Full Steam Ahead? Joint Hearing on the MTA’s 2010 - 2014 Capital Plan
Bill Perkins
November 30, 2009
- Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
Notice of Public Hearing
Title: Full Steam Ahead? Joint Hearing on the MTA’s 2010 - 2014 Capital Plan
Subject and Purpose: In October the MTA issued a Capital Plan that details the projects it intends to construct and develop over the next five years. Of the nearly $30 billion in projected capital needs, the Authority is already nearly $10 billion short. A recent Citizens Budget Commission report criticized the MTA’s design and management of Capital Plan Projects. In light of these concerns, this hearing will focus on the specifics of the proposed plan and funding strategies, as well as the process by which such plans are prepared and executed. The purpose is to improve the process and make it more transparent and accountable. The Committee will receive testimony from the MTA, advocates and the general public.
Senate Standing Committees
Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
Senator Bill Perkins, Chair
Investigations and Government Operations
Senator Craig Johnson, Chair
MTA Capital Program Review Board, Voting Member
Joint Hearing on MTA Capital Plan
December 3, 2009 – 10:00 AM
Location: 250 Broadway
19th Fl Senate Hearing Room
New York, New York
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