstein's research looked at how microbes, both good and bad might affect the daily diet of the fruit fly which lives 10 days on the average. He found that reduced food consumption correlated with longer life in the flies. He will be attending Haverford College.

Senator Venditto is also pictured here with Assemblyman David McDonough. The Resolutions were passed on the floor of the Senate in Albany.