Statement from Senator Winner on 29th Congressional District

George Winner

May 12, 2010

Elmira, N.Y., May 12--Earlier today New York Governor David Paterson said that he would call a special election in the 29th Congressional District -- but not until Election Day, November 2, 2010.

Senator Winner reacted to the governor's action with the following statement:

"Is he kidding?

"We’ve seen and heard some strange things from New York governors over the past few years, but this may be the strangest and most offensive action yet to the communities I represent.

"If it’s any indication of New York government’s current leadership, we’re in worse trouble than even I imagined.

"The governor’s statement today is wrong on all counts.  Since Eric Massa’s resignation, the residents of the 29th District have not been served effectively in Congress at a time when that representation is more important than ever for the future of our economy, our system of health care, our schools, and so much more. 

"The people of the 29th District need and are entitled to this representation now, not six months from now.

"Governor Paterson’s outrageous disregard for the future of this congressional district can only cause unfair and unreasonable hardship and confusion for the voters, and it continues to trample any sense at all of good, responsible government in New York State." 


See the governor's full statement here

Read more here, and here.

UPDATE: Friday, May 14th.