Assembly Bill A9009C

Signed By Governor
2015-2016 Legislative Session

Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan of the 2016-2017 state fiscal year

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Archive: Last Bill Status Via S6409 - Signed by Governor

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments

2015-A9009 - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2015-A9009 - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2016-2017 state fiscal year; amends the real property tax law and the tax law, in relation to transitioning the school tax relief (STAR) exemption into a personal income tax credit (Part A); intentionally omitted (Part B); intentionally omitted (Part C)

2015-A9009 - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K

    S. 6409                                                  A. 9009

                      S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y

                            January 14, 2016

IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
  cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
  when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance

IN  ASSEMBLY  --  A  BUDGET  BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to
  article seven of the Constitution -- read once  and  referred  to  the
  Committee on Ways and Means

AN  ACT  to amend the real property tax law and the tax law, in relation
  to transitioning  the  school  tax  relief  (STAR)  exemption  into  a
  personal income tax credit, and to repeal subdivision 5 of section 520
  of  the  real property tax law relating thereto (Part A); to amend the
  real property tax law, in  relation  to  the  maximum  amount  of  tax
  savings  allowable  under the STAR program (Part B); to amend the real
  property tax law in relation to making the income verification program
  mandatory (Part C); to amend the real property tax law, in relation to
  allowing applications for exemptions to be  filed  after  the  taxable
  status  date  in  certain cases (Part D); to amend the tax law and the
  administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establish-
  ing a new school tax reduction credit for residents of a city  with  a
  population  over  one million (Part E); to amend the real property tax
  law, in relation to  authorizing  the  commissioner  of  taxation  and
  finance to make direct payments of STAR tax savings to property owners
  in certain cases (Part F); to amend the tax law, in relation to making
  permanent,  provisions  relating to mandatory electronic filing of tax
  documents, improving sales tax compliance and  updating  tax  preparer
  penalties;  to amend chapter 61 of the laws of 2011, amending the real
  property tax law and other laws relating to establishing standards for
  electronic tax administration, in relation to the effectiveness there-
  of; and to repeal certain provisions of the tax law and  the  adminis-
  trative  code  of  the  city of New York relating thereto (Part G); to
  amend the public housing law, in  relation  to  extending  the  credit
  against  income  tax  for  persons or entities investing in low-income
  housing (Part H); to amend the tax law, in relation to  extending  the
  hire  a  veteran credit for an additional two years (Part I); to amend
  the tax law, in relation to  extending  the  empire  state  commercial
  production  tax  credit  (Part J); to amend chapter 604 of the laws of
  2011, amending the tax law relating to the credit  for  companies  who

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets

2015-A9009A - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2015-A9009A - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2016-2017 state fiscal year; amends the real property tax law and the tax law, in relation to transitioning the school tax relief (STAR) exemption into a personal income tax credit (Part A); intentionally omitted (Part B); intentionally omitted (Part C)

2015-A9009A - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K

    S. 6409--A                                            A. 9009--A

                      S E N A T E - A S S E M B L Y

                            January 14, 2016

IN  SENATE -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted by the Governor pursuant to arti-
  cle seven of the Constitution -- read twice and ordered  printed,  and
  when  printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance -- committee
  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
  to said committee

IN ASSEMBLY -- A BUDGET BILL, submitted  by  the  Governor  pursuant  to
  article  seven  of  the  Constitution -- read once and referred to the
  Committee on Ways and Means --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

AN  ACT  to amend the real property tax law and the tax law, in relation
  to transitioning  the  school  tax  relief  (STAR)  exemption  into  a
  personal income tax credit, and to repeal subdivision 5 of section 520
  of  the  real property tax law relating thereto (Part A); to amend the
  real property tax law, in  relation  to  the  maximum  amount  of  tax
  savings  allowable  under the STAR program (Part B); to amend the real
  property tax law in relation to making the income verification program
  mandatory (Part C); to amend the real property tax law, in relation to
  allowing applications for exemptions to be  filed  after  the  taxable
  status  date  in  certain cases (Part D); to amend the tax law and the
  administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establish-
  ing a new school tax reduction credit for residents of a city  with  a
  population  over  one million (Part E); to amend the real property tax
  law, in relation to  authorizing  the  commissioner  of  taxation  and
  finance to make direct payments of STAR tax savings to property owners
  in certain cases (Part F); to amend the tax law, in relation to making
  permanent,  provisions  relating to mandatory electronic filing of tax
  documents, improving sales tax compliance and  updating  tax  preparer
  penalties;  to amend chapter 61 of the laws of 2011, amending the real
  property tax law and other laws relating to establishing standards for
  electronic tax administration, in relation to the effectiveness there-
  of; and to repeal certain provisions of the tax law and  the  adminis-
  trative  code  of  the  city of New York relating thereto (Part G); to
  amend the public housing law, in  relation  to  extending  the  credit
  against  income  tax  for  persons or entities investing in low-income
  housing (Part H); to amend the tax law, in relation to  extending  the
  hire  a  veteran credit for an additional two years (Part I); to amend

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets

2015-A9009B - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Budget Bills
Laws Affected:
Amd Various Laws, generally

2015-A9009B - Summary

Enacts into law major components of legislation which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2016-2017 state fiscal year; amends the real property tax law and the tax law, in relation to transitioning the school tax relief (STAR) exemption into a personal income tax credit (Part A); intentionally omitted (Part B); intentionally omitted (Part C)

2015-A9009B - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                          I N  A S S E M B L Y

                            January 14, 2016

A  BUDGET  BILL,  submitted by the Governor pursuant to article seven of
  the Constitution -- read once and referred to the  Committee  on  Ways
  and  Means -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
  amended and recommitted to said committee -- again reported from  said
  committee  with amendments, ordered reprinted as amended and recommit-
  ted to said committee

AN ACT intentionally omitted (Part A); intentionally omitted  (Part  B);
  to  amend  the real property tax law, in relation to making the income
  verification program mandatory (Part C); to amend  the  real  property
  tax  law,  in  relation  to allowing applications for exemptions to be
  filed after the taxable status date in  certain  cases  (Part  D);  to
  amend the tax law and the administrative code of the city of New York,
  in  relation  to  establishing  a  new school tax reduction credit for
  residents of a city with a population over one million  (Part  E);  to
  amend  the  real  property  tax  law,  in  relation to authorizing the
  commissioner of taxation and finance to make direct payments  of  STAR
  tax savings to property owners in certain cases (Part F); to amend the
  tax  law,  in  relation  to  making  permanent, provisions relating to
  mandatory electronic filing of  tax  documents,  improving  sales  tax
  compliance and updating tax preparer penalties; to amend chapter 61 of
  the  laws  of  2011, amending the real property tax law and other laws
  relating to establishing standards for electronic tax  administration,
  in  relation  to  the  effectiveness  thereof;  and  to repeal certain
  provisions of the tax law and the administrative code of the  city  of
  New  York  relating thereto (Part G); to amend the public housing law,
  in relation to extending the credit against income tax for persons  or
  entities  investing  in  low-income housing (Part H); to amend the tax
  law, in relation to extending the hire a veteran credit for  an  addi-
  tional  two  years  (Part  I);  to  amend  the tax law, in relation to
  extending the empire state commercial production tax credit (Part  J);
  to  amend  the  tax  law,  in relation to the credit for companies who
  provide transportation to individuals with disabilities; and to  amend
  chapter  604 of the laws of 2011, amending the tax law relating to the
  credit for companies who provide transportation to people  with  disa-
  bilities,  in  relation  to extending the expiration of such provision
  (Part K); to amend part I of chapter 58 of the laws of 2006,  amending
  the  tax law relating to providing an enhanced earned income tax cred-

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets