Senator Brooks Issues Statement on Storm Preparedness Alongside Governor Cuomo

Senator John E. Brooks

September 19, 2017

With Hurricane Jose making its way up the East Coast, Senator John Brooks today joined Governor Andrew Cuomo in Dix Hills to remind Long Islanders that vigilance is key to storm preparedness. 

Senator John Brooks said, “Sandy had a devastating impact on all South Shore communities and we are still working day in and out to ensure that our shores are storm ready and hardened. As New Yorkers, we learned that we must make significant investments in our infrastructure so that if another storm were to hit us, we are ready. I thank Governor Cuomo for his ongoing commitment to making sure we’re better prepared. We will continue to work together to ensure that all South Shore communities are stronger and more resilient.”

Brooks represents communities along the South Shore of Long Island in the 8th Senate District.  He is a 45-year volunteer firefighter and former Chief of the Seaford Fire Department and has answered thousands of 911 calls related to fire, weather and other serious emergencies. Prior to Super Storm Sandy, Senator Brooks was the Chairman of the Long Island Hurricane Symposium Programs where he worked hand-in-hand with hurricane experts and the National Weather Services to evaluate risks to Long Island.  He is committed to ensuring that all communities along the South Shore have the tools and resources they need to be storm resilient and prepared. 

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