Senator Serrano Celebrates the 31st Annual SOMOS Legislative Conference

Jose M. Serrano

April 1, 2018

The 31st Annual SOMOS Legislative Conference took place last month and was sponsored by the NYS Assembly/Senate Puerto Rican/Hispanic Task Force in Albany. Each year, the SOMOS weekend is a time filled with informative workshops and networking opportunities.

This year, Senator Serrano was proud to host a workshop called "Puerto Rico Post- Maria". The purpose was to examine the status of Puerto Rico after the hurricane and discuss the roles New York can play in assisting with the islands recovery and economic development.

It was almost 6 months ago that the powerful Category 4 Hurricane Maria hit the island of Puerto Rico, killing at least 60 people and causing widespread damage. It was the strongest storm to hit the U.S. territory in 89 years.Thousands of homes were destroyed, hundreds of Puerto Ricans have left the island to seek refuge in shelters or homes of family and friends.

At the workshop Senator Serrano was joined by several panelists who led a discussion on these conditions, and the efforts that can be made to help the island get on the road to redevelopment. While New York has already taken action to assist, the panelists delved into topics such as perspectives on the ground recovery, support services for evacuees in New York and elsewhere, and the stateside advocacy and policy action agenda moving forward.