Senate Acts to Strengthen Fire Safety and Prevention Measures

The New York State Senate passed legislation to update and strengthen fire safety oversight and enforcement. The proposed bills will update the fire prevention and building code more frequently; expand remedies for code violations; address investigations into the administration and enforcement of these codes; establish new emergency contact requirements for managers of multi-family buildings; increase testing of fire hydrants; institute new requirements for the inspection of non-fireproof buildings; strengthen space-heater safety regulations, and establish an Ombudsperson for Local Code Enforcement Programs and increase the code enforcement powers of the Secretary of State. New York State surpasses the national average for fire-related injuries and deaths, with 68 casualties reported this year, including the January 9 Bronx apartment fire on January 9 that claimed 17 lives, including 8 children, according to the Senate Majority.  Read the Senate Majority Press Release.

Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, “There are few disasters more personal, terrifying, and life-altering than fires. New York’s painful history on this issue–from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory to the recent Bronx fire–galvanizes us to do more to help save lives. That is why we are taking action to prevent these crises from happening with effective safety regulations and meaningful enforcement. These measures will improve the safety of all New York housing and protect families. I want to thank the bill sponsors for spearheading this effort and bringing impactful solutions to this critical matter.”

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Senators Involved

35th Senate District

33rd Senate District

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42nd Senate District

37th Senate District

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31st Senate District

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36th Senate District