Fall Shredding Event

To help constituents clear out files and properly dispose of personal papers and donate useable household items to benefit veterans, Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. is hosting a special event that combines those two elements. 

On Sunday, September 29, a shredding truck will be at the Forest Park Bandshell Parking lot, located in Forest Park on Forest Park Drive in Woodhaven from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. shredding paper and documents. The United Veterans War Council will be collecting donations for veterans including clothing, kids toys, shoes, household items, books and smaller furniture pieces.

Items that cannot be shredded during this event include any cardboard, newspapers, file folders, and metals or plastics. There will be a (3) copy box limit on how much can be shredded per person to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to shred their materials. 

For more information about this event, call Addabbo’s office at 718-738-1111.

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