Regular Session - January 10, 2011


         1                 NEW YORK STATE SENATE



         4                THE STENOGRAPHIC RECORD





         9                   ALBANY, NEW YORK

        10                   January 10, 2011

        11                       3:02 p.m.



        14                    REGULAR SESSION





        19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary







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         1                 P R O C E E D I N G S

         2                  THE PRESIDENT:    The Senate will

         3       come to order.

         4                  I ask everyone to please rise and

         5       join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

         6                  (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

         7       the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

         8                  THE PRESIDENT:    The invocation

         9       this afternoon will be given by The Venerable

        10       David J. Collum, who is the Archdeacon of the

        11       Episcopal Diocese of Albany and Dean of the

        12       Cathedral of All Saints.

        13                  ARCHDEACON COLLUM:    I thank you

        14       for the privilege of being able to ask God's

        15       favor upon each of you and upon this session.

        16       I pray that my words will bring God's blessing

        17       upon you.  As I pray to God, I do so not to

        18       proselytize you or to offend you, but to pray

        19       to God for you in the way that I understand

        20       God.

        21                  Almighty God, fountain of life and

        22       source of all goodness, You made all things

        23       and fill them with Your blessing.  You created

        24       them to rejoice in the splendor of Your

        25       radiance, and You ordained men and women to

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         1       have charge over this, Your creation.

         2                  We thank You for calling men and

         3       women from around this state to serve others

         4       in governing.  We thank You for putting us at

         5       tasks which demand our best.  We thank You

         6       that You are faithful and that You hear the

         7       prayers of Your people.  We thank You for the

         8       goodness and love which You have made known to

         9       us.

        10                  Almighty God, we come today seeking

        11       Your blessing upon our labors.  Yet before

        12       seeking our own needs this day, we pray for

        13       those in our sister state of Arizona.  Father,

        14       men and women who came to support democracy

        15       fell victim to violence.  Amidst our shock and

        16       sadness, grant us a spirit of faith and

        17       courage that we may have the strength to meet

        18       the days to come with steadfastness, patience,

        19       and hope.

        20                  There are still those injured who

        21       cling to life.  Guide those who care for them

        22       in their recovery.  And we beseech You to

        23       stretch out Your healing hand of love upon

        24       them, especially the colleague of these my

        25       brothers and sisters, Congresswoman Gabrielle

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         1       Giffords.

         2                  Lord, six died in this senseless

         3       violence.  Comfort their families that they

         4       may cast all their care on You and know the

         5       consolation of Your love.  And for those who

         6       are no longer with us but on a distant shore,

         7       grant eternal rest to them, O Lord, and let

         8       light perpetual shine upon them.

         9                  And now, Father, I ask that You

        10       bless these men and these women.  I ask You,

        11       bless their lives and the lives of their

        12       families, watch over and protect them, keep

        13       them from harm and lead them into all truth.

        14       I ask You, bless their work.  You are our God

        15       of order.  Help them to order the affairs of

        16       this state, that their work may bring peace,

        17       prosperity and hope to the people they serve.

        18                  I ask You, bless their proceedings.

        19       So much lies before them.  Grant them

        20       immeasurable wisdom to know which situations

        21       to address first.  In each of these

        22       situations, there is so much complexity.

        23       Enhance their understanding so that they may

        24       truly see and know Your solution.  Strengthen

        25       their perseverance to reach those solutions

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         1       and to overcome the obstacles which seek to

         2       create disunity and destroy their labors.

         3                  Finally, Almighty God, we ask You,

         4       by Your mercy, that You would lead disparate

         5       views and competing ideas into unity with

         6       charity.

         7                  O Lord our God, accept these our

         8       prayers.  In the multitude of Your mercies,

         9       look with compassion upon us who now turn to

        10       You for help, for You are a gracious God.  And

        11       to You we give glory, Father, Son, and Holy

        12       Spirit, now and forever.

        13                  Amen.

        14                  THE PRESIDENT:    The reading of

        15       the Journal.

        16                  The Secretary will read.

        17                  THE SECRETARY:    In Senate,

        18       Sunday, January 9, the Senate met pursuant to

        19       adjournment.  The Journal of Saturday,

        20       January 8, was read and approved.  On motion,

        21       Senate adjourned.

        22                  THE PRESIDENT:    Without

        23       objection, the Journal stands approved as

        24       read.

        25                  Presentation of petitions.

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         1                  Let the record show we are in

         2       receipt of the State of the State message from

         3       the Governor.  I hand it down and ask that it

         4       be filed in the Journal.

         5                  Messages from the Assembly.

         6                  Reports of standing committees.

         7                  Reports of select committees.

         8                  Communications and reports from

         9       state officers.

        10                  Motions and resolutions.

        11                  Senator Libous.

        12                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        13       Mr. President.

        14                  Mr. President, in consultation with

        15       Senator Sampson, I now hand up the following

        16       Minority committee assignments and ask that

        17       such assignments be filed into the Journal,

        18       please.

        19                  THE PRESIDENT:    So ordered.

        20                  Senator Libous.

        21                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        22       Mr. President.

        23                  Mr. President and my colleagues, I

        24       too ask that we take a few moments here to

        25       certainly observe a moment of silence in

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         1       respect for the victims in Tucson.  Certainly

         2       for Congresswoman Gifford, the 12 who were

         3       injured, the six that were murdered.

         4                  And if we could just all stand,

         5       Mr. President, as a body and pay our respects

         6       and certainly our silent prayer.

         7                  THE PRESIDENT:    Thank you,

         8       Senator.

         9                  All rise.

        10                  (Whereupon, the assemblage

        11       respected a moment of silence.)

        12                  THE PRESIDENT:    Thank you,

        13       Senator Libous.

        14                  Senator Libous.

        15                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    Thank you,

        16       Mr. President.

        17                  Is there any further business at

        18       the desk?

        19                  THE PRESIDENT:    None.

        20                  SENATOR LIBOUS:    There being no

        21       further business at the desk, Mr. President, I

        22       move that we adjourn until Tuesday,

        23       January 11, at 11:00 a.m.

        24                  THE PRESIDENT:    On motion, the

        25       Senate stands adjourned until Tuesday,

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         1       January 11th, at 11:00 a.m.

         2                  (Whereupon, at 3:10 p.m., the

         3       Senate adjourned.)























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