Serrano & the American Heart Association to Sponsor FREE Hands-Only CPR Training

Senator Serrano and The American Heart Association are sponsoring an important FREE hands-only CPR training for the community. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a leading cause of death in the U.S.- but when ordinary people, not just doctors and EMTs, are equipped with the skills to perform CPR, the survival rate can double, or even triple. Most people who experience cardiac arrest at home, work or in a public location are at risk because they don't receive immediate CPR from someone on the scene. You can help! 

We are offering TWO classes, one at 3:00 PM and another at 3:30 PM on Thursday, October 2nd. Each class runs approximately 30 minutes. 

Please join us for this important course designed to help you learn more about this life saving technique! This course is a NON-CERTIFIED CLASS. Participants will receive a presentation designed for informational purposes and will not result in CPR certification.

For more information or to RSVPplease call George Damalas from Senator Serrano's Office at (212) 828-5829 or email and let him know which session you wish to sign up for.

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