22 Apr 2013

Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Meeting

Legislative Office Building

01:30 PM to 01:45 PM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer, Chair
1:30 PM, Monday, April 22, 2013
Room 801 LOB

PLEASE NOTE: The following bills have been placed on the agenda pursuant to Senate Rule VII, §3(e) - Motion for Committee Consideration:

Printed No.



Refer to Transportation


An act to amend the business corporation law, the cooperative corporations law, the not-for-profit corporation law, the railroad law, the transportation corporations law, the banking law and the limited liability company law, in relation to enacting the "corporate political activity accountability to shareholders act"

Refer to Finance


An act to amend the public authorities law and the New York state urban development corporation act, in relation to requiring organizations that receive funds for capital improvements by the New York state dormitory authority and the urban development corporation to use such funds for the purchase of energy star equipment and appliances where available



An act to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the city of New York water board



An act to amend the public authorities law and the transportation law, in relation to establishing the Corinth and Warren railroad authority and establishing the powers and duties of the town of Corinth, the county of Warren and other municipalities located along the railroad line



An act to amend the not-for-profit corporation law, in relation to regulation of interments in certain cemetery corporations

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24 Feb

09 Feb

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