Ritchie Greets Local Maple Producers in Albany

Brian Dwyer

February 14, 2020

State Senator Patty Ritchie recently visited with local maple producers at the Capitol, who were on hand to spread the message of the importance of maple to our state’s agricultural economy.

At the Capitol were Rob Bucci and Melissa Spence who were representing Cornell Cooperative Extension Maple Producers. In addition to offering maple samples, they also shared with lawmakers, legislative staff and visitors, information about the growth of New York’s maple industry. New York State currently is home to the largest resource of tappable maple trees in the country and more than 2,000 maple producers.

You can find out more about the impact maple producers are having on our state, as well as information on the popular Maple Weekend events planned for later this year by clicking here.

(In the above photo, Senator Ritchie (right) is seen at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Maple Producers booth with Rob Bucci (left) and Melissa Spence (middle))