Senator Shelley Mayer on Governor Cuomo's Decision to Keep School Buildings Closed for the Remainder of the Academic Year

Today, State Senator Shelley B. Mayer, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, issued the following statement:
“I commend the decision of Governor Andrew Cuomo to continue to keep school buildings closed for the remainder of the academic year. Parents, teachers, administrators and all other staff deserve the security of widespread testing, disinfecting and diminished contagion rates before our buildings reopen and traditional schooling resumes.
In the interim, we know there are serious challenges for children and parents alike, seeking to educate at home. Teachers have done a remarkable job adjusting and giving all of their attention to address the challenges of remote learning, but no question, we have much to learn and improve upon.
I will continue to work with my colleagues to press for additional federal funding for schools and to address the challenges of distance learning for all of our students with particular attention to students with special needs.
I look forward to working with the Board of Regents & the State Education Department Task Force on a comprehensive reopening plan for all schools."