Ritchie Presents Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization with NYS Senate Empire Award

Brian Dwyer

December 12, 2019

State Senator Patty Ritchie recently honored the Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization (FDRHPO) with the New York State Senate Empire Award.  FDRPHO works with Fort Drum and the North Country to strengthen the system for health for all people—civilians and soldiers alike.

“Quality health care for those in a rural region is not always the easiest to ensure,” said Senator Ritchie.  “Time and time again, FDRHPO has advanced innovative solutions to ensure our region’s health care system is strengthened and in turn, they have made a significant, positive impact on countless lives. This organization is more than deserving of recognition and it is my honor to present them with the New York State Senate Empire Award.”

“Every day, in a multitude of ways, we collaborate with our regional hospitals, physicians and other healthcare and community-based organizations to better understand and meet Northern New York’s healthcare needs,” FDRHPO Executive Director Erika Flint said. “Our work, while done behind the scenes, helps identify solutions to address those needs and leverage the resources necessary to implement them. To know that the importance of our work is recognized at the State level by Senator Ritchie is an honor and truly is appreciated.”

In addition to helping provide access to care, the FDRHPO also works to ensure there is a quality workforce in our area’s healthcare field and to improve access to records and updated technology for local medical organizations.

The New York State Senate Empire Award recognizes businesses and organizations that have shown leadership in their industry, created jobs, fostered economic growth and made significant contributions to the communities where they exist.

(Attn. photo editors: In the attached photograph, Senator Ritchie is presenting FDRHPO Executive Director Erika Flint with the New York State Senate Empire Award)