Stec Takes Part in ADK's National Trails Day Event at Mount Jo and Heart Lake in Lake Placid

Daniel G. Stec

June 3, 2023

Today is National Trails Day and Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) took part in ADK’s trail clean-up and maintenance event at Mount Jo and Heart Lake in Lake Placid. Stec helped out on the three-mile loop, assisting in clearing drainages of debris and blowdown on Mount Jo and around Heart Lake. A proud Adirondack 46er, Stec was glad to take part in an event to help maintain our region’s natural beauty and ensure our trails can continue to be enjoyed by residents and visitors. 

“National Trails Day is a great way for people to get involved in enjoying and preserving the many trails our region has to offer and I enjoy getting to take part in these trail day events,” said Stec. “It was a pleasure to join ADK at this year’s clean-up and maintenance at Mount Jo and Heart Lake, a trail I have used and enjoyed a great deal.  

“I had a great time joining ADK members and some of our residents in doing some essential work on this trail. Thank you to ADK for sponsoring this event and all the volunteers who participated. Together, we were able to ensure this trail is ready for what will hopefully be a busy summer hiking season,” he concluded.