Bill co-sponsored by Addabbo to encourage greater recycling and waste reduction in New York City recreational areas passes Senate

Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr.

May 30, 2018

With the support of NYS Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr., the New York State Senate recently passed legislation (S.3052) to increase recycling opportunities in New York City parks, historic sites, playgrounds and other recreational areas while reducing the amount of trash ultimately and unnecessarily buried in landfills.

“People come out to our parks, playgrounds and other attractions to get some fresh air, enjoy the great outdoors, and learn about our rich history in New York City,” said Addabbo, a member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee. “Unfortunately, the trash that is sometimes left behind at these sites is unsightly, dangerous to wildlife, discourages attendance, and otherwise presents a serious – but preventable – problem in our recreational areas. Making it easier for people to recycle glass, metal, plastic, paper and other materials in these areas would help to effectively address the issue and provide benefits for all of us.”

Under the bill, which is co-sponsored by Addabbo, the City would be required to install bins for the collection of recyclable materials in parks, playgrounds, historic sites and other recreational facilities, while urging visitors to carry out their trash and deposit it in the proper receptacles. The City Department of Sanitation would regularly collect the recycled materials and ensure their proper disposal, and signage would be posted to encourage visitors to deposit their trash in the appropriate containers. To help cover the costs of the program, the City would be able to apply for grants from the state’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).

“By some estimates, about 56 percent of New York City’s recyclables end up in landfills instead of recycling facilities,” said Addabbo. “We need to significantly step up our efforts to encourage active recycling, which is a boon to our environment, our economy, and every single one of us who enjoys the City’s beautiful green spaces and historic sites. An added benefit to this legislation is that taxpayers will save money on clean-up costs when recyclables are properly handled and ultimately reused.”

Now that the bill has been approved by the State Senate, it is under consideration by the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee.

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