Regular Session - March 15, 2012


 1               NEW YORK STATE SENATE








 9                  ALBANY, NEW YORK

10                   March 15, 2012

11                     11:25 a.m.



14                  REGULAR SESSION




18  SENATOR JOSEPH A. GRIFFO, Acting President

19  FRANCIS W. PATIENCE, Secretary








 1              P R O C E E D I N G S

 2               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 3  Senate will come to order.  

 4               I ask all present to please rise 

 5  and join with me as we recite the Pledge of 

 6  Allegiance to our Flag.

 7               (Whereupon, the assemblage 

 8  recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

 9               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   In the 

10  absence of clergy, I ask all present to please 

11  bow our heads in a moment of silent 

12  reflection.

13               (Whereupon, the assemblage 

14  respected a moment of silence.)

15               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

16  reading of the Journal.

17               THE SECRETARY:   In Senate, 

18  Wednesday, March 14th, the Senate met pursuant 

19  to adjournment.  The Journal of Tuesday, 

20  March 13th, was read and approved.  On motion, 

21  Senate adjourned.

22               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    

23  Without objection, the Journal stands approved 

24  as read.

25               Presentation of petitions.


 1               Messages from the Assembly.  

 2               Messages from the Governor.

 3               Reports of standing committees.

 4               Reports of select committees.

 5               Communications and reports from 

 6  state officers.

 7               Motions and resolutions.  

 8               Senator Libous.

 9               SENATOR LIBOUS:   Mr. President, 

10  can we now go to the noncontroversial 

11  calendar.

12               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

13  Secretary will read the noncontroversial 

14  calendar.

15               THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

16  195, by Senator Lanza, Senate Print 5878C --

17               SENATOR BRESLIN:   Lay it aside.

18               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

19  bill is laid aside.

20               SENATOR LIBOUS:   Did we complete 

21  the noncontroversial calendar?

22               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   We 

23  have completed the noncontroversial calendar.

24               SENATOR LIBOUS:   Can we now go 

25  to the controversial calendar.


 1               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 2  Secretary will ring the bell.  

 3               The Secretary will read.

 4               THE SECRETARY:   Calendar Number 

 5  195, by Senator Lanza, Senate Print 5878C, an 

 6  act to amend Chapter 154 of the Laws of 1921.

 7               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    

 8  Senator Krueger.

 9               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Would the 

10  sponsor please yield?  Through you, 

11  Mr. President.

12               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:    

13  Senator Lanza, will you yield?

14               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

15  Mr. President.

16               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

17  Senator yields.

18               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.

19               So I understand that this is a 

20  bill to require increased transparency and 

21  accountability for the Port Authority of 

22  New Jersey and New York, which certainly on 

23  its face is something I would like to 

24  support.  But I do have a few questions.  

25               In the bill you discuss that when 


 1  a fee or a toll is going to be increased it needs 

 2  to be discussed at a public meeting and an 

 3  independent entity must establish a needs 

 4  assessment.  Could you tell me who an independent 

 5  entity would be?  What does that mean exactly?

 6               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 7  Lanza.

 8               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

 9  Mr. President, through you.  That would be 

10  established by regulation.

11               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Through you, 

12  Mr. President, if the sponsor would continue to 

13  yield.

14               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

15  Lanza, do you continue to yield?

16               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

17  Mr. President.

18               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   He does.

19               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.  

20               So since it would be established 

21  through regulation, we're suggesting in this bill 

22  we would create an independent entity because 

23  we'd like more transparency and accountability by 

24  the Port Authority.  But we would let them define 

25  what an independent entity is, how it's 


 1  independent and who would be part of this; is 

 2  that correct?  

 3               SENATOR LANZA:   Through you, 

 4  Mr. President.  No, of course not, Senator 

 5  Krueger.  This bill goes way beyond that with 

 6  respect to bringing much-needed reforms to an 

 7  authority that I think we can all agree in this 

 8  chamber, both Democrat and Republican, has been 

 9  far from open, transparent, and accountable.  

10               This legislation does many things 

11  that would bring that accountability, that 

12  transparency and that openness to this 

13  authority.  

14               I think the point that this is 

15  needed has been underscored recently by an 

16  independent audit that was paid for, actually, by 

17  the Port Authority to review their accounting 

18  controls and their operations, and their own 

19  consulting firm concluded that they are a 

20  dysfunctional organization lacking in sufficient 

21  cost controls and that they require a complete 

22  systemic overhaul.  

23               That's precisely what this 

24  legislation does.  It does many things.  Taken as 

25  a whole, transparency, openness and 


 1  accountability would be restored if we were to 

 2  enact this legislation.

 3               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Through you, 

 4  Mr. President, if the sponsor would continue to 

 5  yield.

 6               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

 7  Mr. President.

 8               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 9  Senator yields.

10               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.  

11               I don't disagree with the sponsor's 

12  explanation for the need for the bill.  What I 

13  was raising was that this bill apparently leaves 

14  them the discretion to write their own 

15  regulations of what an independent entity is, to 

16  define what the functions of the entity are, and 

17  even to pick who it is.

18               So to be honest, while I still 

19  would like to ask some more questions, I might 

20  have preferred had this bill not actually given 

21  the Port Authority, who we want to have more 

22  transparency and accountability, to not leave 

23  with them the authority to write the regulations 

24  defining how and who they define as independent 

25  entities overseeing them.  That was my point of 


 1  that question.

 2               Through you, if I can continue 

 3  questioning the sponsor.

 4               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

 5  sponsor yields.

 6               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.

 7               As I understand it, this bill could 

 8  not take effect unless the identical bill passed 

 9  in the State of New Jersey.  Is that a correct 

10  reading?  

11               SENATOR LANZA:   That is correct, 

12  Mr. President.

13               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Through you, 

14  Mr. President.

15               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

16  sponsor continues to yield.

17               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.  

18               Have there been any discussions 

19  with the legislature of New Jersey about moving a 

20  parallel bill?

21               SENATOR LANZA:   Mr. President, I'm 

22  so glad that Senator Krueger has brought that 

23  point up.  

24               We sometimes kick the 

25  Port Authority around, for good reason.  Some 


 1  would suggest that they're not good for much.  I 

 2  would submit to you that it turns out they're 

 3  good for a lot, and that perhaps only the 

 4  Port Authority could bring Republicans and 

 5  Democrats in the Senate and the Assembly -- not 

 6  only in New York, but in New Jersey -- together.

 7                And there not only have been very 

 8  productive conversations with our colleagues in 

 9  New Jersey, it is my understanding that this 

10  legislation will actually pass both the Assembly 

11  and the Senate in New Jersey today.

12               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.

13               Mr. President, if through you the 

14  sponsor will continue to yield.

15               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

16  Mr. President.

17               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The 

18  Senator yields.

19               SENATOR KRUEGER:   So I'm delighted 

20  every once in a while there can be bipartisan and 

21  even bistate agreement.  

22               Do we know where the governor of 

23  New York or the governor of New Jersey may be on 

24  this proposal?  

25               SENATOR LANZA:   Well, that's an 


 1  open question.  

 2               Both Governors Cuomo and Christie 

 3  campaigned on reform, on bringing more 

 4  transparency and accountability to government 

 5  operations.  And I'm hopeful and optimistic that 

 6  in that spirit, when this legislation comes to 

 7  their respective desks, that they would embrace 

 8  this reform.

 9               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Through you, 

10  Mr. President, if the sponsor would continue to 

11  yield.

12               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

13  Mr. President.

14               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

15  Lanza yields.

16               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.

17               In the detail of the bill it talks 

18  about having public hearings to define the need 

19  for any kind of increased fares, tolls or other 

20  costs.  Can the sponsor help me understand what 

21  the definition of a justified need would be for 

22  purposes of the authority being able to bring 

23  such proposals through the public hearing 

24  process?  

25               SENATOR LANZA:   Through you, 


 1  Mr. President.  So this would allow for a 

 2  complete reform whereby the Port Authority would 

 3  finally be required to actually speak to and 

 4  answer to the people they serve in our region.  

 5               It would require an independent 

 6  audit of the Port Authority.  It would require 

 7  specific requirements for open public meetings 

 8  and a publication of those meetings.  

 9               It would establish a fiduciary 

10  responsibility for the commissioners of the Port 

11  Authority, something that inexplicably they don't 

12  have today.

13               It would establish an audit and a 

14  finance and government committee.  It would 

15  require financial disclosures and training for 

16  the commissioners it would require certification 

17  by the chairman, the vice chairman, the board of 

18  commissioners of the Port Authority, and the 

19  executive director of these reports.  

20               And it would require a more 

21  extensive public hearing process whenever they 

22  make those decisions which affect the people we 

23  represent.

24               So taken as a whole, we will get a 

25  look before these decisions are thrust upon us at 


 1  the information that is being utilized to make 

 2  those decisions.

 3               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Through you, 

 4  Mr. President, if the sponsor would continue to 

 5  yield.

 6               SENATOR LANZA:   Yes, 

 7  Mr. President.

 8               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 9  Lanza yields.

10               SENATOR KRUEGER:   Thank you.

11               This requires 10 hearings for any 

12  proposal.  "Not less than one public hearing 

13  required pursuant to paragraph a of the 

14  subdivision shall be conducted in each county in 

15  New York and New Jersey directly affected by the 

16  proposed fee, toll, charge or fare increase as 

17  determined by the board in consultation with 

18  local and state officials."  I am reading from 

19  Article XV-D, paragraph 1(b) on page 4.

20               So who determines which counties 

21  are affected?  Because if it's an airport fee, 

22  people would be coming from many counties.  Or 

23  would it just be the county the airport was in?  

24  If it's a toll for a bridge, the bridge starts 

25  and ends in, let's assume, two counties or even 


 1  two states, but people drive across it coming and 

 2  going from many counties.  

 3               So I'm confused about the 

 4  definition of who determines which are the 

 5  impacted counties.

 6               SENATOR LANZA:   Through you, 

 7  Mr. President.

 8               So clearly with respect to a toll 

 9  hike on a bridge, which we just had happen to us 

10  where tolls on, for instance, the Bayonne Bridge, 

11  the Goethals Bridge, the Outerbridge, all on 

12  Staten Island, were raised from $8 to $12 -- 

13  which really of course is outrageous and I 

14  believe immoral and unjustified under the 

15  facts -- hearings would need to be in both 

16  Richmond County and our sister county across in 

17  New Jersey.

18               With respect to increases in fees 

19  or fares, I can't think of any with respect to 

20  the airports.  

21               But, Senator Krueger, I'd be open 

22  to having hearings in every single county in the 

23  region.  That is precisely what we need.

24               I'll tell you where this came 

25  from.  When the Port Authority purported to 


 1  conduct a hearing with respect to toll hikes last 

 2  summer, they had one of those hearings -- or they 

 3  called it a hearing -- for the public to come 

 4  forward to provide testimony.  They did that on 

 5  Staten Island.  Not a single commissioner of the 

 6  Port Authority was actually present.  

 7               We believe that's not right, it's 

 8  unjust and really outrageous.  And this 

 9  legislation would put an end to that.

10               SENATOR KRUEGER:   On the bill, 

11  Mr. President.

12               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13  Krueger on the bill.

14               SENATOR KRUEGER:   I very much 

15  appreciate the sponsor's answering of questions.

16               I really don't disagree with his 

17  bill at all.  I think we want to do exactly 

18  this.  My concerns, for the record -- and since 

19  this will have to go through two states and four 

20  legislative bodies and two governors, I think 

21  there might be an opportunity to amend -- I need 

22  clarity about the definitions.

23               It does concern me that the 

24  Port Authority would be allowed to define for 

25  themselves what an independent entity would be 


 1  and who it would be be and how they would 

 2  operate.

 3               It disturbs me, actually, that the 

 4  Port Authority would get to establish what the 

 5  needs assessment is that they need to bring to 

 6  the community.  

 7               I actually think that the sponsor 

 8  is right, communities aren't being heard.  So I 

 9  think we would want to be in the process earlier 

10  rather than allowing the Port Authority to have 

11  control over defining what a needs assessment 

12  was, defining what an independent entity working 

13  with them is.  

14               And I think we need better 

15  definitions of the communities being impacted 

16  when it comes to the 10-hearings scenario, 

17  because I think we could both make a very good 

18  case that if you looked at almost any 

19  Port Authority facility -- again, if it's a 

20  bridge or tunnel, it might have a specific 

21  beginning locus and ending locus.  But people are 

22  driving across those bridges and tunnels from a 

23  much wider area than the geography of where the 

24  bridge or tunnel starts or ends.  

25               People use the regional airports -- 


 1  Kennedy, LaGuardia, Newark -- from a much broader 

 2  region from simply the County of Queens and I 

 3  believe it's Union County that Newark Airport is 

 4  in.  I'm sorry if I misspoke the New Jersey 

 5  county.

 6               So I would prefer that this had 

 7  tighter definitions, because I think it would go 

 8  even further in doing what Senator Lanza is 

 9  hoping we accomplish and which I would like us 

10  also to accomplish.  

11               So I will vote yes, with urging on 

12  the record that some amendments can be added as 

13  we move forward to strengthen the bill.  

14               Thank you, Mr. President.

15               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Thank 

16  you, Senator Krueger.

17               Is there any other Senator wishing 

18  to be heard?

19               Seeing none, hearing none, the 

20  debate is closed.  The Secretary will ring the 

21  bell.  

22               Read the last section.

23               THE SECRETARY:   Section 4.  This 

24  act shall take effect upon the enactment into law 

25  by the State of New Jersey.  


 1               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Call the 

 2  roll.

 3               (The Secretary called the roll.)

 4               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

 5  Fuschillo to explain his vote.

 6               SENATOR FUSCHILLO:   Just quickly, 

 7  Mr. President.  

 8               Let me just thank my colleague 

 9  Senator Lanza for this important piece of 

10  legislation.  

11               I thought it was an absolute 

12  disgrace when the Port Authority had proposed 

13  raising the fares and tolls and then held public 

14  hearings but the board members never showed up.  

15  What an insult to the people of New York and 

16  New Jersey.

17               When they came out and they showed 

18  the cost overruns and then they said that tolls 

19  were going to cover that, they used the sympathy 

20  method there to get everybody to agree to that, 

21  and then they backed off on that.  

22               I'm hopeful with Governor Cuomo's 

23  new appointee as the executive director, who has 

24  the experience hopefully necessary to turn around 

25  that Port Authority, we'll see things different.  


 1               But what's important about this 

 2  legislation is the accountability and the 

 3  transparency.

 4               You know, this conference, with our 

 5  leader Senator Skelos's bringing New York State 

 6  back in the right direction, the Port Authority 

 7  is continually sending New York and New Jersey 

 8  back in the wrong direction.  

 9               So I vote aye, and I want to thank 

10  my colleague Andy Lanza for bringing this bill to 

11  the floor.

12               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   Senator 

13  Fuschillo to be recorded in the affirmative.

14               Announce the results.

15               THE SECRETARY:   In relation to 

16  Calendar Number 195, absent from voting are 

17  Senators Montgomery, Parker, Peralta, and Smith.

18               Ayes, 54.  Nays, 0.

19               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   The bill 

20  is passed.  

21               Senator Libous, that completes the 

22  controversial calendar.

23               SENATOR LIBOUS:   Thank you, 

24  Mr. President.  

25               Is there any further business at 


 1  the desk?

 2               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   There is 

 3  no further business.

 4               SENATOR LIBOUS:   Mr. President, 

 5  there being no further business, I move that we 

 6  adjourn until Monday, March 19th, at 3:00 p.m., 

 7  intervening days being legislative days.

 8               ACTING PRESIDENT GRIFFO:   On 

 9  motion, the Senate stands adjourned until Monday, 

10  March 19th, at 3:00 p.m., intervening days being 

11  legislative days.  

12               Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Senate 

13  adjourned.

14               (Whereupon, at 11:45 a.m., the 

15  Senate adjourned.)