Senator Persaud Weighs In on L Train Shutdown

Originally published in BK Reader

Gov. Cuomo, after consulting engineering experts, determined that a full closure of the L train tunnel to repair damages in the Canarsie Tunnel, caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, is unnecessary. Instead, only a single tube will be shut down on some nights and weekends for restoration through another method; the project is expected to be completed in 15 to 20 months.

Senator Persaud welcomed the announcement and encouraged similarly well-thought-out ideas be applied to other necessary MTA upgrades.


I am delighted that there is an alternative way to reconstruct the L train and Canarsie Tunnel that will limit the negative impact on ridership,” Persaud said. “I look forward to the completion of the project and hope that other much-needed upgrades to the subway system can be done in the same manner.